Landescape Art Review - Special Issue

Page 39

Jaeyeon Yoo

LandEscape 39 Art Review

The Twins

The Wound

paper sculpture installation, variable size, 2009

paper sculpture installation, variable size, 2009

believe they feel their own senses while they are excluded from regulations or conventions of society. That is why we feel sometimes that children are whimsy and off the wall. They may react with fear to pictures meant to be funny, feel horrible to scenes adults think beautiful. Children's senses are less informed, language pure, and the physical structures are fragile. These kinds of elements come together to make a subtle difference to the way they perceive the world.

As you have remarked once, you enjoy playing around with the gap between imaginary world and symbolic world. An important feature of Magic Window that has particularly impacted on me is the way you unveil the inner connections between Experience and Imagination: incorporating such intimate materials as wooden floor from your childhood home, this work challenge the viewers' perception in order to going beyond the common way to perceive

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