Literature Review

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Lit Review 9

online dating. A main part of running a successful online dating service is finding out what attracts clientele to the site. Jessica Sautter, Rebecca Tippett, and Philip Morgan were curious about what sociodemographics have an impact on Internet and non-Internet users to partake in dating websites. Sautter et al. (2010) had two main focus questions for this study. They wanted to examine the role of computer literacy, social networks, and attitudes toward Internet dating. As well as wanting to identify certain sociodemographic correlates for who uses online dating sites. Those sociodemographic variables were gender, race, age, education, income, and religion. Various measurements were done in the methods part of the experiment. Sautter et al. (2010) first used data from a 2005 national telephone survey conducted by Pew Internet & American Life Project. The survey looked at how the Internet plays a role in the family, community, and public lives of individuals. Then they reported descriptive stats on all of the Internet users. Finally, chi-square tests were made to show the differences between groups. After this complicated process results were soon to follow. Results found by Sautter et al. (2010) helped the researchers figure out how certain variables effect the use of online dating. For one of the first variables tested, socioeconomic status did not have an impact on who used the Internet. Knowledge of how to use the computer had a positive correlation with online dating users. Some of the other variables that resulted in a positive online dating websites were: makes, having a high school education and higher, and living in a nice community. Older adults and black individuals are less likely to use the Internet altogether compared to younger adults and

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