Icelandic Film School Curriculum | 2015-2016 - 1st edition

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MYN 104

3rd semester

New Course Code: MYND4MM4 Type of course: practical/theoretical Student hours of work: 100 hours Preceding courses/prerequisites: TÆK 204 Academic evaluation: Project and application Textbooks/teaching materials: Xeroxes, selected visual material.

SAT 102

4th semester

New Course Code: SATI4SF2 Type of course: theoretical Student hours of work: 50 hours Preceding courses/prerequisites: 3rd semester. Academic evaluation: Presentation and application. Textbooks/teaching materials: Selected visual material.

Visual language and it use

Contemporary filmmaking

A look at visual language and composition by viewing and analyzing film scenes from various periods. The students stage a film scene in consultation with instructors and examine the visual language impacts narrative progression and the audience’s experience of the film.

This course covers contemporary filmmaking What trends and vogues have been prevalent during the last decade? What is happening right now and what does the near future hold in store? The course emphasizes student participation in finding answers to these questions. Each student makes a presentation with film samples where he or she discusses contemporary influences and artists.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

1. The student should acquire knowledge and understanding of: 1.1 the potential of film language to serve narration and milieu. 1.2 the many essential aspects of film language. e.g. composition, point of view, foreground, background, focus, depth of field, etc. 1.3 analyzing filmic solutions in scenes.

1. The student should acquire knowledge and understanding of: 1.1 modern filmmaking. 1.2 his or her own position and views vis-a-vis modern filmmaking.

2. The student should acquire practical skills and capabilities in: 2.1 finding filmic solutions to challenges in screenplay texts. 2.2 bringing to bear his or her knowledge of film language during shoots. 3. The students should acquire skills in: 3.1 working with film language in a creative manner, 3.2 understanding the professional demands made of filmmakers.

2. The student should acquire practical skills and capabilities in: 2.1 historical concepts and trends in cinema. 2.2 evaluating oneself as an artist in the modern world. 3. The students should acquire skills in: 3.1 using their knowledge of contemporary cinema to become better and more independent filmmakers.


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