Two essays in analytical psychology by carl jung

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PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION '*' (1926) This book was written du ring t he World W ar, a nd i t ow es i ts existence pr imarily t o the ps ychological repercussions of t hat gr eat event. Now that the war is over, the waves are be ginning to subside again. B ut t he great ps ychological problems that t he war t hrew u p still occupy the mind and heart of every thinking and feeling person. It i s p robably t hanks to this t hat m y l ittle b ook has s urvived the postwar period and now appears in a third edition. In view o f the f act that s even years ha ve e lapsed since t he publication o f t he f irst e dition, I h ave de emed it necessary t o undertake fairly extensive alterations and improvements, particularly in the chapters on types and on the unconscious. The chapter on "The Development of Types i n t he A nalytical Process" I ha ve om itted entirely, as this question has since received comprehensive treatment in my book Psychological Types, to which I must refer the interested reader. Anyone who has tried to popularize highly complicated material that is still in the process of scientific development will agree with me that this is no easy task. It is even more difficult when many of the psychological processes and problems I have to discuss here are quite unknown t o m ost pe ople. M uch of what I s ay m ay a rouse their prejudices or may appear arbitrary; but they should bear in mind that the purpose of such a book can be, at most, to give them a rough idea of i ts s ubject and t o p rovoke t hought, b ut not t o enter into all t he details of the argument. I shall be quite satisfied if my book fulfils this purpose.



Kilsnacht, Zurich, APril I925

• [ Zurich, 192 6; t itle c hanged t o Das Unbewusste im normalen und kranken Seelenleben. Trans. by H. G . a nd C . F . B aynes a s " The Unconscious i n t he Normal and P athological Mind" in Two Essays on Analytical Psychology (London and New York, 1928).] t [Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology (2nd edn.), pp. 437-41.]


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