Implant Course May 2015

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2 Day Advanced Course in Implant Dentistry Atlanta, GA, USA May 15-16, 2015

Lectures, Demonstrations and Hands on: Patient evaluation and treatment strategy, digital impression, digital wax up, CBCT, reading 3D data for diagnosis, 3D implant planning, design and usage of surgical templates, extraction sockets, soft tissue management, implant timing, guided bone regeneration, prosthetics, complications, services Two Full Days will be held at the InterContinental Hotel, Atlanta $595 per person Lectures, demonstrations and hands on exercices by Prof. Dr. Ronald Jung and Dipl.- Ing. Florian Schober To register, call Kelley at NuCraft Dental Arts +1.800.241.8614

Ronald Jung, Prof. Dr. med. dent, PHD Expert in oral surgery, prosthodontics and implant therapy Accomplished and internationally renowned lecturer and researcher, best known for his work in the field of hard and soft tissue management and his research on new technologies in implant dentistry. ● Vice Chairman of the Department of Fixed & Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Sciences at the University of Zurich in Switzerland (Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hämmerle) ● Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Periodontics at the University of Texas Heath Science Center at San Antonio (Chairman: Prof. Dr. D. Cochran) in 2006 ● Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston (Chairman: Prof. John D. Da Silva) in 2013 ● Member of the board of directors of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO) ● President of the scientific board of the Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry (SSRD) ● Member of the scientific board of the Swiss Society of Oral Implantology (SGI) ● Member and Instructor of the Committee of the Osteology Research Academy ● Member of the board of the Dental Campus Association ● Editorial board of scientific journals as Clinical Oral Implants Research, Acta Medicinae Dentium Helvetica , The European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry ● ●

Florian Schober, Ass. Prof., Dipl.-Ing. Pioneer and expert in digital dentistry, 3D implant planning, template guided implant placement, improving processes in the field of implant placement and dental education since 1999, degrees in industrial engineering ● Accomplished and internationally renowned lecturer and trainer in the field of 3D radiology, implant planning and template guided implant placement ● Ass. Prof. at the Department of Fixed & Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Sciences at the University of Zurich in Switzerland (Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hämmerle) ● Member of the board of Digital Dental Life AG (Dental Campus) ● Mentor and strategic advisor of Swissmeda AG ●

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