05 MUSEUM OF MEMORY A museum where visitors may go to download, upload and view past memories. The building features private and public theaters, views to the site, and the incorporation of greenspace
09 SOUTH CAMPUS BOARDWALK Boardwalk along Lake Actum at CU South Campus featuring a hierarchy of materiality and circulation to not only preserve and enhance the ecosystem, but to allow recreation, socialization and observation along the lake front
17 PHOTOGRAPHY As a world traveler, a passion of mine is photography, including landscapes, perspectives, and portraits; photography at all scales throughout my travels
Kyle Schwall architectural designer
As an ambitious, creative, and determined individual, I strive to complete tasks with utmost certainty and commitment. I handle multiple tasks daily until completion to a perfectionist level while remaining stress-free, calm, and organized. I have experience with culture and history worldwide with my travels and studies. I hope to one day complete design projects that embody a sense of cleanliness and aesthetic while standing the test of the modern times. With a focus on sustainability in design, I plan on helping solve problems existing across the globe
Education August 2016 May 2020 Cumulative GPA: 3.74 ENVD GPA: 3.87
Undergrad / Environmental Design University of Colorado at Boulder | Boulder, CO Studied architecture in the environmental design program. I have also taken Spanish, photography, and drawing courses to increase my acquired skills
August 2012 May 2016
High School Diploma
Cumulative GPA: 3.76
Graduated with a 3.76 GPA cumulative. I was a part of multiple clubs, sports, and honors societies as well as continued to be on the honor roll over all four years
Fossil Ridge High School | Fort Collins, CO
PRIMARY LOCATION fort collins, colorado
PHONE +1 (970) 631-5064
Work Experience June 2018 - August 2018
Israel hosted the World Lacrosse Championship where I interned and played. I helped manage media pages, took sports photography, and played in the festival games
April 2019 - August 2019
Project Managers Office | Boulder, CO I was an assistant for multiple project managers at CU Boulder
Languages english
Israel Lacrosse | Netanya, Israel
January 2020- Present
TRH Design | Boulder, CO I am an associate designer at The Ranch House: an interior design and architecture firm. I work with revit to create plans, materials, and elevations, as well as helping to format presentations to send to clients
Extra Curricular November 2012 - May 2018
March 2016
Volunteer for National Adoption Day | Fort Collins, CO Helping to set up, clean up, and run the National Adoption Day event at the Larimer County Courthouse in Fort Collins. The purpose was to recognize the dozens of adopted children that day and the hundreds each year
Volunteer at Budweiser Event Center | Loveland, CO
A few of my close affiliations include my Judaic imagined community and the numerous teams, clubs, and societies I have been a part of
I have been to over 30 different countries, some of which I have been to multiple times. Through my travels, I have experienced culture, religion, language, and self-
Hobbies include hiking, photography, paintballing, traveling, staying in shape (mentally and physically), and enjoying pop culture such as music and movies
Over the course of my life, I have participated in a plethora of sports including football, lacrosse, basketball, track and field, wrestling, and baseball. These sports have taught me teamwork, leadership, courage, and determination
My senior year of high school, I went with my advisory class to volunteer to pack, organize, and ship boxes of nutritious grains and herbs to send to poor children in Africa September 2008 - May 2010
June 2008
Volunteer at Madrachim Program | Fort Collins, CO After my bar-mitzvah (a Jewish ceremony celebrating the coming of age), I volunteered at the local synagogue’s education program teaching kids how to read and write Hebrew
Volunteer at Crossroads Safehouse l Fort Collins, CO In elementary school, my brother and I learned how to weave purses made of yarn. We then sold them for $10 each and raised over $650 to purchase and install a playground and swing set for Crossroads Safehouse families
September 2014 - May 2016
Member of NTHS and NWLHS | Fort Collins, CO Participated in National Technical Honor Society and the National World Language Honor Society throughout high school because of my focus on engineering, architecture, and Spanish courses
Skills adobe suite
hand modeling
graphic design
rhino 6
