Los Alamos Public School 1965 Yearbook

Page 54

C:ilARI,i;S DAVID m.ACKVVEl.I., ]R. „V« lelirr loday. I'ootball I; I liglilands Day 2; lluiiu-rooin Vollcyfjall I: Lookoiil 2,4. PA TRICIA A N N B L A N D I’O R D Airmail is fin e. . Special Delivery is heller!! C hoir 3,4; Drill Team 1,2,3; I TA 4; C A A I; llo im 'ro o in V olleyball 1, 2,3; Pc'[) C lub 1,2,1; SCC 1; Sum iuil Seedlings 4; I're a s u re i 4; 1 upper Revue 3,4.

JACK. r. B O O N E What a mess. H onierooni V olleyball 4; M ag in am ites 4; O lions 1,2,3,4; SC-C. 3; T o p ­ per Revue 4. E D W A R D G U Y R O S IE R Eat your heart out. C horus 1; C hoir 2,3; H om eroom V olleyball 2,3,4; W restling 2.

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J O H N S. B O U T O N Oh gel serious, because you're just not that cool. B and 1,2; Chess C lu b 1,2; Football 1; Sing Sing C lu b 3,4; Soccer C lub 3; T o p p er Revue 2,3,4. THON4AS JA M E S B O Y D What’s her name? Band 1,2; M agm am ites 4.


W IE E IA M K E N T B O Y E R Life IS an accumulation o f brownie points. Chess C lub 1,2; H om eroom Volleyball 4; H oudini M agic C lub 3,4; Sec­ retary-T reasurer 4; J u d o C lub 2; O lions 3,4; Science C lu b 4; Ski C lub 2,3,4; Soccer C lub 3; T o p p er Revue 3,4; W restling 1,2. E L L E N M A R IE B R A U N FN C 4; H om eroom V'olleyball 4; O lym pians 3,4; Secretary 4; Pep Club 4; SCC 3,4; T o p p er Business C lub 4; T o p p er Revue 4.

R IC H A R D D EA N B R E T N E Y This is ridiculous! International R elations C lub 4; O lym pians 4. K E N N E T H E U G E N E B R O C IO U S No unusual noise makers! Baseball 2,4; H om eroom V olleyball 1,2,3,4; Key C lub 2,3,4; Olions 4; O lym pians 3,4; T o p p er Revue 1,3,4.




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