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@Tony Rogers • June 3, 2016

Copyright and trademark issues are complicated, and despite their views toward Ball’s design, when the

We felt like

Smiley Company attempted to trademark the image in

it was time to

the United States in 1997, they became embroiled in

bring back an

a legal battle with Walmart, which started using the

old friend,

smiley face as a corporate logo in 1996 and tried to

and one of the

claim ownership of it (because of course they did.)

most-recognized symbols of

The law suit lasted 10 years and cost both companies

low price

millions of dollars. It was settled out of court in

... Smiley.

2007 but its terms remain undisclosed. In 2001, Charlie Ball tried to reclaim the optimistic legacy of his father’s creation from unbridled commercialization by starting the World Smile Foundation, which donates money to grass-roots charitable efforts that otherwise receive little attention or funding.

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