Newsletter, March 1987

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The FOf\.Im is a place, whether temporal or spatial, for the discussion 01 ideas and concepts related to ardliteC1ure and urban design in Los Ar.geles. But the Forum is also an (ongoing) process 01 production. Our bi-monthly newsletter and pamphlets are extensions of our 8IIents and a central component of our aC1ivi~es. In the long run, we would like 10 collect a much wider array 01 information into a "Building Base": a unified eocyclopedia which collects the tragmentary ways in which the abstract soOal. economic and physical structures 01 our community are articu~ted - in a brmat which will allow makers of architecture in Los Angeles 10 comprehend what now appears as a vast and form~s context and kI aBate aitical moments of coherence within tMt environment. The "Building Base' project would be both a unifl9d architectural archive and a manual. both a collection 01 myths and

Membership in the Forum is open to any interested individual. The $35 annual lee enl~ les members 10 tree admission 10 Forum events, 10 receive the bi· monthly newsletter, and 10 purchase OIher Forum publications at reduced rates. Members are encouraged to par1 iC~le in planning Forum activ~ies. Please

anecdotes and an analylical and aitical survey 01 the emerging ardlilecture 01 Los Angeles. In a world 01 increasingly complex and more manipulable forms 01 inbrmation and communication. i1 would also allow a targer public 10 unde rsland and respond in a aiticallashion 10 the representations 01 their world


formed by our architecture. The 'Building Base' will be a compuler-based database accessible 10 both professionals and laymen. So far, the project is only a mirage. Kyou have any interes t in this notion. and would be interested in helping to structure the "Building Base", please contact Aaron Belsky: 2t3·938-6826 or Christian Hubert: 2t3-389·6730. A postscript to the Forum'S Skyscraper symposium held January 19 at City Hal~ the reference lor speaker Mike Davis' article IS: Mike Davis, "Chinatown, Part Ii? The 'Internationalization 01 Downtown los Angeles". New lell R8IIfew No. 164. (All exeerpt lrom the anide was publicshed in !he March 4-10 issue 01 LA. Weekly.)

check the appropriate category below i! interested. Name: Address:

I am interested in participating in the foRowing activities:

D pubtications D planning and development D fund raising


lectures and discussions reading groups and research social events

• Newsletter Editor:

• Board Members:

Natalie Shivers

$heUy A. Berger Aaron Betsky

• Officers: Christian Hubel1, President Aaron Betsky, Vice-President Suzanne CaUey, SecretaryfTreasurer

Benjamin Caffey Craig Hodgens Christian Hubert Doug Suisman

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