La Prensa Latina 07.25.2021

Page 14

Nominado de Biden para dirigir el censo promete transparencia Biden’s Census Nominee Promises Independence, Transparency

El nominado por el presidente Joe Biden para dirigir la Oficina del Censo prometió ante un comité del Senado liderar la agencia con independencia y transparencia, luego que el censo del 2020 enfrentara difíciles problemas como la pandemia del coronavirus, desastres naturales e interferencia política. De ser confirmado, Robert Santos, descendiente de mexicanos, sería la primera persona de una minoría étnica en dirigir la Oficina del Censo. En declaraciones a la Comisión de Seguridad Nacional y Asuntos Gubernamentales del Senado, Santos prometió hacer uso de la innovación y los avances tecnológicos, y reconocer a los profesionales del departamento que “soportaron un turbulento 2020”. Si bien la dirección de la Oficina del Censo es un cargo político, Santos ase- dijeron en su comunicado los grupos acaguró que no es un político. Es exdirector démicos y de derechos civiles. de la Asociación Estadounidense de EsENGLISH: tadísticas y vicepresidente y metodólogo del Instituto Urbano. President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead La mayor parte de la labor del censo the U.S. Census Bureau told a Senate del 2020 ya acabó. Las cifras que determinan cuántos escaños tendrá cada es- committee that he would bring transpartado en el Congreso fueron difundidos ency and independence to the nation’s largest statistical agency, which was en abril, y las que se usan para trazar los challenged by the pandemic, natural didistritos legislativos serán publicados el sasters and attempts at political interfermes entrante. De ser confirmado, Santos deberá de- ence while carrying out the 2020 census. If confirmed, Robert Santos, a dicar gran parte de su tiempo a prepararse para el censo del 2030 y a realizar third-generation Mexican American, would be the first person of color to be a sondeos demográficos y económicos. permanent head of the agency. Hace unos días, un grupo de asociaSantos told members of the Senate ciones académicas y de derechos civiles llamaron al Congreso a confirmar expedi- Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee that he would rely on tivamente a Santos. technological advances for innovation Santos, oriundo de San Antonio, también ha sido director de sondeos del Cen- and would recognize career staffers who tro de Investigaciones de Sondeos de la “endured a tumultuous 2020.” Although the director of the Census Universidad de Michigan; vicepresidente de estadísticas y metodología en el cen- Bureau is a political position, Santos tro NORC de la Universidad de Chicago said he wasn’t a politician. He is a former y académico del Instituto de Estudios de president of the American Statistical Association and vice president and chief Sondeos de la Temple University. “Su experiencia... se adecúa al trabajo methodologist at the Urban Institute. The bulk of the work on the 2020 cendel censo, especialmente en lo que concierne al estudio de poblaciones difíciles sus is over. The numbers that determine de estudiar como las minorías étnicas”, how many congressional seats each

state gets were released in April, and the figures used for drawing congressional and legislative districts are on schedule to be made public next month. Much of Santos’ attention, if he is confirmed, will be on preparing for the next once-a-decade census in 2030 and also ongoing demographic and economic surveys. Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, asked Santos to commit to a Census Bureau goal of releasing the data used for drawing congressional and legislative districts by Aug. 16, almost five months later than planned because of pandemic delays. Ohio sued the agency in an effort to get those numbers released sooner. Under a settlement in May, the Census Bureau reaffirmed that deadline. “There are people thinking of running for office but they don’t know what their districts will look like because we can’t get the data from the Census Bureau,” Portman said. “It has been a disaster in Ohio, and I’m sure other states feel the same.” Santos committed “to trying to meet it as much as possible,” but acknowledged not having “the information right now to know where the Census Bureau is at.” Under questioning from Sen. Alex Padilla, D-Calif., Santos said he would work

with the White House budget office on finding a way to combine the race and ethnic background questions on the 2030 census questionnaire. A previous study by the Census Bureau showed that doing so increased response rates by Hispanics, who may be uncertain how to answer the race question because they often are from mixed race and ethnic backgrounds, Padilla said. The Office of Budget and Management had considered pairing the questions for the 2020 census, but the Trump administration decided to keep the race question separate from the ethnicity one. “I can use my own personal perspective as a Latino, and I can use my research experience and my leadership position, to work with OMB to be sure that the proper attention is given to that specific issue,” Santos said. A group of academic associations and civil rights groups urged a prompt confirmation for Santos. Santos, a native of San Antonio, also has been director of survey operations for the Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan; vice president of statistics and methodology at NORC at the University of Chicago; and senior study director at the Institute for Survey Research at Temple University. “His expertise ... matches well with the work of the census, especially in the bureau’s work to reach hard-tocount populations such as communities of color,” the academic and civil rights groups wrote in a letter to the Senate committee. The previous Senate-confirmed director, Donald Trump-appointee Steven Dillingham, resigned in January after facing criticism that he was acceding to the Trump administration’s demand to produce citizenship information at the expense of data quality in the 2020 census. The Biden administration has abandoned that effort. The agency’s chief operating officer, Ron Jarmin, has been serving as acting director. The Associated Press

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