RISE AND SIGN Future teachers receive the red carpet treatment
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. REAL RESULTS. Reshaping how students prepare for a career in the classroom
MARIAN UNIVERSITY Indianapolis Fred S. Klipsch Educators College
Greetings from the Fred S. Klipsch Educators College at Marian University. We are proud to produce our first college magazine, including articles that demonstrate our commitment to bold transformation of talent development and support of PK-12 schools. Our vision is very simple: we will work as partners to ensure that more students attend A-rated schools. There is a certain standard of quality that exists with A-rated schools. This standard involves a culture of high performance, a culture of ethics and values, and a culture of living out one’s gifts and talents in order to build a strong society. Together, we can do just that. From young people choosing teaching as a profession to career changers looking for a greater purpose, we seek to recruit and develop talented and passionate individuals who go on to work in partner schools across the state and region. Please continue to pray for us, for our educators in training, and for the students we serve. Yours in service,
Kenith C. Britt, Ph.D. Senior Vice President and Dean Fred S. Klipsch Educators College
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” –Mark 10:45 Top and Bottom: Kenith C. Britt, Ph.D., speaking with future teachers and their parents about the benefits of attending the Klipsch Educators College. Middle: Judy Klipsch pictured with student Gabriel (Gabe) Trevino, and Fred Klipsch at Angel Educators Day on August 25, 2018.
Teacher Signing Day, December 2018. Solomon Martin from Michigan City High School will attend the Klipsch Educators College in Fall 2019.
MARIAN UNIVERSITY Indianapolis Fred S. Klipsch Educators College
Photo by Eric Meyer
The Klipsch Educators College at Marian University will be the nation’s leader in talent development and support for PK-12 schools as evidenced by increased student outcomes.
WHAT MAKES OUR PROGRAMS DISTINCTIVE? UNDERGRADUATE • Classroom-ready individuals on day one • Early classroom immersion and intensive field experience • High-demand content area certifications • Study abroad opportunities • State-of-the-art simulation laboratory experience • A paid, year-long clinical residency • Master teacher mentorship during residency • Scholarships available • Combined bachelor’s and master’s degrees
GRADUATE • Licensure or degree program in building level administration • Online or traditional Master of Arts in Teaching • Transition to Teaching • Master’s Bridge to Teaching • Advanced degree in special education To learn more about our programs, visit
RISE AND sign Each year, colleges around the country roll out the red carpet At Marian University’s Klipsch Educators College, it’s future
for athletes who sign letters of intent. teachers who get the red carpet treatment.
DeChelle Turner had heard of star athletes being showered with attention by recruiting colleges. But future teachers? That didn’t happen.
Turner was particularly surprised when Dr. Kenith Britt, dean of Klipsch Educators College, engaged her in conversation: “He knew my name, he knew my GPA. I was blown away.”
So when Leon Jackson, Ph.D., director of special projects, invited Turner to Klipsch Educators College’s Teacher Signing Day in November 2017, she wasn’t sure what to think. She also didn’t know exactly what to expect at the event. “I was just expecting to sign a piece of paper saying I am committed to a career as a teacher,” she recalled.
Shortly after her talk with Dr. Britt, Turner was escorted to the university gymnasium, where a basketball game was underway. During halftime, Turner and a handful of other future teachers were invited to center court, where they were met with raucous applause. “I never dreamed of something like that,” she said.
That part of Teacher Signing Day met her expectations. But everything else that happened far exceeded them.
Opposite: Max Horrigan will graduate with a degree in pre-secondary education. Also pictured are (standing) Kevin Horrigan (uncle) and (seated right) Kenith C. Britt, Ph.D., dean, Fred S. Klipsch Educators College. Top: Dr. Leon Jackson, director of special projects, Fred S. Klipsch Educators College. Middle: Teacher Signing Day, January 2019. Bottom: At a Teacher Signing Day, student Sarah Blair receives recognition from the Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Governor of Indiana.
ELEVATING THE TEACHING PROFESSION For decades in America, elite high school athletes have been treated like celebrities when signing letters of intent to the colleges of their choice. So, shortly after the launch of Klipsch Educators College in 2016, Dr. Britt and Dr. Jackson began pondering a question: What if Marian honored future teachers in a similar way? Furthermore, Dr. Britt wanted to send a strong message about the caliber of student that Klipsch Educators College aims to recruit.
