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he Bloomingdale Trail Connection proposes multiple routes to connect the planned Bloomingdale Trail to the Lakefront Trail, including means to cross the highway, railroads, and river that mark its end. At the river crossing, a new recreation center is proposed to promote biking and kayaking, as well as water UHVHDUFK DQG HGXFDWLRQ ,Qà XHQFHG E\ WKH VLWH¡V former use as a steel-making plant and its prominent form cut by the river, the building takes shape through a sequential process of molding and carving. The GHVLJQ FHOHEUDWHV WKH VLWH¡V LQGXVWULDO SDVW IHDWXULQJ undulating exposed steel trusses and a standing seam cladding which is traditional for shed structures. Thus it is a modern take on industrial building types and a diamond in the rough of the industrial corridor. page 8


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