References Rachel Lavine, AIA (303) 246-6978
Environmental Design Instructor | Boulder, CO
Senior and Sophomore Instructor, University of Colorado Program in Environmental Design
Danielle Bilot
Environmental Design Instructor | Boulder, CO
(541) 731-3233
Instructor, University of Colorado Program in Environmental Design
y name is Kyle Schwall. I was born in Northbrook, Illinois where I lived for seven years. I then moved to Fort Collins, Colorado in 2005. I have always loved design from my first introduction to Google Sketchup when I was 11 where I modeled my first home. As a designer, I am ambitious and a bit of a perfectionist. Striving to complete tasks to the highest standards I can accomplish has always been a main goal in my academic career. Throughout my academic career, I have been on the Honor Roll since the sixth grade and even won a couple of academic awards from doing so; known as the Presidential Scholar Award. Outside of the classroom, experience is my favorite hobby that has brought many mentionable
rewards to my life. I have traveled to over 30 countries, participated in almost every sport offered throughout school, become an amateur photographer, and experienced work places beyond many in my field, including working in an HVAC shop for a few summers. Overall, my design career at the University of Colorado at Boulder has felt short, but fulfilling as I plan out a career as an architectural designer. I hope to positively touch the lives of those I design for and bring in sustainable aspects of design into the architectural field.
Kyle Schwall (970) 631-5064
he Museum of Memory is a futuristic project with the goal of allowing visitors to circulate throughout the building and have the opportunity to download, upload, and view memories. The project was located North of the City of Boulder by the Mesa Reservoir, a view I made a goal to keep central to the location of the building on site. The building features five theater spaces of differentiating sizes plugged into a centralized axis that contained the lobby and cafe. Each theater space is separated from the lobby axis by privatized viewing cubicles where one can go alone to view memories more personal to them. The site itself is zoned as open space. From that, I made it another goal to try and integrate greenspace into the design that is seen on the top floor of the Museum of Memory. Visitors may go upstairs to the enclosed relaxation room or exit to the South for a green roof with views to Mesa Reservoir, or to the North where I have designed a semi-enclosed outdoor space protected from rain and wind with more integrated greenspace on either side.
abstracted scaled model
provide public and private theater spaces for memory visualization circulate visitors smoothly and efficiently provide outdoor venues for play and relaxation achieve views to the reservoir and out towards the plains
first floor plan
second floor plan
section AA
20’ sun shade
light diffusion into theater
section BB
ight is important in the design as the public theaters and private viewing rooms do not contain any lights. For this, I designed the exterior walls of the museum to be 12’ tall while the private areas separating the theaters from the lobby are only 10’ tall, allowing for natural light infiltration. The floor-to-ceiling windows are designed with an operable sun shade to be rolled down with ease at the visitor’s discretion.
private viewing cubicle
public viewing theater
theater spaces
outdoor play
enclosed outdoor play
semi-enclosed outdoor play
relaxation space
connected cafe
he University of Colorado at Boulder South Campus project has been in the University’s plan for quite a while, put off due to the community members in opposition to the project since the current area is a field featuring a berm around the edges many residents use for recreation and immersion in nature. After designing a master plan that keeps that in mind, while also including academic buildings and residential homes/townhomes, I zoomed in for a more human scale along Actum Lake, a lake with the intent of being used for recreation and immersion within nature away from the academic and residential villages of CU South Camps. Overall, my design aims to create a hierarchy of circulation, vegetation, and programs that allow visitors to sit, observe, socialize, circulate, and recreate along the path down into the water. With shaded, large, and land-based to sunny, small, and water-based areas, the design will give the sense of natural environment while also enhancing the current biodiversity along the lake.
