Our House, Your Home - Winter 2023

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Themagazinefor Lincolnshire Housing Partnershipresidents Winter 2022/23 YourHome OurHouse, Damp, mould andcondensation We cangive youadvice to help you GetWinterWise We cansupport youinthe colder months From Customer to Colleague Hayley’s journey to aHousingOfficer www.lincolnshirehp.com Milestonereached on ourrefurbishment programme Find outmoreabout new kitchens in Immingham

Introduction from the CEO

Hello everyone andwelcome to the Winter 2022/23edition of OurHouse,Your HometheLHP customer magazine.

Alot has changedsince ourlastissue.Wewereofcourse shockedbythe tragic deathoftwo-year oldAwaab IshakinRochdaledue to damp andmould in asocialhousingproperty.

We want to reassure youthatwe’re committed to dealingwithyourdampand mouldconcerns. Youshouldhaveall received aletterfromusonthe subject, andthere’ssomemoreinformation for youinthismagazine.

There’salsothe cost-of-living crisis to thinkabout too your landlord.It’simportant foryou to knowthatwe’re youwiththe supportthatyou need.That’swhy we ha Winter Wise campaign to helpyou through these diff

Despitethe ongoingchallengesthatfaceus, we do h more positive thingstoreport, such as our 1500th kitc withour partnersatEQUANSand thestory of howon HousingOfficersmade the journey from ‘customer to Enjoythe read and we look forwardtoseeingyou in 2

o.We’re notjust e heretoprovide ave launched our ficultmonths. havesome cheninstallation neofour newest o colleague’ 2023.

Best wishes

Contents We canhelpyou withdamp, mould 3 andcondensation GetWinterWisewithLHP 4 ASBUpdates 5 Milestonereached on 6 refurbishmentprogramme From customer to colleague 7 Talk MoneyWeek 8 Lowcarbonheatingprogrammes 9 Customer memberof 10 ourOperationsCommittee Keeping yousafe from 11 scammersthis Christmas
Macdonald ChiefExecutive

We canhelp youwithdamp, mouldand condensation

As your landlord, we have aresponsibility to assess anydamp and mould thatisfound in your home and to agree anythe action that needs to be takentoresolve theproblems. Weneed your help so thatwecan do more to assistyou with anydamp, mouldand condensation issues.

Howcan Ispotdamp, mould and condensation in my home?

The pictures on this page can help youspot damp, mouldand condensation in your home.

I’vegot concerns about damp, mouldand condensation in my home –whatshould Ido?

If youhaveany concerns aboutdamp, mouldand condensation in your home, please contact our dedicated phone line on 01472 404689 (between8.30amand 5pm Monday-Friday) or email us at customerservices@lincolnshirehp.com. (including photosofthe affected area).

What can Idotohelpprevent damp, mould and condensation?

To help preventdamp, mould and condensation issues in your home, there are afew things thatcan go along wayto help, such as:

• Dry clothes outside, or if using atumble dryer,makesureit’sventedoutside

• Ventilaterooms daily, and do notblock extractorfans

• Increaseventilation in the kitchen and bathroom when in use and shut the door

• Heat your home alittlemore

• Avoid putting furnitureagainst cold external walls and keep asmall gap between large pieces of furnitureand thewalls

OK, but Iamstruggling to heatmy home to help me preventdamp, mould and condensation:

If youare struggling to heatyour home please visit www.lincolnshirehp.com/ money-support formoneysupport advice or e-mail us at MoneySupportService@ lincolnshirehp.com. Our team can help you find out if youare entitled to anyofthe fundingand benefits available towards fuel bills.

0345 604 1472 www.lincolnshirehp.com
Mould Condensation


We all knowhouseholds arefeeling the pinch but we’reinthis together.Tohelp, we’veput together arange of specialist support, so youdon’t have to worry or maketough choices between heating or eating this winter.

If you’re struggling, we want youtoknow youcan turn to us. We can help you access funds and grants youmay not realise youare eligible for, put youin touch with lots of local and national support organisations, and help youwith form filling and applications.

Our MoneySupport Service is free to all our customers, and –inlinewith our values –weput the Customer First.By working Together,wewill support youin away thatsuits you.

We’re afriendly, understandingteam. From finding extramoneyfor school uniform to funding festive gifts and coping with unexpected bills, and more, we knowand understand what it’s like to balance ahouseholdbudget.