“WE’RE LOOKING FOR THE BEST,” HE SAID. “IF YOUR COLLEGE FOOTBALL COACH IS LOOKING FOR A LEFT TACKLE, HE IS GOING TO FIND THE BEST HE CAN. THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT WE’RE DOING WITH OUR TEACHERS.” Dr. Britt and Dr. Jackson’s conversation became a reality in early 2017, when Marian held its inaugural Teacher Signing Day. It was such a success that the university has held the event two to three times annually ever since. Students who attend Teacher Signing Day aren’t asked to make a commitment to attend Marian; the ceremony is strictly symbolic in nature. Still, it carries a great deal of weight with those who participate. For Max Horrigan, who attended Teacher Signing Day as a high school senior, the event provided a jolt of excitement “the moment I signed the paper.” “In a lot of cases, teachers don’t get the recognition they should,” Horrigan said. “It’s the teacher’s job to shape every student that walks into their classroom. To see Marian recognize just how important a teacher’s job is, that definitely made a big impact on me.” Horrigan is currently studying at Marian to become a high school chemistry teacher. He hopes to land his first job at Guerin Catholic High School, from which he graduated in 2017. Story continues on next page. FRED S. KLIPSCH EDUCATORS COLLEGE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2019
Teacher Signing Day, December 2018.
A “40-YEAR” COMMITMENT According to Dr. Britt, it’s students like Horrigan—who are deeply invested in teaching as a vocation—that Marian is hoping to reach. “We’re looking for exceptional educators who are making a commitment not for four years, but for 40 years,” he said. That’s a big commitment, and Klipsch Educators College believes students should be honored for making it. Teacher Signing Day is an opportunity for the college to show prospective students just how much it values them not only as scholars, but as individuals.
“IT SHOWS MARIAN IS INTERESTED IN US AS PEOPLE,” HORRIGAN SAID. “THEY DON’T JUST CARE ABOUT THE PRODUCT THEY PUT OUT. THEY FOCUS ON THE INDIVIDUAL PERSON.” According to Dr. Jackson, that’s no accident. “We make it personal,” he said. More importantly, Teacher Signing Day brings dignity to a profession that, for too long, has been overlooked and undervalued. “What we’ve found is a lot of
Daniel J. Elsener, president of Marian University, addresses a group of students at Teacher Signing Day in December 2018.
students really have a passion to be a teacher,” Dr. Jackson said. “These signing days help them see the value and honor in the profession, and ignite that fire inside them.” If a student attends a Teacher Signing Day and ultimately decides to attend another university, Dr. Britt still considers it a win if it strengthens that student’s commitment to teaching. “One of our hallmark values is the dignity of individuals,” he said. “Our job isn’t just to convince students to come to Marian but to affirm their commitment to the profession, and to help them decide what is in their best interest.” DeChelle Turner has seen this principle in action. Now a freshman studying history and secondary education, she said that “Marian has a community unlike any other.” As she looks back on her experience at Teacher Signing Day, she views it as a pivotal moment that changed the trajectory of her life in the best way possible: “I don’t think I could have gone anywhere else and gotten the experience I’ve gotten here.”
ABROAD AND BEYOND To become world-class teachers, students need to see the world. Klipsch Educators College’s study abroad program gives students a firsthand glimpse of the world’s top education systems.
A passport isn’t just a “nice-to-have” for Klipsch Educators College students. It’s a requirement. Every year, Klipsch Educators College’s study abroad program takes students to international destinations known for excellent education. In the summer of 2018, they traveled to South Korea. In 2019, they flew to China, first visiting Tiananmen Square and the Great Wall before heading to Shanghai. According to Program Coordinator Cheryl Hertzer, Ed.D., the study abroad program is intended to take Klipsch Educators College students on both an inward and an outward journey. The inward journey will lead “to enhanced self-awareness and understanding of the influence different cultures have on our lives,” she said. Meanwhile, the outward journey “will provide students with a look into an educational system very different from our own.” That was exactly what Klipsch Educators College Director of External Affairs Bob Behning had in mind when he helped design the study abroad program three years ago. Behning, who also serves in the Indiana House of Representatives, worked with the National Conference of State Legislatures to produce a 2016 report comparing the United States’ education system to high-performing systems around the world. The findings of the report were grim for American students, who lag behind much of the rest of the world. “The report informed our design of Klipsch Educators College,” Behning said. “We asked ourselves, ‘Why don’t we give our students a chance to experience what these highperforming countries are doing?’” To that end, Klipsch Educators College students visited various South Korean elementary, middle, and high schools, and met with administrators at the renowned Korean National University of Education to learn about their systems and practices. In China, they observed a system where elementary
Above top: Klipsch Educators College students visit South Korea in May 2018. Above left: Klipsch Educators College students visit China in May 2019. Above right: Program Coordinator Cheryl Hertzer, Ed.D. with student in Beijing, China in May 2019. Left: Fred S. Klipsch Educators College Director of External Affairs and Indiana State Representative Bob Behning (R).
