GS-LP Vanvouver Program Document

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“...this is what is so incredibly painful in a way: that you know architecture is in general only a very limited instrument to improve conditions.” p.116 “ that sense, I’m not only an architect, but also a planner of cities, and I think that it is an area where you can make fascinating contributions to cities like Seoul, and where you will not be forced to contribute on only a trivial level. Of course, then the scope of the work increases astronomically because then you are not talking about millions but trillions of dollars, and it becomes increasingly unlikely that you would be involved. (...) So - and this is the irony - on the level of really major operations, I’m much less pessimistic that there is something genuinely believable to contribute than on the level of architecture. But at the same time, because they’re more logistically complex and involve much more money, and therefore more politics, they’re the ones that are the least likely.” p.117 Rem Koolhaas interview, Muae 2

02 25

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