preliminary design parti
cu south campus master plan
100’ south campus boardwalk site plan
50’ 10
primary secondary tertiary recreation space open space site
lake path node site paved path stone path wood path
circulation and materiality
ithin the Actum Lake design, I largely focused on hierarchy, which is depicted and diagrammed to the left. The program itself is split into primary, secondary, and tertiary elements and zones. The primary zone is far away from the water in full shade and gradual topography, while the secondary zone consists of semi-shaded paths through partially dense vegetation with a short distance to the lake itself. The tertiary program zone features no vegetation (fully immersed in sunshine) while being at the water with steep topography. In terms of materiality and circulation hierarchy, the primary zone has a wide, concrete path connecting in parts to the permeable stone path of the secondary zone. The tertiary zone contains an elevated wooden boardwalk along the shoreline and over Actum Lake. These hierarchies create different levels of immersion within nature and the different nodes added at major junctions along each path.
north end of site
south end of site
he Organic Office is a commercial office building with the sole purpose of evoking an organic feel to the nature around it. The project was an opportunity to go further than what the class had learned about the Revit software up until that point in the class. The building features electrochromic, self tinting windows, large circulation nodes, and a pleasant view across the lake to Chicago.
east elevation
south elevation
north elevation
he Desert Oasis is a pod designed to be placed in Moab, Utah. Its design features the look of a blossoming cactus plant with the topographical changes of the rocky desert. Its main purpose is a relaxation and rehabilitation pod for public use. While only being 24’ wide, 24’ in length, and 28’ tall, the pod has one entrance with a Chinese Pastiche, a colorful tree acclimated to desert growing conditions, and five single chairs within, emphasizing the solidarity and escape the Desert Oasis provides. For this project, my group used Rhinoceros 6 with a grasshopper and v-ray plugin, as well as Photoshop to make the pod come to life.
weather protection
aesthetically pleasing
natural elements
biomimicry elements
aking three main objects of varying sizes, I modeled them in Rhinoceros 6 and used a v-ray plugin to apply textures and make these objects (an essential oil diffuser, Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, and two of my own custom fabricated wooden necklaces) photo-realistic.
custom wood necklaces essential oil diffuser
thor’s hammer: mjolnir
the highline, new york | 2018
durdle door, england | 2018
hroughout my life, I have been to over 30 different countries in four continents. The best way to preserve these memories is by documenting them through photography. I do not limit myself as to what types of photography I capture. From macrophotography of minuscule animals to broad landscapes to fast paced sports photography, all typologies of photography truly speak to me. Anywhere I have traveled, there is opportunity to find a new perspective on everything that surrounds me, and I enjoy finding those perspectives through the lens of my camera. I thoroughly love to capture things in life that offer a resounding happiness, either aesthetically or personally.
the eiffel tower, paris | 2018
the louvre, paris | 2017
Effects of Photography on my Life I
am not a paid photographer, I do not go to places around the world purely for pictures to sell. The pictures that are featured in the photography section of this portfolio are those that I have taken out of pure joy. Those of nature, friends, family, and hobbies. Photos that make me feel a sense of awe and wonder when I look at them. Those photos that imply perspective that allow the viewer to really think about how I possibly took that photo. I was fortunate to have been able to use these aspects of my photography from June 2018 until August 2018 in Israel during the World Lacrosse Championship. Not only was I able to play and participate in the festival games, I was a social media intern taking sports photography during the games of players and equipment for sponsors such as Warrior Lacrosse and Cascade. Although my time with a professional camera has been short, photography has allowed me to see the utmost beauty, or potential beauty, in everything built and natural. Taking a moment to notice the little, beautiful things is an important skill to have, but being able to capture this beauty is an action I have learned to embrace through photography.
masada, israel | 2018
england | 2018
florida | 2017
england | 2018
colorado | 2017
england | 2018
netanya, israel | 2018
gloucester cathedral, england | 2016
20 lost gultch, colorado | 2017
Kyle Schwall (970) 631-5064