Catalogue – 23rd Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur (2019)

Page 93


Prisoner of Society

United Kingdom 2017, 7'30", digital file, colour, English, Ani/Exp

Georgia 2018, 16'03", digital file, colour, Georgian with English subtitles, Doc

Director/Script/Animation/Editor/Sound: Heather Phillipson Production/Distribution: Heather Phillipson,,

Director/Photography/Editor/Sound: Rati Tsiteladze Cast: Adelina (Anonymous) Production/Distribution: ArtWay Film,,

«WHAT’S THE DAMAGE» ist These und Provokation, ein Aufruf gegen dominante Machtstrukturen, eine Antwort auf anhaltende Krisen unter dem Diktat des weissen Patriarchats, Ausdruck und Verstärkung von Gefühlen und Gesten von chronischem Unbehagen, Protest und Dissens. In Wort und digitalem Fluss verleiht Phillipson ihrem Aufruf Form mittels Darstellungen der weiblichen Blutung. «WHAT’S THE DAMAGE» is a proposition and a provocation; a call against dominant power structures answering back to ongoing crises under white patriarchy, relaying and augmenting feelings and gestures of chronic unease, protest, and dissent. Spoken word and digital fluidities give Phillipson’s summons and riposte vital form through representations of livid, female bleeding. Heather Phillipson works across video, sculpture, music, drawing, and poetry. She was nominated for the European Film Awards by the International Film Festival Rotterdam in 2018 and received the Film London Jarman Award in 2016.


Was bedeutet es, im eigenen Zuhause und im eigenen Land fremd zu sein? Ein intimer Blick in die Welt einer jungen Transfrau, gefangen zwischen dem Wunsch nach persönlicher Freiheit und den traditionellen Erwartungen ihrer Familie, im Kontext der zunehmenden Spannungen aufgrund von Georgiens LGBT-Politik. What does it mean to be a stranger in your own home and country? «Prisoner of Society» is an intimate journey into the world and mind of a young transgender woman trapped between personal desire for freedom and the traditional expectations of her parents amid the growing tensions provoked by LGBT politics in Georgia. Rati Tsiteladze (*1987) won a world champion title in martial arts at age 21. But in 2014, as filmmaking became the overpowering passion in his life, he left his fighting career behind and went on to study filmmaking at the Hybrid Conservatory in Los Angeles. He is an alumnus of the Locarno and IDFA Academies and was selected at the Berlinale Talent Project Market among ten producers. Rati founded the production company ArtWay Film and has directed several short and feature films.


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