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Buddhafield and this same Energy Blockage removal and Brain Stimulation can be given to any person who comes into the Buddhafield to learn advanced practices of Meditation. The Speeding up of your Meditative processes towards Enlightenment, the spreading of the Light of Synthesis through the creation of New Nodes of Light, growing ever stronger with the passage of time, the gaining of strength, energy, luck and Light. We have to be inwardly rich to give away everything. We need a large Evolutionary bank account. The Buddhafield of Energy is the expression of that Generosity.

The Energy Enhancement Ancient and Effective Meditation Techniques and Old Meditation Systems The Antahkarana is a psychic body which is you or rather your greater self yet you are inhabiting only a small part of yourself. You are inhabiting only the seven chakras whereas the Antahkarana stretches from the chakra in the center of the earth, Kundalini Chakra, through you and up through your crown chakra through all the chakras above your head, to God. The Antahkarana is the communication bus, the energy of the Holy Spirit, which connects between heaven and Earth. These three are the Holy Trinity. The Father, the Earth Mother and the Holy Spirit or Sat Chid Ananda. The Antahkarana in terms of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus is that which communicates between the Sun and the Earth. The Antahkarana has many ancient and physical representations. The Obelisk is the physical, artistic, objective art, representation of the Antahkarana or the tower which connects all the chakras together. The Tower. The Tower struck by Lightning. The Rainbow Bridge which connects all the infinity of chakras from the center of the earth chakra through the seven chakras of the body and up through the infinity of chakras above the head.


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