BIEN 2021

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• Mentorica / Mentor: prof. Marija Jenko • Oblikovanje tekstilij in oblačil, Oddelek za tekstilstvo, grafiko in oblikovanje, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani / Textile and clothing design, Department of textiles, graphics and design, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana • tekstil, sitotisk, digitalen tisk / textile, screen printing, digital printing

Anja Jaklin (SI) Čebela cesta / Bee road (2021) Čebela cesta je poetičen naslov skupine uporabnih izdelkov za otroke, ki je bila zasnovana po motiviki Kranjske čebelice, zaščitene vrste. Čebele, ki so med najpomembnejšimi za dobrobit in ohranitev našega planeta, želi avtorica približati otrokom na prikupen način. Z različnimi tekstilnimi vzorci s humornimi risbami čebelic je oblikovala likovne kompozicije za plakat. Vzorce je z digitalnim in sito-tiskom prenesla še na različne tekstilne izdelke za otroke: T-majica, blazina, maska, totebag in nahrbtnik. The Bee Road is the poetic title of a group of useful products for children, based on the motifs of the Carniolan bee, a protected species. The author wants to bring bees, which are among the most important for the well-being and preservation of our planet, to children in an attractive way. She designed art compositions for the poster with various textile patterns with humorous drawings of bees. She also transferred the samples to various textile products for children with digital and screen printing: T-shirt, pillow, mask, backpack and tote-bag.

• Mentorica / Mentor: prof. Marija Jenko • Oblikovanje tekstilij in oblačil, Oddelek za tekstilstvo, grafiko in oblikovanje, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani / Textile and clothing design, Department of textiles, graphics and design, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana • redko tkana tekstilija, preja (mešanica - volna, akril), odpadni karton, slikarski selotejp, akrilne barve / sparsely woven fabric, yarn (blend - wool, acrylic), waste cardboard, masking tape, acrylic paints

Teja Šter (SI) Svet preslic / World of Horseshoes (2021) Med raziskovanjem rastlinja v kanjonu reke Kokre je avtorico prevzela močvirska preslica. Na razstavi močvirsko preslico interpretira skozi ilustracijo in ročno tehniko vezenja ter v obliki vaze. Umetniški objekti skupaj tvorijo Svet preslic v različnih pogledih, z različnimi teksturami. While exploring the vegetation in the canyon of the river Kokra, the author was taken over by a marsh horsetail. At the exhibition, he interprets the marsh weave through illustration and hand embroidery technique and in the form of a vase. The art objects together form the World of Horses in different respects, with different textures. 93

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