Foreign Exchange & Foreign Trade in Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited

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Signature and Rubber-stamp seal of the client.

An introducer of AL-ARAFAH ISLAMI Bank Ltd. Introducer must be CD account holder.

Chairman certificate of the client.

Certified true copy of constitution/By-laws/Trust deed/Memorandum and articles of association.

Certified of registration of the association/Club/Charity/Trust/Society (For inspection and returned only certified.)

List of members of the Governing body/Executive committee of the Association /Club/Charity/Trust/Society with their address.

Exact of resolution of the Association/Club/Charity/Trust/Society for opening the account and authorization for its operation duly certified by the chairman sectary of the Association/Club/Charity / Trust/ Society. Etc.

V. Saving Account (individual/joint): Saving account (SB) is meant for the people of the lower and middle classes who wish to save part of their income to meet future needs and intended to earn an income from their saving. For opening of this type of accounts the following requirements are necessary: •

Photographs attested by the introducer.

Chairman certificate of the account holder.

An introducer of AL-ARAFAH ISLAMI Bank Ltd. Introducer must be CD account holder.

For joint of saving deposit and short-term deposit (STD) are as follows. SL. NO

Name of Account

Interest rate


Saving Deposit



Short term Deposit(SND)


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