Exhibition guidebook Charlotte Posenenske

Page 21

The limits of language and architecture impact greatly on how all interactions are composed and constructed, and subsequently how society is able to develop (transform, mutate) over time. This we know. The limits of language and architecture are that gouge, that gap. Interference/Desire Opening/Closing Division These are also things that I’ve written about before. These are things (in the world). These things, slamming themselves against each other here, now, through the slip of fabric across windows and the gait of a body asked to watch. Before. Split (existence) And now I do it again. Now Again, again, again, again. This Division Is because of the split, and the way in which this opens things up to me, you, us, it, the I, my I, I, I be broke. Discard. Me. But she (I left you behind, etc) You/I The scene in which one finds oneself Where does my body belong Who put me here I will not be coy, but the slip of fabric Who put us here Who said it could be different But she (I left you behind, etc) You/I These are hallways. Tight to the skin, cutting at perspective, jarring, these are hallways.


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