Jesus The Extraterrestrial

Page 211

Jesus The Extraterrestrial – Origins

when he is born, his name shall be Jesus. He will come to earth to save his people.’ Joseph was struck dumb. He fell to his knees while the light over his head was dimming. Some months later, when he had confronted the ire of the priests of the temple, who thought that he had violated the Virgin Mary, the news came that the Emperor was conducting a new census and that the people should return to their home towns to be counted. Joseph and Mary set out. She rode on an ass with her husband on foot. In front of them went Joseph’s children. When they were only three miles from Bethlehem, Joseph saw Mary put a hand to her belly with a worried look. And Mary called out: ‘Joseph, help me get down, for the fruit of my womb is struggling to be born.’ They were on a desert road, and there was no place nearby for Mary to give birth. They hurried on and further ahead they could see a cave. Joseph carried Mary to the cave, told his children to look after her and hurried to the city to find a midwife. After some hours of searching, as he was passing close to a mountain, a woman who was coming down it shouted to him: ‘Where are you going in such a state, man?’ ‘I am looking for a Jewish midwife.’ ‘But you are from Israel?’ ‘Yes I am.’ ‘And who is giving birth?’ ‘It’s my wife. She is Mary, who was brought up in the temple and conceived by the grace of the Holy Spirit.’ ‘Is that the truth?’ 211

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