teachers are experts in a single field of study, which contrasts with the generalist approach used in most American elementary schools. Behning hopes the study abroad program will provide students with insight needed to transform the American school system from inside the classroom. For example, borrowing from China’s model could help American teachers better prepare students for STEM careers. “The research has shown that most U.S. elementary school educators take no more than two math classes in college,” Behning said. “But in China, they have fourth grade teachers who teach nothing but math.” By exposing students to new ways of thinking, the study abroad program prepares graduates to lead the effort to restore America’s education system to its rightful place as a world leader. “Hopefully they’ll come back and be an inspiration to other educators in the communities where they are placed,” he said. “We want them to become advocates for change in our communities, because our primary focus is making a difference in kids’ lives.”
ANSWERING THE CALL How Klipsch Educators College is fighting to address Indiana’s critical special education needs both inside and outside the classroom.
Dr. Hill likens special education teachers like Dunbar and Norris to first responders: “They’re helping children dealing with the fallout of difficult life situations in real time.” Cindy Farren operates in a similar fashion. As director of special education and community outreach, Farren works directly with children with exceptionalities. She also connects their families to financial and educational resources for the ongoing support. Meanwhile, Farren does her part to address the special education teacher shortage by serving as mentor and advisor to Klipsch Educators College undergrads planning to enter the field. “The need is so great that I want to make sure these students stay in teaching,” she said. “It’s a challenging job, so it helps when they have somebody they can talk to who has been there.”
Sanders School students learn from Klipsch Educators College teachers Stephanie Sanders and Lauren Norris.
According to a recent report by the United States Department of Education, Indiana suffers from a long-running special education teacher shortage. Marian University’s Klipsch Educators College is addressing the problem by serving as a training ground for highly qualified and committed teachers.
Indiana Department of Education-Approved Dyslexia Training Program In 2018, Klipsch Educators College launched a dyslexia training program for public school districts approved by the Indiana Department of Education. This comprehensive endeavor not only helps children with dyslexia learn how to read but also provides materials and programming to meet the unique needs of students who struggle to read, comprehend, and write.
Stephanie Dunbar, a recent Marian graduate who teaches special education at the Sanders School in Indianapolis, credits Marian for preparing her for the unique challenges of the job. “Marian is invested in their students,” she said. “That’s so important in a field like this.” KEC’s Special Education Prep Program (SPED Prep), the first competency-based teacher licensure program in Indiana, further addresses the need. According to Lindan Hill, Ph.D., assistant dean and director of community outreach, the SPED Prep program is “the quickest and most intense way a person can be licensed to teach in mild interventions.” Another game-changer is Klipsch Educator College’s Transition to Teaching (T2T) program. It allows students with a bachelor’s degree to become licensed teachers in just 18 months. Lauren Norris, a former law enforcement professional, is on her way to a master’s in education thanks to the program. “It has been perfect for me, because I’ve been able to take most of my classes on online,” she said.
On the Frontlines of Special Education On March 15, 2019, nearly 200 special education teachers and professionals attended the fourth annual Special Education Symposium at Marian University.
BRIDGING THE SKILLS GAP With Project Build, Klipsch Educators College is preparing adults in Indianapolis’ most at-risk communities for Indiana’s most pressing workforce needs.
Klipsch Educators College does some of its most important work outside the classroom. A shining example is Project Build, which delivers education to disadvantaged adults while supporting Indiana’s growing workforce needs.
teach math activities to campers. SLI’s goal is to stop and reverse summer math learning loss. Over nine years, the data show that SLI is making a statistically significant difference in students’ math skills.