Youwill have received aWinter Wise brochure with this mailing and youcan also find out more information online at www.lincolnshirehp.com/winterwise.

Areyou part of MyLHPyet?

Youcan manage your tenancyatthe touch of abuttonwith our MyLHP app. We now have over 3,700 registered usersofthe app and portal, which means 30% of youhave signed up to manage your accountonline.

This housing managementsolution wasa big stepinour digital journey, providing youwith aquick and easychannel to self-serve, see your rentaccount, submit queries, report repairsand /orASB, plus much more.

Formoreinformation on MyLHP, visit www.mylhp.co.uk or talk to your Housing Officer.



Caravan removalinBoston

Customershad previouslycontacted us about an illegallyparked caravan and trespassers on our land near BroadfieldLane in Boston. We’re pleased to inform youthatHigh Court EnforcementOfficersweable to evict the occupants on Thursday17November. ThankstoWakefieldAutos fortheir assistance in removaland storage, as well as our partners at Lincolnshire Police.

“We urge all our customerstoabide by the terms of their TenancyAgreement. This is a starkreminder thatiftheycontinuouslybreak this agreement, thattheyface the tough sanction of losing theirhome.

“We knowthatwehavetotake the necessary action against those thatbring disruption and upsettoour estates and neighbourhoods by engaging in ASBorcriminal activity.”

Operation Yellowfin

Information from the public is vital to Humberside Police in tackling the crime and antisocial behaviour caused by nuisance motorcycles. If youhaveany information aboutthis type of crime, please call Humberside Policeontheir non-emergency number 101,quoting ‘OpYellowfin’.

Assisting the community on the Nunsthorpe

We secured an eviction of ahouseholdonthe Nunsthorpe Estate in Grimsby, aftera series of incidents of anti-social behaviour and activity. In February, we were able to obtain a Suspended Possession Order (SPO)onthe property due to this behaviour.The order was suspended on the terms thatthe tenancy holder complied with the terms of their TenancyAgreement.

The terms of the SPO were breached and the eviction took place on 27 September by Court Bailiffs.

Susan Sendall, ASB Manager said: “This nowallowsusto provide amuchneeded home for another family.

Stay StreetSafe in your area

StreetSafe is apilotservice foryou to anonymouslytell your local police about public places where youhavefeltorfeel unsafe, because of environmental issues, e.g., street lighting, abandoned buildings or vandalism and/or because of behaviours, like being followed or verballyabused. Youcan find out more online by visiting: www.police.uk/pu/notices/streetsafe/ street-safe/

5 0345 604 1472 www.lincolnshirehp.com

Milestonereached on refurbishmentprogramme

An Immingham home has become the 1500th to be revamped as part of a£6m annual investmentinthe area.

Louise Spalding, who has lived in her terraced property on Blair Walk for13years,has had her kitchen completelytransformed thanks to our partnership with EQUANS, the new name forENGIE’s regeneration and serviceled activities.

Speaking aboutthe work,Louise, said: “I’m more than happy with my newkitchen, Ican’t stop looking at it.The team consulted with me on the design of my kitchen, and Icould choose from aselection of colours and units to make it work forme. Thepeoplewho fitted it were greatand the work they’ve done has reallymade ahugedifference.”

Afurther 700 properties in North East Lincolnshire will benefit from the refurbishment. Residents eligible forthe work will receive newbathrooms, kitchens and

central heating systems, as well as new windows and doorstohelp keep their homes warmer.

Sean Corcoran, Regional Director at EQUANS, said:“We’re delighted to be working with LHP on this extensive improvementwork,which is making areal difference to people’s homes and creating newspaces thattheycan enjoy. This is asignificant milestone to reach on this project, and it’s greattosee theimpact it is having on residents.”

DannyWyer, ourCorporateHeadofAssets said: “We are committed to investing in our customers’ homes to ensure theymeetthe DecentHomes Standard.

“We are in the process of reviewing our long-termprogrammes which will be shared with customerssothattheyhavea clear guide as to when their homes will receive major improvements.”


From customer to colleague

We’redelighted to welcome oneofour newest Housing Officers, HayleyPerry, to ourteam.

We make sure that we celebrateand welcome allour newstarterswith our colleagues,but we wanted to share some of Hayley’sreasons forjoining us with you. Hayleyhas been oneofour customers for over twoyears. Earlierthisyear, she had a home visit from her Housing Officer Chloe Gilbert. Hayleycommended Chloe on the professional yetfriendly interaction that theyhad

She said:“Having ahome visit can sometimes be quite stressful, so it wasnice to meet

someone as friendlyand down to earth as Chloe.”

