Catalogue – 19th Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur (2015)

Page 201

© Courtesy of Laure Prouvost and LUX, London.

© Light Cone

© Light Cone

How To Make Money Religiously

brouillard passage #14

Symphonie Diagonale

United Kingdom 2014, 17'38", digital file, colour, English, Exp

Canada 2014, 10', 35mm, colour, no dialogue, Exp

Director: Laure Prouvost Script: Laure Prouvost Photography: Laure Prouvost Editor: Laure Prouvost Sound: Laure Prouvost Production/Distribution: LUX, London, United Kingdom, Alice Lea,, +44 207 503 3980

Director: Alexandre Larose Script: Alexandre Larose Photography: Alexandre Larose Editor: Alexandre Larose Production: Alexandre Larose, Distribution: LIGHT CONE, Paris, France,, + 33 1 46 59 01 53

Director: Viking Eggeling Distribution: LIGHT CONE, Paris, France,, + 33 1 46 59 01 53

Zwei leicht verschiedene Versionen desselben Werks werden nacheinander in einem Loop gespielt und erzeugen so einen Déjà-vu-Effekt. Mittels der Möglichkeiten und Probleme von Erinnerung und Vergessen thematisiert das Stück die willkürlichen Unterschiede zwischen Macht und Besitz.

Ein Weg, der sich vom Garten meiner Familie nach Lac-Saint-Charles (Québec) erstreckt, in mehreren Schichten verdichtet.

Two slightly altered versions of the same piece play sequentially in a loop, creating a moment of deja-vu. Centering on the problems and possibilities of memory and forgetting, the piece addresses the arbitrary distinctions that can be ascribed to power and possession.

Alexandre Larose is a French-Canadian artist based in Montreal. While completing a bachelor in mechanical engineering in 2001, Larose became interested in cinematography as a tool to reconfigure temporal experiences. His work has been screened internationally since 2006.

Laure Prouvost (born 1978) studied at Goldsmiths College and Central Saint Martins, London. Her recent solo presentations include Whitechapel Gallery in London and Collezione Maramotti in Reggio Emilia. She was awarded the Turner Prize and was a featured artist at the Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen.


A path that extends from my family's backyard into Lac-Saint-Charles (Québec City), condensed in multiple layers.

Sweden 1923, 6'40", 16 mm, b/w, no dialogue, Exp

Ein kosmischer Tanz abstrakter Figuren – Raum und Zeit erscheinen interaktiv. Der Film zeigt die Entstehung von Formen, asymmetrische Transformationen, rotierende Symmetrien, Umkehrungen und Wiederholungen und evoziert so die Prinzipien musikalischer Komposition. A cosmic dance of abstract figures – time and space seem interactive. The film shows the emergence of shapes, asymmetric transformations, symmetries in rotation, inversions and repetitions, thus evoking the principles of musical composition. Viking Eggeling (1889–1963) was an experimental film pioneer, painter, and part of the Dada movement in Zurich and Berlin. He is known for his experimental, abstract films «Horizontal-Vertikal-Messe» (now lost) and his absolute film «Diagonal-Symphonie», which premiered in Berlin in 1923.

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