Project Build teachers lead adult education classes in Indianapolis churches and community centers, such as the Edna Martin Christian Center, PACE Recovery Resource Center, EmployIndy and Project Build, Turning Point Community of Scholars, and The Flanner House. According to Judy Bardonner, Ph.D., director of the Center for Community Learning, the program is embedded in low-resource areas so it can “meet students where they are, to help them get to where they want to be.”
SLI is funded by the Central Indiana Community Foundation’s Summer Youth Program Fund (SYPF). Funding partners include the Lilly Endowment Inc., The Indianapolis Foundation, the Marion County Commission on Youth (MCCOY), The Kroger Co., and Eli Lilly and Company. Support from community leaders is vital to Klipsch Educators College’s outreach efforts. So, too, is support from Marian’s own leaders.
Students who participate in Project Build can earn their high school equivalency diploma, obtain an industry-recognized entry-level certificate in a high-demand field, and gain the literacy and math skills needed to enter postsecondary education. The program successfully served more than 100 adults in 2018, and has already served twice as many in 2019. The program is funded by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD), which was recently recognized for its outstanding work in helping adults improve their skills in math, reading, and language. According to Dr. Bardonner, Project Build “played a vital role in that achievement.” Before being funded as an Adult Basic Education provider, Project Build provided services for EmployIndy’s YouthBuild Indy initiative. During that period, YouthBuild Indy was named one of the top five programs in the nation. Dr. Bardonner, who developed the curriculum for both YouthBuild and Project Build, said that the programs wouldn’t be possible without the servant leadership of Marian University President Daniel J. Elsener: “He has a real vision for community outreach, and I am furthering that.” Under Dr. Bardonner’s leadership, the Center for Community Learning also houses the Summer Learning Institute (SLI), which delivers math support to more than 600 youth each summer. Each June and July, teams of SLI students along with a master teacher visit Indianapolis summer camps to
“Before my niece told me about the program, I had put off the things that I was trying to accomplish because I was afraid to fail. However, I learned that to succeed, you may have to fail. The teachers asked me to commit to the process and I did that. I have a bigger support team now for the things that I want to do. Now, with my high school equivalency and logistics certification, I am going to get a job and support myself.” Marcus Sanders Project Build student
Partners who also support our mission include The Blue Umbrella, Indiana Construction Roundtable, Inc., and TurnerBuilt, Inc. FRED S. KLIPSCH EDUCATORS COLLEGE MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2019
Artificial intelligence. Real results. By allowing students to teach simulated students in an AI-powered environment, the Simulation Lab at Klipsch Educators College is reshaping how students are preparing for a career in the classroom.
The classroom looks like any ordinary classroom.
Screen-based. Ground-breaking.
There’s a whiteboard, a globe, a fish tank, and a bookshelf full of books. A handful of students sit at a U-shaped table. There’s Dev, a big Star Wars fan. Jasmine practices Irish dancing. Eva loves going to brunch with her mom. Savannah wants to be an Olympic volleyball player when she grows up.
Developed by the San Francisco-based technology company Mursion, the Simulation Lab combines artificial intelligence with live human interaction to create a virtual classroom environment that closely mirrors the one students will eventually work in as teachers.
Some of the students are shy; others are more than willing to speak up. Some are eager to please; others seem to enjoy keeping the teacher on her toes. All in all, it’s your typical group of sixth-graders. The only thing atypical about them? They aren’t technically real.
Jennifer Regelski, Ed.D., who helped launch the Simulation Lab, encountered the tool while at a professional development conference in 2016. She was impressed by its possibilities as an instructional device, and introduced it into Marian classrooms in the fall of 2017. Since then, the Simulation Lab has become a key component of the student experience at Klipsch Educators College. “It’s embedded in the coursework,” Dr. Regelski said. “Students start using it as freshmen and continue to use it throughout their student career.”
Dev, Jasmine, Eva, and Savannah are AI-powered avatars sitting in a computer-generated classroom. It’s all part of Klipsch Educators College’s Simulation Lab, a virtual reality teaching tool that is reshaping how Marian students are preparing for the classroom after graduation.
