Apostila - Diretrizes para a Digitalização das Telecomunicações

Page 92


Customer tones

Signal/ing equipmem Q.50




of foreign

TrallSmlSSlOnc/alises/o, slgnalfing Q. Ii O



Signalling between circuit multiplication equipments( Cl\1E) and intemational switching centres(lSC)

Q.I13 Q 114

4.5.2 Functions and information f10ws for services in the ISDN


4.5.4 Specifications N°.4 and 5


Specijieations o/ Signal/ing Systems N~"

Stage 2 of the method for the characterization of services supported by an ISDN

Q.120 Q.121 Q.I22 QI23 Q.133

Basle serVlces Q.68 Q.71



Q.8\ Q.82 Q.83 Q.84


Overview of methodology for developing management services ISDN 64 bit/s circuit mode switched bearer services Stage 2 description for packet mode

Q134 Q 135

Supplememary services Q.80


Q.85 Q.86 Q.87

Q.136 Q.137 Q.138

Introduction for stage 2 serY1ce descriptions for supplernentary services Stage 2 description for number identification supplementary services Stage 2 description for call offering supplementary services Stage 2 description for call cornpletion supplernentary services Stage 2 description for rnultiparty supplementary services Stage 2 description for community of interest supplementary services Stage 2 description for charging supplementary services Stage 2 description for additional information transfer supplernentary serY1ces



of Signalling Systems


Q.140 Q.141 Q.142 QI43 Q.\5\ Q 152

Q.153 Q.154 Q.162

4.5.3 Clauses applicable to ITU-T standard systems

Q.163 91


of signalling

Definition and function of signals. Signal code. Signal sender and signal receiver. Signal receiver. Nurnbering for access to autornatic measuring and testing devices Routine testing of equiprnent(local maintenance) Principies of rapid transmission testing equiprnent Loop transmission rneasurements Automatic testing equiprnent Instruments for. checking equiprnent and rneasuring signals Manual testing

4.5.5 Specifications



General aspects of the utilization of standardized ITU- T signalling systerns on PCM links Signal leveis and signal receiver sensitivity Connection of signal receiver in the circuit Typical transmission requirernents for signal senders and receiver

Definition and function of signals Line signalling-Signal code for line signalling Double selZlng with both-way operating Line signal sender Signal code for register signalling End-of-pulsing conditions- Register arrangements conceming ST (end-ofpulsing)signal Multifrequency signal sender Multifrequency signal receiver Routine testing of equipment (local maintenance) Manual testing

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