Los Alamos Public School 1965 Yearbook

Page 172

Yearbook La Loma Enlarges In Several Sections


To Improve Coverage

M ary A nne D ugan Editor

C arm en R oybal Business Manager T yping for the ann u al is a m ajor task and a key one in meeting deadlines. Lisa R oybal, Y vonne L ujan, an d C andy Sm ith type T h e ju n io r a n d so p h o m o re sections, p a rt of the first deadline, nearly everyday in p rep arin g pages for final editing. are put together by Gheryl Sow der and Bruce Panowski.

T ak in g pictures o f school activities for the yearbook and news­ p aper are the school photographers Chuck Calvin, Bob Penland, J o h n H um phreys, a n d th eir supervisor M r. Young.

G lory B asm ann provides a stu d e n t life p ictu re for th e senior section handled by C ath y Lewis an d M a rth a Gallegos.

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