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In early 2012, the client was acquainted with the model of complex migration to a virtual environment, which offered a considerable increase in the availability and variability of the entire solution. Major changes included a transition to a new mail and communications server on the Microsoft Exchange platform, and preparation of architecture for the planned implementation of the myTEAM™ solution.

Klíč / Key

located in a leased server room, but following the construction of our own data centre, the client was offered relocation to the myDATACENTER™ in the Ostrava building on Novoveská Street. The first time QANTO CZ management heard that of the most modern data centres in Central Europe was located somewhere in a basement, and that they could move their data there from its professional location, the news inspired looks of incredulity. A few photographs and some basic specifications later, everything was clear. The move was approved.

Harmonogram projektu

Project schedule

září 2008

– spuštění ostrého provozu myCASH™ pro maloobchody

September 2008

– launch of full operation of myCASH™ for retail stores

březen 2009

– ostrý provoz VENTUS® pro velkoobchody

March 2009

– full operation of VENTUS® for wholesale outlets

červen–srpen 2012 – analýza a příprava migrace do myDATACENTER™ září 2012

– plný provoz ve virtuálním prostředí

Parametry projektu počet prodejen:

6 velkoobchodů, 22 maloobchodů

územní rozsah:

Česká republika

Cíle projektu - zabezpečení provozu, zvýšení dostupnosti a odolnosti vůči výpadkům

June–August 2012 – analysis and preparation of migration to myDATACENTER™ September 2012

– full operation in a virtual environment

Project parameters number of stores:

6 wholesale, 22 retail

territorial scope:

Czech Republic

Goals of the project - secure operations, increase availability and immunity to outages - transition to newer technology and capability for further flexible development - fast adaptation of the system to changes

- přechod na nejnovější technologie a možnost dalšího pružného rozvoje - rychlá adaptace systému na změny

Přínosy projektu - migrace bez omezení provozu – odstávky pouze v nočních hodinách - novou prodejnu lze do systému plně zprovoznit během několika málo hodin

Benefits of the project - migration without any restriction of operation – shut downs only during night hours - new stores can be fully integrated into the system within a few short hours

yourK – your key to success – Zima / Winter 2012–2013


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