Hayleyexplainedhow impressed shewas with howChloehad interacted with her youngson when she happenedtovisit them on hisbirthday.

“Chloe made us feelsoatease,” she added.

“Ithad such apositive impact on me,and I thoughtabout joining theteamand working foranorganisationlike LHP.”

Hayleylater applied fora Housing Officer role and wassuccessfullyappointed in October. Thisreallyalignswith our values and priorities, putting the Customer Firstand building strongcommunities,where our customers feel welcome and valued.

7 0345 604 1472 www.lincolnshirehp.com
“Chloe madeusfeel so at ease,Ithad such a positiveimpactonme, andI thoughtabout joining the team .”

Talk MoneyWeek

As part of Talk MoneyWeek, we heldeventsfor customers at Centre4and Freeman Street Market in Grimsby.

Talk MoneyWeekisanannual awareness campaign coordinated by the Moneyand Pensions Service to encourage everyone to be open abouttheir moneyand pensions.

Nicola Leach, Income Team Leader said: “Talk MoneyWeekaims to reduce the stigmaaround moneybyencouraging conversations among families, friends, neighbours, customers, colleagues and communities.

“Talking openlyaboutmoneycan have ahuge impact on tackling moneyworries and is important forour overall health and relationships.

Our MoneySupportService are on hand to talk aboutthe cost-of-living crisis, benefits and much more. Youcan contact the team by calling 0345 604 1472 or emailing MoneySupportService@ lincolnshirehp.com.

Christmas cheer at Chatteris House

We welcomed the children of Great CoatesPrimary School to Chatteris House in Grimsbyfor aspecial Christmas Carol concert. Thanks to theschool forcoming along and spreading some festivejoy to ourcustomers.

Reading Buddiesreturns to Mayfields

We have recently restarted our ‘Reading Buddies’programme at our Mayfields Scheme in Boston.

The Reading Buddiesprogramme wasstarted before Covid, but due to national lockdowns and other restrictions, we had to put it on hold.

Children from schools in the local area visit our residents at Mayfieldsand read stories and share their work with them. Both the children and our residents reallyenjoythese sessions, and our mostrecentone with Staniland Academy sawa greatturnout.

Staniland Academy’sDeputy Headteacher, Kerry Carr, said:

“Asa school, we havebeen visiting the residents at Mayfieldsfor anumber of years now. During lockdown, the children expressed howmuchthey missed the residents, and howmuchthey

wanted to showtheywerestill in theirthoughts.

“Every week, pupils from differentyear groups arenow heading over to visit the residents again, and theyabsolutelylovesharing their books, poems and stories from the week gone by.

It is an absolute joytobeabletovisit again –the children (and adults) really look forwardtoit!”

Oneofour Mayfields residents, Mabel (99 years of age), said “the children just lift my soul”.


Lowcarbonheating programmes

On 3November,wepartnered with Vaillantand Aircotodeliver their Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) DemonstrationTrailer to one of our neighbourhoods in Sutterton.

Customers were able to seeanASHP in real life and learn abouthow the system works. We had our installers, Airco, on hand to answer anyquestions aboutthe installation process. Happy customersfromour last programme were able to demystify common

misconceptions, changing the minds of other customerswho are nowmore than happy to proceed with their install.

This eventplayedanimportantrole towards our ambition forall homes be to EPCC by 2030.

Update to ourComplaints Handbook

From 1October 2022, achange in the lawmeans thatyou will no longer have to contact adesignated person or wait eightweeksbefore referring your complainttothe Housing Ombudsman if youremain dissatisfied at the end of our process. We have updated our Customer First Handbook to reflect these changes.

0345 604 1472 www.lincolnshirehp.com

Introducingthe firstcustomer member of our Operations Committee

Earlier this year,wesentyou some information inviting youtoapplyfor arole on our Operations Committee.

We heldthe first round of recruitmentfor this role during the summer, with Geraldine Brazil being the successful candidate. She spoke of her background and her hopes forthe role.

“I have been an LHP customer for17years and taking on this unique role gives me an invaluable perspective from the viewof the customer,” she said.

Memory Lane

Our Memory Lane Dementia DayServiceis provided in partnership with AgeUKLincoln and South Lincolnshireatour Mayfields scheme in Boston.

