The shell combined book of knots and ropework

Page 126


Round Sennit, Six


Four strands being the minimum, this sennit is made wi th any even number of strands and although it wou ld normally be made vertica lly, it is shown 'flat' for maximu m clarity. It consists of laking alternate s trands an ti-clockwise around and over t heir immediate neighbours, the first strand, Fig 1, and al l t hree strands, Fig 2, after which each is drawn down, Figs 3 and 4, leaving three strands 'up'. The 'up' strands are nex t taken c lockwise over each of the 'held down' stra nds (wh ich are re leased in passing), Fig 5, showing the first and all three in Fig 6, before the clockwise strands are in turn 'held down', Figs 7 and B. The first three are again taken anti-clockwise and the whole process continued, when the sen nit begins to ta ke sha pe, Fig 9, a completed leng th appearing as in Fig 10 .

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