“You are exposed to a classroom before you’re in a real classroom, and that’s a really powerful opportunity.” Currently, only 15 education programs nationwide offer Mursion’s virtual teaching tool. Marian University is the only college in Indiana where it’s available. According to Klipsch Educators College Dean Dr. Kenith Britt, the Simulation Lab exemplifies Marian’s commitment to staying on the cutting edge of teacher instruction. “We are pushing the envelope of innovation,” he said. “As students practice on the Simulation Lab avatars, they are able to put the TAP Rubric Standards at the core of our program into practice. By the time they’re ready to teach, they will have a great deal of powerful, practical experience.” After hours of practice with Simulation Lab students, Marian’s student-teachers exhibit a comfort level in the classroom that is rare among first-time teachers. According to Dr. Regelski, teachers and administrators at partner schools often marvel at Marian student teachers’ poise and professionalism. “They often mistake our freshmen for seniors,” she said. “The Simulation Lab really replicates what teaching in a classroom is like.” Mursion deserves credit for developing such a powerful teaching tool. Its simulated students behave and talk in uncannily real ways. Each student has a distinct personality and background, which informs how they act in the classroom. “Teachers prepare better lessons when they know their students, and it is really beneficial that our students get to know these avatar students,” Dr. Regelski said. For Marian students studying special education, the Simulation Lab offers the opportunity to teach a student with autism and another with a learning disability. It also features an ELL student (an English language learner), and provides opportunities for students to hold parent-teacher conferences. Students can even meet with the school principal for administrative discussions.
‘A Powerful Opportunity’ Summer Cress and Skyler Ward are roommates who arrived at Marian as education majors in 2018. According to Ward, the Simulation Lab was one of the reasons she chose to attend Marian. “You are exposed to a classroom before you’re in a real classroom, and that’s a really powerful opportunity,” she said. Neither Cress nor Ward harbor any illusions about the challenges of their chosen profession. The Simulation Lab allows them to meet challenges head on, in a safe environment, while an instructor offers guidance and feedback. “When you’re brand-new in the classroom, it can be uncomfortable to deal with things like behavioral issues,” Cress said. “With the Simulation Lab, that’s something we jumped right into. Some student avatars are defiant; some use their cell phones. We learn how to speak to them and get their attention in the appropriate way. That would be difficult to practice with real students.” Of course, Cress, Ward, and their classmates also get plenty of experience with real students. In their freshman year alone, they observed classes at roughly 15 different schools. According to Cress, this is when the Simulation Lab proves particularly powerful. “Afterward, we come back and give feedback on what we saw the teachers doing and what was effective, and implement it in the Simulation Lab.” According to Regelski, Cress and Ward will be uniquely well-positioned to thrive in the classroom after graduation. “The Simulation Lab helps these students develop not only skills but also confidence,” she said. “They are going to be classroom ready, and the Simulation Lab is a big part of that.”
BRE BROWN Photo courtesy of Brandy Cunningham Photos
Assistant Principal Warren Central High School Building Level Administration Licensure, 2017
Bre Brown overcame a tumultuous childhood to become a leader at one of Indiana’s largest high schools. On her way there, she spent a year in Klipsch Educators College, where she made mentors—and friends—for life.
Bre Brown has a habit of overcoming odds.
A Powerful Path
It started in Bloomington, Indiana, where she was born into a childhood of near-constant upheaval. The early years were filled with financial uncertainty, housing instability, addiction, and illegal activity eventually leading to the incarceration of her father and divorce of her parents.
Warren Central is a majority minority school. For many students, education is the only way out of generational poverty. So it was important to Brown to attend a program that would be sensitive to issues around not only income equity but race equity.
Over the years, the instability took a greater toll. She has lived in 30 different homes. Her older brother was tragically murdered. Her sister died of an overdose in 2016.
After her first conversation with Dr. LaTonya Turner, associate dean for academic quality at the Klipsch Educators College, Brown knew she had found the program for her. “We had a very transparent conversation about some tough topics,” she said. “I knew if I could have that conversation with her, I was on the right path.”
Brown, somehow, survived. After graduating from high school, she attended Manchester University, where she earned a degree in secondary education. After several years of teaching, she decided to become a school counselor. And she earned a Master of Science in Education at IUPUI. She eventually landed a job as the director of school counseling at Warren Central High School, one of the largest high schools in Indiana. Warren Central serves a high percentage of low-income students, many of whom face challenges similar to the ones Brown endured. This allowed Brown to connect with students in a powerful way, and it inspired her to seek a leadership position where she could make an even bigger impact. When looking into various licensure programs, Brown felt drawn to Klipsch Educators College’s Academy for Teaching and Learning Leadership. “I’ve always been passionate about leadership,” she said. “That focus really spoke to me.”
