CABI UK Centre report 2011

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Bioservices highlights genetic resource centre networks Building on CABI’s role as a partner in developing and establishing genetic resource centre networks, our involvement in the establishment of the Microbial Resources Research Infrastructure (MIRRI) within the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) continued with the European Commission (EC) funding a preparatory phase project. We believe that MIRRI will play a vital role in helping genetic resource collections meet the high-quality operational standards required today, and provide a template for replication on a regional basis around the world. Work has also started in CABI member countries to help them establish microbial domain Biological Resource Centres (BRCs), specifically in Brunei, Chile and Kenya.

database of microbial DNA sequences To support CABI’s Microbial Identification Service (MIS), work began with the Molecular Biology facility to convert validated microbial DNA sequences into a functional database. The database will be ready for use by the identification service in 2012.

training courses This year we ran a first and well-received molecular identifications course, in addition to a training course for 16 participants in culture collection management and operation.

Fungal Sampling Kit During 2011 the demand for the Environmental and Industrial Biology isolation and identification Fungal Sampling Kit (FSK) increased, proving very popular with environmental consultants. Using the kit, the customer can carry out several methods of sampling fungal contamination, and then return the kit to CABI for analysis.

student highlights Rob Tanner For the Invasive Species team, a highlight of 2011 was Rob Tanner’s successful defence of his PhD thesis ‘An ecological assessment of Impatiens glandulifera in its introduced and native range and the potential for its biological control’ just before Christmas (20 December).

partnerships and meetings climate change and coffee Peter Baker gave the Max Havelaar 2011 Lecture on 27 October in Rotterdam in the Netherlands, where he spoke about ‘Climate change effects on coffee and farmers’. The theme of his lecture was the impact of climate change for small producers in developing countries. His presentation focused on the need to move beyond a gradualist and market-based approach towards strong leadership from within the coffee industry in order to tackle urgent issues. Earlier in the year, Peter gave a presentation at the ISEAL Alliance conference, on 8 June in Zurich, Switzerland, entitled ‘Had we but world enough, and time…’. The ISEAL Alliance is an association of standards setters and the presentation concentrated on the inadequacy of standards in their present form to tackle the problem of accelerating climate change. Using the case of coffee production, Peter’s examples of deficiencies included the spread of coffee wilt disease, increased landslide risks, over-extraction of groundwater and prolonged drought.

invasives in print and in person Members of the Invasive Species team, either as first authors or co-authors, have published or submitted a number of papers and book chapters during 2011 covering the target weeds Japanese knotweed and Ambrosia, biocontrol of weeds in general, the safety and regulation of microbial control of weeds, molecular techniques in biocontrol, and the impact of invasive species on invertebrate herbivores. Oral and poster presentations were given at the XIII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds (ISBCW) and the preceding bioherbicide workshop in Hawaii in September, where the Invasive Species group was strongly represented. Invasive Species team members were invited speakers at the Latin American Mycology Congress in Costa Rica, and the Linnean Society in London, as well as being filmed and presented on BBC Country File for our work on Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera).



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