3 minute read
by Jendela
*note: original text was written in Mandarin and translated to English with the author.
你是否有发现门和窗存在的最主要的目的,竟是相 反的呢?
门似乎是为了将一个密闭空间开拓为可用的空间而存在 的。它存在的作用是为了把空间闭锁着。 而窗的存在将密闭空间里局限的视野延申,让空气流 动,通一通风,让阳光照进来。
当然这对立的立场是我今天才发现的。 而或许这发现,只对此刻的我有意义。
此刻的我特别想念那扇窗。那是异乡的窗,却又如此贴 近我的内心深处。
那时的我住在巴塞罗那的一间小小房间里,狭长的屋子 被切割成9个小房间。唯一的小确幸就是从小小房间里 眺望出去,圣家堂就近在咫尺。
隔着窗花望出去,首先是大大的courtyard。每一栋 楼私有的一片地,拼凑起来成了色彩斑驳的小plots。
有的是红砖地,有的是供幼儿园小孩玩耍的沙地。从七楼往下 看,构成了一幅Mondrian。 视野随着往上看,对面的楼,左边是兴建了许久还未完工的住 宅大楼,右边大楼的立面已落漆。
再往后看就是圣家堂。总有几个心血来潮的夜晚想要看望看望 圣家堂,那样的任性用十分钟的步行就可以解决。
巴塞罗那市中心没什么特别高的建筑,随着圣家堂放眼望去就 可以看到连绵的Collserola山脉。山上有个绝美的教堂,耶稣 基督在塔上张开双手俯瞰这备受眷顾的小城。山上有个游乐 场,每到晚上灯光会亮起来。发光的教堂和游乐场,在视野上 毫无阻隔地翻越了十里路,从我家窗户都可以看到。
华灯初上,我就这样看着这层层美景,对面的邻居忙碌走动的 剪影似是一幅远距离的舞台剧。视野可及之处可以看见生气勃 勃的不同人家,每家每户的故事在眼前上演,而这样的距离让 我特别安心。可谓群众中的独处,自在之余仍能感受到喧嚣人 气。看着忙碌的起重机在暮色中依然升降不停,遥望着星光熠 熠的Tibidabo山上的教堂,像是Disney城堡般,能将如此美景 囊括在一个窗框之中,觉得这样的幸福好不真实。冬天在房间 里煮着热粥,倚在窗旁擦擦满是雾气的窗。每晚月亮都会来到 我的窗台前,从此那是我确认回到家的地方。
仪式,之于我来说就是,不论世事喧嚣,每天早上能坐在这窗 台前看着这座城慢条斯理的苏醒,啜饮着一杯咖啡,全然地活 在理想与现实交织的当下。这看似很日常的仪式却为此时空划 下了微妙的结界。像封存的时空容器般,闭上眼,依然能够精 准地感受到那光线的温度,气味以及幸福感。
Have you noticed that the real function of doors and windows are in fact contradictory?
A door seems to exist to make an enclosed space usable. Its purpose is to keep the space secure and locked.
As for the existence of a window, it is to widen the horizon of an enclosed space - allowing air to flow and light to come in.
I only discovered this contradiction today. Perhaps this discovery is only meaningful to me at this present moment.
I am now missing a particular window dearly. A window in a foreign land, yet so close to my heart.
I once lived in a small room in Barcelona. That long and narrow house was divided into nine small rooms. My only shōkakkō was the view of Sagrada Familia from my window.
Through the window grilles, you would see a big courtyard. Every block would have their own piece of land. Together, the small plots form a colourful patchwork - of red bricks and sandy floors for playgrounds. A pleasant Mondrian painting to look at from the 7th floor.
Moving up you would find the buildings opposite. On the left is a residential building that has been in construction for a long time; while the facade on the right has started to peel.
Move further back, and you would see the Sagrada Familia. There were some nights where I wanted to visit the Sagrada Familia on a whim and that caprice could be easily satisfied by a ten-minute walk.
As there are no particularly tall buildings in the city center of Barcelona, following the Sagrada Familia, you would find the undulating Collserola mountain range gracefully standing still. An enchanting church on the mountain, On the tower itself - Jesus Christ spreads open his arms, caring for and overlooking the blessed little city. The playground on the mountain illuminates whenever nightfalls. Their light travels miles away, and arrives at my small window without any obstruction.
As the night falls, I would immerse myself in these layers of beautiful scenery. The vibrant silhouettes of the neighbors are like revolving lamps telling stories of each house, unfolding a stage play right before my eyes.
Even just by looking at it from a distance, it comforts me.
Watching the busy cranes rising and falling during twilight while looking at the glistening Disney castle-like church on Tibidabo hill, it is so surreal that such happiness and beauty could be contained within a mere window frame.
Cooking hot porridge in my room during winter; wiping the misty window. Every night, the moon came to visit me at my window sill. That moment feels like home.
Rituals, for me is, regardless of the hustle and bustle, being able to sit in front of this window every morning sipping a cup of coffee and watching the city slowly waking up; and to live completely in the moment where ideals and reality are in congruence. This seemingly banal daily routine has subtly drawn a boundary for the present time and space. Like a sealed space-time container, whenever I close my eyes, I can still precisely feel the warmth of that sun, scent and happiness.
This is the most flawless window in the world. She contains every scenery that I love.