While the program’s leadership focus drew Brown in, its instructors kept her eagerly returning. One experience left a particularly strong impression on her. In her very first class, Jeff Kaufman, Ph.D., invited students to talk about important leaders in their life. Soon classmates were sharing stories of difficult life experiences, such as family illnesses and other tragedies. “It was this moment of vulnerability that Jeff handled with such grace and support,” she said. “You continued to see that throughout the course.” Today Brown serves in the role of assistant principal at Warren Central, where she strives to lead in a similar style. “The people in my classes at Marian and the professors treated me, and all of us, like their family,” she said. “And I think everyone in our cohort isn’t just a better educator but a better person because of that journey.”
Fourth Grade Teacher Saint Barnabas High School Master’s Bridge to Teaching Program, 2019
Vice President of Academics Providence Cristo Rey High School Master’s of Educational Leadership, 2018
Q: Why did you choose Marian’s Master’s Bridge to Teaching Program?
Q: How did you decide to attend Marian?
A: I was working as a special education aid at an elementary school, and I decided that I would like to have my own classroom. I started looking at programs, originally thinking I would do online and Saturday courses. But with Marian’s Master’s Bridge to Teaching Program, I could get a master’s in elementary education in 11 months. My wife and I have a son who is in fifth grade, and it worked perfectly for our schedule. Q: How did you end up getting your current teaching position? A: The way student teaching at Marian is set up, after you’re assigned a position, you are at school two days a week, and Marian three days a week. I was here at Saint Barnabas two days a week from the beginning, so I could see what it is like from the start of a school year from a teacher’s perspective. And, eventually, they offered me the job. Q: How would you describe the student experience at Marian? A: Amazing. The professors are invested in what I am doing, and we are all in constant contact. Given the fact that I got hired full time, it has been especially great. The personal touch of the professors—I felt like they had a vested interest in me not only completing the program, but excelling at the teaching profession. I am so happy with my decision.
A: I had become the interim vice president at my school, and I needed to work toward my administrative license. A colleague alerted me to the educational leadership program at Marian. A big draw of the program was that I could take classes specific to the call and culture of Catholic schools. As someone who was working to become a well-rounded leader at a Catholic school, that element was compelling to me. Q: Did the strong focus on leadership appeal to you? A: The best thing about the program was being connected to other leaders within my community. Leadership isn’t all about having the right answers. It’s about being able to think through choices and make the best decisions based on the information we have, as well as taking care of the people we are leading and serving them well. Q: How did the program benefit you beyond the licensure? A: It really was more than just getting my credentials. Whatever I do in life, whatever job I have, I want to do it really well, and I want to do it with integrity. And this program has allowed me to serve my community well and serve my kids well. It helped me to feel more comfortable as a leader, and helped me obtain the strategies and knowledge I need to be the best school leader that I can be.
Fred S. Klipsch Fred S. Klipsch is on a mission to ensure every child has access to a high-quality education. In Marian University, he found a kindred spirit—and a unique opportunity to effect sweeping, statewide change.
In 2017, Fred S. Klipsch and his wife, Judy, pledged $12 million to Marian University. In return, Marian christened its new college of education the Fred S. Klipsch Educators College. Although Klipsch is grateful for the honor, his real interest is in supporting Marian’s efforts to transform teacher education in Indiana. Klipsch’s passion for education reform goes back to the 1990s, when he served as the chairman of the Educational Choice Charitable Trust, or “EdChoice,” which seeks to give every child in Indiana access to a high-quality education. A few years later, Klipsch launched the Institute for Quality Education, along with a political action committee called Hoosiers for Quality Education. The purpose of those two organizations was to pave the way for education reform, particularly in urban public schools where failure was too often the norm. Around that same time, Klipsch met Marian University President Daniel J. Elsener, who shared many of his ideas about education. “I was interested in what he was doing at Marian, because it was aligned with many of the objectives I had been pursuing,” Klipsch said. Elsener and Klipsch both believed that well-prepared, highly qualified teachers were the key to improving education. That laid the groundwork for Klipsch Educators College, which launched in 2017 with the purpose of turning out the highest caliber teachers in Indiana.
