LILY Life & Style OD
MARY A TRUE SURVIVOR Mary Mummert, an inspiring paraplegic mum and abuse survivor shares her story of how starting life with childhood and sexual abuse can spiral a life out of control. But with a strong will, faith, determination and the support of family and friends even the mostextreme experiences can be overcome. This is Mary’s story... My abuse started when I was only 4 years
old. My mother would beat me with belt buckles, switches, metal fly swatter handles and wouldn’t think twice about it. She married a man that worked hard, but was a nasty drunk. He and my mother would get into horrible fights and sometimes the cops were called. I can remember one night my then stepfather fought with them on the front porch and I was told later he had tried to grab one of their guns. On that morning I can remember being taken to my grandmother’s house. Her house was my safe place and I enjoyed quiet time there with her and her roommate. Happily playing and watching the trains pass through her front yard, waving to the conductors as they passed by.