BIEN 2021

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Rob Scholte (NL) Eden najprepoznavnejših nizozemskih sodobnih umetnikov, čigar umetniško delo temelji na reproduciranju podob, trdi da v umetnosti originalnosti ni. Njegova dela so vključena v številne mednarodne umetniške zbirke in številne razstave po vsem svetu (med drugim je razstavljal na Documenti v Kasslu in na Beneškem Bienalu, kjer je svojo državo predstavljal v Nizozemskem paviljonu).

One of the most recognizable Dutch contemporary artists, whose artwork is based on the reproduction of images, argues that there is no originality in art. His works are included in many international art collections and numerous exhibitions around the world (among others, he exhibited at the Documenta in Kassel and at the Venice Biennale, where he represented his country in the Dutch Pavilion).

Tina Struthers (CA) Kanadska tekstilna in vizualna umetnica Tina Struthers je prepoznavna po svojih tekstilnih abstrakcijah velikega formata, ki preslikavajo nepredvidljivost človeškega vpliva na globalne družbe in okolja. Njena dela so bila razstavljena v ZDA, Belgiji, Ukrajini, Južni Koreji, Južni Afriki, v Urugvaju in Španiji, v sklopu BIEN-a pa tudi v Mergentalerjevi ulični galeriji.

Canadian textile and visual artist Tina Struthers is known for her large-format textile abstractions that reflect the unpredictability of human impact on global societies and environments. Her works have been exhibited in the USA, Belgium, Ukraine, South Korea, South Africa, Uruguay and Spain, and as part of BIEN also in Mergentaler Street Gallery in Kranj.

Ýrúrarí (IS) Islandska tekstilna oblikovalka in umetnica Ýr Jóhannsdóttir, ki ustvarja pod imenom Ýrúrarí, osvaja svet s svojimi pleteninami, ki na humoren način črpajo inspiracijo iz avtoričinega vsakdana in jo pretvarjajo v samosvojo pleteno pripoved. Avtorica pri svojem delu poudarja trajnostno naravnanost in mnogi njeni izdelki temeljijo na zavrženih oblačilih, ki jih avtorica preoblikuje v edinstvene, nosljive umetniške kose.

Icelandic textile designer and artist Ýr Jóhannsdóttir (Ýrúrarí), conquers the world with her knitwear, which in a humorous way draws inspiration from the author’s everyday life and turns it into her own knitted narrative. In her work, the author emphasizes a sustainable attitude and many of her products are based on discarded clothing, which the author transforms into unique, wearable pieces of art.



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