VNU 2005 Annual Report

Page 119

Assets Classified as Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations

Reconciliation of the net earnings for 2004 reported in the Dutch

VNU has elected to apply the provisions of IFRS 5, “Non-current

GAAP consolidated financial statements to the profit for the year

Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations”, to non-current

attributable to the equity holders of VNU under IFRS:

assets (or disposal groups) that meet the criteria to be classified as held for sale and operations that meet the criteria to be classified as

Dutch GAAP net earnings 2004

discontinued operations as from January 1, 2004. Reconciliations of Equity as of January 1, 2004 and December 31, 2004 and Net Income for the Year 2004 Reconciliation of VNU’s issued capital and reserves as reported in the consolidated financial statements under Dutch GAAP to its capital and reserves attributable to VNU’s equity holders under IFRS as of January 1, and December 31, 2004: January 1, 2004


Issued capital and reserves under Dutch GAAP

December 31, 2004




Intangible assets


Deferred tax liability for identified intangible assets




Income taxes




Revenue recognition




Employee benefits














Other adjustments





Goodwill amortization and impairment charges



Amortization of identified intangible assets



Deferred taxes for identified intangible assets



Income taxes



Revenue recognition



Employee benefits






Share-based payments






World Directories book gain and other tax items





Other adjustments

World Directories book gain and other tax items

Equity attributable to equity holders of VNU under IFRS



IFRS profit for the year 2004 attributable to equity holders of VNU


Explanation of the Effect of the Transition to IFRS The following is an explanation of the reconciling items shown above and changes that impact classification and presentation but do not give rise to amounts in the reconciliations. (a) Business Combinations, Goodwill, and Intangible Assets Under Dutch GAAP, acquired goodwill was capitalized and amortized



over its estimated useful life. IFRS 3 requires that goodwill is not amortized, but is subject to an annual impairment test. As a result, VNU reversed 2004 goodwill amortization and impairment charges of EUR 247 million recorded under Dutch GAAP. Any 2004 Dutch GAAP impairment charges related to VNU’s 2004 recognition of deferred tax assets of a prior business combination, which were not initially valued in the purchase price accounting, were not reversed for IFRS. The resulting tax gain was recognized in the statement of income, and the goodwill associated with the business combination was reduced by an equal amount. VNU conducted an impairment test of the IFRS goodwill balance at January 1, 2004 and at December 31, 2004 in accordance with IAS 36, “Impairment of Assets”. As part of the implementation of IFRS, VNU defined its cash generating units, which differ from the level at which goodwill was tested under Dutch GAAP. As a result of the impairment tests, no impairment charges were recorded at January 1, 2004 or at December 31, 2004. Under Dutch GAAP, VNU classified intangible assets such as trade names, trade shows, customer contracts, and other intangible assets under a single account called publishing rights. As part of VNU’s conversion to IFRS, those intangibles which met the criteria of IAS 38, 115

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