Kultivate Magazine-August 2017 Issue

Page 59

to Second Life?

between that point when their interest is initially sparked and when they can actually have an This is a differentiation from Second Life and I think it has some opportunity to go to that thing. appeal to creators: each of these And we’re just trying to shortexperiences has a unique URL that circuit that whole thing with you can use to promote your Sansar. You don’t have to go experience, and it actually works. through the Linden door to get into So when a user clicks on that URL the system. You go through the on that thing, whatever it was, that door you made; you can provide piqued their interest, and they’re your own on-boarding system or prompted to download the client on-boarding experience that makes or if they already have the client, the most sense for your they click on the link – it might be experience. [Because how are we in your blog or it might be to know what your experience is embedded within a video or on a going to be? If you create a race car social platform. When they click on driving simulation, you want to that link, they’re taken immediately start training them on that when to that experience. They’re not first they arrive; not the basic ins and taken to a Linden crafted onouts of how to turn on and off the boarding sequence of tutorials a-la text chat. So we really want to Welcome Island and that sort of make this thing as flexible for the thing. creators as possible, and allow the audience that they’ve built to Because what we’ve found is very connect directly to their experience, as is technically often, there’s tones of content within Second Life that is relevant possible right now. and could be relevant and could be very interesting to people – but Now we can, and this is something they just can’t get at it, because we’ve discussed, we haven’t done there’s just so many roadblocks it yet, and that’s overlaying some

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