2DArtist Magazine Issue 034 October 2008

Page 91

Planets and Starfields: Part 4: Gaian Planets

Space Painting

gas giants such as Jupiter/Saturn. So the main

attributed to a sci-fi writer, Jack Williamson in his

open planetary biosphere emulating all the

task is to ensure a very subtle approach is used.

book titled “Collision Orbit”, dated 1942, which

functions of the biosphere of the Earth – one

has since come into popular and mainstream

that would be fully habitable for human beings

5. Oceans & Shores: To suggest subtle depth,

use. For the subject matter itself, Martyn J Fogg

4. Astrophysical Engineering – taken to

darker parts of liquid surfaces will take on a

has since published numerous articles about

represent proposed activities relating to future

saturated darker blue (for oceans) and a lighter

terraforming and has devised various levels,

habitation that are envisaged to occur on a scale

blue/green for shallower bodies of water.

classifications and ease of terraforming.

greater than that of “conventional” planetary engineering

6. Land Masses: The final defining moment

Types of Terraforming:

is to suggest mountain ranges, planes and

1. Planetary Engineering – the application of

tundras. In our fictional image we can depict

technology for the purpose of influencing the

Ease of Terraforming (of candidate planets):

giant mountain ranges which are partially snow-

global properties of a planet

1. Habitable Planet (HP) – a world with an

capped; from an external view, such sharp

2. Geoengineering – planetary engineering

environment sufficiently similar to the Earth

details are rarely seen until within closer range.

applied specifically to Earth. It includes only

so as to allow comfortable and free human

those macro engineering concepts that deal


Hopefully, with all the details roped in, the final

with the alteration of some global parameters,

2. Biocompatible Planet (BP) – a planet

image should look similar to Fig.06.

such as the Greenhouse Effect, atmospheric

possessing the necessary physical parameters

composition, insulation or impact flux

for life to flourish on its surface. If initially lifeless

3. Terraforming – a process of planetary

then such a world could host a biosphere of

engineering, specifically directed at enhancing

considerable complexity, without the need for

The terraforming (Earth-shaping) of sterile

the capacity of an extraterrestrial planetary


planets requires the amazing feats of planetary-

environment to support life as we know it. The

3. Easily Terraformable Planet (ETP) – a

wide engineering. The term itself is widely

ultimate in terraforming would be to create an

planet that might be rendered biocompatible,

II: Terraforming for a New Home


page 100

Issue 034 October 2008

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