The service provides asafeand enjoyable experience forindividuals while offering carersthe opportunitytorestorotherwise enjoytheir time.


Asecureand peaceful environment

Employees trained in dementia care

Time, patience and understanding

The opportunity to socialisewith others within asmall group –uptoamaximum of 15 clients

Activities designed to engage and stimulate

Anutritious twocourse lunch (additional cost applies)

Refreshments throughoutthe day

Signposting to other services forcarers

Onefree trial session to help us and you assess if this is the rightenvironment.

“I have property experience in conveyancing, and Iamcurrently an A-level teacher

“Growing up on acouncil estate in London has given me an insightintowhatitislike to grow up in social housing from ayoung child rightthrough to adulthood.”

She continued: “My goal is to help LHP deliver services thattheir customersexpect and deserve.”

If youthink youcould join Gerri and be amember of our Operations Committee in the future, register your interest with our GovernanceTeam by calling 0345 604 1472 or emailing ExecSupport@lincolnshirehp.com.

Is it suitable foryou?

The service is suitable forpeopleliving with dementia who are able, with support, to enjoy spending time with othersina group setting

If youorthe person youcare formightbenefit from the service, please contact us and we will arrange to meetyou to make sure this is the rightoption foryou.


Full daysession: £51.50

Half aday session: £35.40

Hourlyrate: £9.40

Lunch: £5.50

Find out moreinformation by calling 0345 604 1472,emailing memorylane@ lincolnshirehp.com or visiting www. lincolnshirehp.com/dementia-day-care


Keepingyou safe from scammers this Christmas

International Fraud Awareness Week ranfromMonday7 November to Friday11November.

Earlier this year, we contacted youabout several scams thatwere occurring over telephone and the internet. We’re asking you to remember:

• We would notcall youfroman0161 number and anyworks would be discussed with youinadvance, ratherthan us inviting ourselvesintoyour home to carry out undetermined works

• We would notcontact customers directly through Facebook regarding your Direct Debit,nor would we ask forscreenshots through the Messenger system

As part of our efforts this year, we stood up and pledged to educate others. That’swhy we’re telling youtoStop, Challenge and Protect.

Stop –Taking amomenttostopand think before parting with your moneyorinformation couldkeep yousafe.

Challenge –Could it be fake?It’sokayto reject, refuse or ignore anyrequests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.

Protect -Contact your bank immediately if youthink you’ve fallen fora scam and report it to www.actionfraud.police.uk.

• All our colleagues have an LHP ID card, which youcan check before theyenter your home.

If youare contacted by ascammer through Facebook,there are some handysteps you can take:

• Contact your bank immediately

• Contact the Policeon101

• Block the person from contacting you on social media

• Report anysuspect posts and messages directlytothe social media company

• Let us knowsothatwecan reassureyou

We want to keep our customerssafe. If you suspect anyone is trying to illegallyaccess your home or tenancyaccount, please letus knowthrough Direct Messaging or email info@lincolnshirehp.com,and also report the incidenttoAction Fraud.

0345 604 1472 www.lincolnshirehp.com 11

Join our ScrutinyPanel

Do youwanttomakeadi erence in shaping our future? We arerecruiting forcustomers for our involvementpanels.

This is an exciting opportunity to in uenceour performanceand provide avoicefor allof ourcustomers.

Our commitmentistoGreatHomes andStrong Communities. We need your inputtomake sure that we’re focusingonwhatisimportanttoyou

This role comeswith training and support opportunities. This is avoluntary position but there are other incentives available,and all childcare is paid for.

Ourcharitableefforts in 2022

We recently held avery successful Macmillan Coffee Morningevent at Mayfields in Boston, with over60 people attending.

We raised £112 forMacmillan andwould like to thankeveryone who took part in this eventand made it possible.

Thanksalso go outtothe band,Friars Folly, thatplayedatthe event, who gave their time forfree to entertain the Mayfields residents.

We presented acheque for £7,685.48 to Lincolnshire &Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance at their headquartersatRAF Waddington. This donation waspartof

our colleagues’charitable fundraising in 2021/22, which featured online quizzes, raffles, name cards and other events.

In 2022/23, our colleagues arenow fundraising forThrombosis UK. Youcan find out moreabout their work at www.thrombosisuk.org.

If you’re interested in joining us, visit our websiteat www.lincolnshirehp.com/get-involved 0345 604




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