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LEARNING BY UNIVERSITY PROJECTS IN TERRITORIAL JOSE FELIX RIBAS ABSTRACT This research aims to support the teaching projects as a comprehensive strategy to strengthen the intellectual, comprehensive training and social bonding within the National Training Programmes (NFP) that develop in the Territorial University JosĂŠ FĂŠlix Ribas (UPT JFR). To this end, the research involves two epistemic-methodological moments: a phenomenological point where you try to capture the experience on project learning, such as live, feel and think teachers. A second time, we called sociocritic where teachers reflect collectively on their teaching practices for project and thereafter generate proposals for the transformation of these practices in terms of its contribution to increased awareness and social equality. For the realization of the phenomenological moments sociocritic techniques are resorted to in-depth interviews and focus groups, respectively. The main product is a pedagogical project that conceived as a tool for social transformation, which uses knowledge dialogue as the main methodology assumes that projects should be developed in the context of a university-environment marked by its organic status and vision of short, medium and long term. Keywords: project learning, comprehensive education, social interaction and intellectual creation.

Date Received: 12-02-2013

Acceptance: 25-03-2013


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