Le French May 2014 Brochure

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Every year, Le French May invites a collection of internationally-renowned artists to showcase world-class performances. The educational and outreach programme for performing arts and cinema lets them share their experience and knowledge with everyone. • 演前座談 / 演後分享

Pre-Concert Talk / Post-Performance Sharing

• 演前座談 / 演後分享

Pre-Concert Talk / Post-Performance Sharing



Free admission. Open to every ticket-holder of the performance.

Free admission. Open to every ticket-holder of the performance.

• 工作坊 / 大師班

• 公開綵排 / 學生專場 / 免費門票

Workshop / Masterclass

Open Rehearsals/ Student Matinee/Complimentary Tickets

費用全免。因座位有限,請觀眾在活動舉行前於網上預約。 如欲在大師班參與演奏,請盡早以電郵申請。

只供教育機構及非政府組織申請作教育用途。請在活動 舉行前以電郵或電話預約。

Free admission. Registration online prior to the event as observers. Limited seats. Application is required through email for individuals who wish to be coached as participants.

Reserved for educational institutions and non-governmental organisations with a pedagogical purpose. Registration prior to the event by email or phone.





如想了解活動詳情或網上預約,請即瀏覽 www.frenchmay.com/education 或電郵至 education@frenchmay.com 查詢。

For inquiries and registration, please visit www.frenchmay.com/education or contact us directly at education@frenchmay.com. 以下表演及電影節目將附有教育及外展計劃活動:

The following performances and cinema programme will involve dedicated education and outreach activities: Counter-tenor Philippe Jaroussky & Venice Baroque Orchestra Pre-Concert Talk, Lecture, Complimentary Tickets 歌劇《浮士德》查爾斯‧古諾 “Faust” Gounod’s Opera 公開綵排、免費門票 Open Rehearsal, Complimentary Tickets 《請把真相與其他故事告訴我》 “TELL ME THE TRUTH AND OTHER STORIES” by MANGANO-MASSIP 工作坊、講座 Workshop, Talk 韋伯單簧管協奏曲 HONG KONG SINFONIETTA & RAPHAËL SÉVÈRE 大師班、講座 Masterclass, Talk 亞歷山大.薩洛鋼琴獨奏會 Alexandre Tharaud Piano Recital 大師班、免費門票 Masterclass, Complimentary Tickets 星光音樂會古樂團:向哈默致敬 Celebrate Rameau with Le Concert d’Astrée 免費門票 Complimentary Tickets 香港創樂團:《流動建築》 “Liquid Architecture” by Hong Kong New Music Ensemble 講座、大師班 Lecture, Masterclass 弗洛翰‧艾尤與管樂雅集 Florent Héau and Hong Kong Wind Kamerata 大師班 Masterclass 雷寶貝五重奏《音符之旅》 “Voyage of a Note” with Les Bons Becs 現場演出、免費門票 Free Demonstration, Complimentary Tickets 香港城市室樂團:色士風‧樂其中 “Great Sax” by City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong 演前座談、大師班 Pre-Concert Talk, Masterclass THOMAS ENHCO-爵士三重奏音樂會:2013 最具潛質法國爵士藝術家 Thomas Enhco Jazz Trio, the most promising French jazz artist 2013 大師班 Masterclass 地中海尼斯歌劇院芭蕾舞團《馬可孛羅》 Marco Polo by Nice Opera Ballet 公開綵排、免費門票 Open Rehearsal, Complimentary Tickets POCKEMON CREW - "AND... ACTION!":世界嘻哈街舞大賽冠軍隊伍 “And…action!” by Pokemon Crew, Hip Hop Dance World Champions 工作坊、大師班、現場演出 Workshops, Masterclass, Free Demonstration 阿福花劇團《鏡子》:當中國戲劇遇上意大利即興喜劇 “The Mirror” by Théâtre des Asphodèles, when Chinese Opera meets Comediadell’Arte 工作坊、學生專場 Workshop, Student Matinee 卡密爾.波戴爾 - "L'LMMÉDIAT":世界巡迴「新馬戲」 “L’Immédiat” by Camille Boitel 演後分享、工作坊、現場演出 Post-Performance Sharing, Workshop, Complimentary Tickets 法國影響.聚焦中國:法國五月電影計劃 Cinema Programme: French Shadows, All Eyes on China 演後分享、講座 Lecture, Post-Screening Sharing 菲利沛.雅洛斯基與巴洛克交響樂團:經典的閹伶爭鬥 演前座談、講座、免費門票

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