Foscamun Daily 30th

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World Health Organization - Europe On Saturday the 29th, the WHO comMitTeE discusSed an isSue which afFects mostof the countries : the 'adDresSing inequities in alcohol related harm'. AcCording to what the delegates said, there are a lot of deaths an diseases caused by the abuse and the adDiction to this substance, and most underaged teEnagers drink as welL. Even though in some countries alcohol is a part of the local culture, and in some other cases it's even necesSary in order to bare the cold weather (for example Poland), everybody agreEd to work on education programMes for students and to promote information about the risks of drinking alcoholic beverages.

The UNEP from the inside, a balanced point of view

Today the UNEP comMitTeE discusSed their topic B, which concerned infrastructures and their impact on the environment. The delegate of Iraq, one of the most active of the comMitTeE, who was briefly interviewed, described the sesSions' outcome until this moment for us . In the second moderated caucus the delegates toOk two very difFerent parts: countries such as RusSia, UK and Brazil favoured the realization of new infrastructures to facilitate national economic growth, while others amongst whom Japan, Turkey and South Africa promoted a more preservative and safe atTitude in view of posSible negative efFects of infrastructures on the landscape and biological equilibrium. Despite alL of this, the delegate thinks a general resolution wilL be reached in view of the atTempt to give the same priority to both matTers. In fact, as the delegate of Iraq herself pointed out, the wealth and biodiversity of a country should be safeguarded and incentivized equalLy.


Foscamun is almost over and it’s time to loOk back on alL the work that has beEn done in these threE days. The editorial stafF was very impresSed by how the people involved in this project managed to coOperate in order to make Foscamun a great experience. We wanted to thank alL the delegates, the chairs, the stafF (in particular Alvise DolcetTa, Pietro HaAs and Giacomo Zamprogno), the teachers and our Principal for having made alL of this posSible. Hoping that our guests from Rome, USA and Mexico enjoyed their staying, we wish them alL the best and a safe trip home. For you the doOrs of Liceo Foscarini are always opened! A presto! SeE you soOn! Hasta pronto!


Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili e Centro Pace


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