You are your own gym the bible of bodyweight exercises for men and women

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As with Let Me Up’s, a wider Pull Up grip will concentrate on your lats and a narrower grip more on your biceps. You can do these over- or under-handed, with the underhand grip—palms facing you—placing more emphasis on \RXU LQVLGHV RI \RXU IRUHDUPV à H[RUV

Ready to kick it up a notch? To make Pull Ups harder, wear a weighted backpack. You need very little weight to PDNH WKLV H[HUFLVH D ORW PRUH GLIĂ€FXOW 2U SXOO \RXUVHOI XS XQWLO \RXU VWHUQXP LV WRXFKLQJ WKH EDU DQG KROG LW IRU D few seconds before lowering yourself.

Towel  Curls Â

biceps,  forearms  (2-4)

This one’s as simple as it is effective. Unlike with weights, you’ll be providing your arms with the perfect amount of resistance throughout the entire set. Stand with your back against a wall for balance. Holding each end of a UHJXODU VL]HG EHDFK RU EDWK WRZHO UDLVH RQH OHJ LW GRHVQ¡W PDWWHU ZKLFK RQH just enough to loop the towel under your foot. Using your leg to provide resistance to your arms, pull up on the towel until you can’t go any higher, usually until your forearms are at about a 30-degree angle with your upper arms. The movement should take 5 seconds—count them off. Then 5 seconds to force your hands back down by applying more pressure to the towel with your foot. Only your forearms should move. You elbows should VWD\ Ă€[HG E\ \RXU VLGH DQG \RXU XSSHU DUPV SHUSHQGLFXODU WR WKH Ă RRU )LYH reps is all you need to do, no matter your strength, so long as you’re giving it maximum effort throughout the entire set. ,W PD\ WDNH D VHW RU WZR WR JHW DFFXVWRPHG WR XVLQJ \RXU RZQ ERG\ WR Ă€JKW DJDLQVW LWVHOI 2I FRXUVH \RXU ELFHSV DUH QR PDWFK IRU \RXU OHJV -XVW UHPHPEHU WR SXOO XS RQ WKH WRZHO DV KDUG DV \RX SRVVLEO\ FDQ DV LI \RX¡UH WU\LQJ WR WHDU LW 'RQ¡W ZRUU\ \RX ZRQ¡W $QG MXVW OHW \RXU OHJ move up and down slowly at the same time.




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