PLEASE CONSIDER GIVING. Because of your support, Marian University is able to work toward making the lives of our students better each day. Office of Institutional Advancement 317.955.6137 |
In less than two years, the college that Klipsch helped fund has succeeded in ways even he didn’t foresee. Klipsch Educators College’s two most recent graduating classes in 2018 and 2019 boast an average GPA of 3.70, the highest of any education program in the state of Indiana. “It says a lot about the quality for the school, and even more about Dean Kenith Britt and President Elsener,” Klipsch said. “They made a strong commitment to a new way of doing things, and it’s working.” Most important, colleges throughout the country can learn from Marian’s trailblazing efforts. “They have opened their doors to other colleges, who can then adapt the same approach,” Klipsch said. That open-door policy supports the overarching goal of Klipsch’s gift, which is to spark real, lasting change in primary and secondary education by remaking the system that prepares our teachers. “The goal is to become a model university for teacher training,” he said. “And based on what I’ve seen from President Elsener and Marian, I am convinced they will do it.”
Kenneth Zagzebski Todd Bess Lorene Burkhart Tom Cebulko Gina Fleming Adairius Gardner Mary Ann Grogan Jerry Jones Frank Kelsey Fred Klipsch Judy Klipsch Sr. Joanita Koors Eric Kropp Carla Leppert
Judith Mills Tim Nation Sam Odle Tom Oestreich Joel Perry Robert Pruitt
Our Alpha Alpha Tau chapter:
2002 year established
members initiated since 2002
Paul Richard Andreas Sashegyi Joseph Slash Joe Smith Jack Snyder Michelle Thompson
Alpha Alpha Tau Chapter has earned an Achieving Chapter Excellence Award, also known as the ACE award, seven times at the biennial convocations held in 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017. They submitted an application for an eighth ACE award on June 1, 2019. In 2011, the chapter was honored as the “Ace of the Ace” award-winning chapter, recognizing Alpha Alpha Tau as the top chapter in the world. The chapter offers professional development such as teacher panels, speakers on a variety of educational topics, and conferences including the biennial convocation, which will be held in Norfolk, Virginia, October 24-26, 2019.
Pictured above, left to right: Amanda Warnke ’19, president 2018-19, secondary education mathematics; Susie Beesley, counselor; Maria Portman ’20, chapter advocacy officer 2019-20, secondary education mathematics; Kaitlyn Hellinger ’20, president 2019-20, elementary education with special education minor; Lizzy Smith ’20, secretary 2019-20, elementary education; Lisamarie Norris ’19, elementary special education, Vision Academy; Abby English ’19, vice president 2019-20, elementary education with special education minor.
MARIAN UNIVERSITY Indianapolis Fred S. Klipsch Educators College
3200 Cold Spring Road Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997 @klipschcollege
APPLY TO THE KLIPSCH EDUCATORS COLLEGE For undergraduate high school students, undergraduate transfer students, and international students: Office of Undergraduate Admission 317.955.6300 |
For adult career-changers and licensed teachers, earning a master’s degree in education is a great choice: College of Graduate and Online Programs 317.955.6128 |
If you want to become a PK-12 teacher or take your existing teaching career to a more advanced level: Transition to Teaching 317.955.6698 | Building Level Administration 317.955.6681 |
PUBLICATION INFORMATION President Daniel J. Elsener Senior Vice President and Dean, Fred S. Klipsch Educators College Kenith C. Britt, Ph.D. Vice President of Marketing Communications Mark Apple Editor Greg Albright, coordinator marketing and communications, Fred S. Klipsch Educators College Associate Editor Robin Evans, director of creative services for marketing communications Design Kim McBurnett, Blue Olive Design Contributing Writer Matt Gonzales, Matinee Creative Contributing Photographers Brandy Cunningham Photos Klipsch Educators College Adam Lopez, Greenwood High School, 2019 Marian University Eric Meyer, Meyer Photography Printing Fineline Printing Group The Fred S. Klipsch Educators College Magazine is distributed two times annually by the Fred S. Klipsch Educators College at Marian University in Indianapolis. Correspondence for the magazine should be sent to the Fred S. Klipsch Educators College, Marian University, 3200 Cold Spring Road, Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997. © Copyright 2019, Marian University. All publication rights reserved. Marian University is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana.