Stories of Ancient Egypt and Africa

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Stories of Africa and Ancient Egypt

Egypt, and bring Pharaoh of Egypt to the Land of the Negroes, give him publicly, before the King, five hundred blows with the courbash, and carry him back to Egypt in exactly six hours.’ The third said, ‘If Amen would keep me safe from the anger of the King of Egypt, I would cast a spell upon Egypt so that nothing should grow in the fields for three years.’ “Then the King of Ethiopia caused the three vile Ethiopians to be brought before him, and said to the second of them: ‘Execute by your magic spells that which you have said, and, by my god Amen, if you do it well, I will make you rich.’ “So the wizard, whose name was Horus, made of wax a litter with four bearers; he recited a spell over them, and breathed hard upon them; he gave them life, and said: ‘You will go to Egypt; you will bring back Pharaoh to this place where the King is; you will give him a good beating, five hundred blows with the courbash, before the King, and then you will carry him back again to Egypt, all in six hours, and not a minute more.’ “They answered, ‘We will leave nothing undone of what you have ordered.’ So the familiars of the Ethiopian hastened to Egypt; they made themselves masters of the night; they took possession of the Pharaoh Siamen; they brought him to the Land of the Negroes where the King was; they gave him a good beating, five hundred blows of the courbash, in public before the King, and then they carried him back to Egypt, all in six hours, and not 64

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