Bangladesh is a densely populated country in south east asia

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Save the Children UK (2000). Children and Justice Workshop. Unpublished Report, Save the Children U.K., Dhaka. Save the Children, UK (2000), Juvenile Justice in Uganda: A Situation Analysis, UNICEF. Save the Children UK and Odhikar (2001). Our Children in Jail: Year Book on the State of Juvenile Justice and Violence against Children in Bangladesh. An Unpublished Research Report. Tappan, Paul W. (1949). Juvenile Delinquency, McGraw-HILL Book Company, New York. United Nation Organizations (1995). Defence for Children International, 1995- United Nations Rules for the Protection of Juvenile Deprived of their Liberty (3). William, Goode J. and Hatt, Paul K.(1952). Methods in Social Research. McGraw-Hill, New York. APPENDICES Appendix-1: Guidelines for Interviewing Juvenile Offenders Basic Information Name of the Offender

------------------------------- Age--------------------

Sex-------------------------Education----------------------------------------------Parental Status--------------------------------Occupation------------------------Address of the Offender Village/ Mahalla-------------------------------------------------------------------Police Station-------------------------------District------------------------------Information about Family -

How many brothers and sisters do you have?—Brother-----------Sister--------


What is the occupation of your brothers? -------------------------------


What is the occupation of your sisters? ---------------------------------


What is the occupation of your father? ---------------------------------


What is the occupation of your mother? --------------------------------


Who is the main earning member of your family? -------------------

Involvement in Juvenile Offences -

Why did you get involved in juvenile offence?


What sorts of offence did you get involved in?

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