Monografija "Memorijal Branka Bošnjaka"

Page 44

Memorijal Branka Bošnjaka


Branko i Alfe žive vječno! Branko and the Alphas live forever!

rambena snaga u Republici Hrvatskoj, naredbom ministra unutarnjih poslova počelo se s ustrojavanjem posebnih, odnosno specijalnih jedinica policije pri policijskim upravama. Bez imalo kalkuliranja, nesebično i samozatajno, s radnog mjesta operativnog radnika za zadržavanje, preprate i osiguranje Operativnog dežurstva Jedinice za zadržavanje, preprate i osiguranje u Zagrebu, 23. srpnja 1991. Branko je dragovoljno prešao u tadašnji Odjel za poslove policije PJP PU Zagreb na radno mjesto operativni radnik – komandir odjeljenja. Dolaskom u PJP PU Zagreb Branko se smatra i jednim od osnivača legendarnih “Alfi”, odnosno Specijalne jedinice policije PU zagrebačke. U Specijalnoj policiji MUP-a RH naročito su došle do izražaja Brankove sposobnosti, što je vidljivo i kroz njegovo brzo napredovanje u službi. Tako je Odlukom ministra unutarnjih poslova na temelju članka 62. Zakona o unutarnjim poslovima (“NN” 29/91) već u mjesecu prosincu 1991. godine raspoređen na radno mjesto komandira voda, a sa 1. listopadom 1992. na radno mjesto policijski službenik – instruktor specijalističke obuke. Pomoćnik zapovjednika Specijalne jedinice policije PU zagrebačke postao je 15. lipnja 1993. godine. Kako je tadašnjim Rješenjem o rasporedu bilo regulirano da u određenom vremenskom roku mora steći višu školsku spremu, a budući da je već bio upisan na Visokoj školi za unutarnje poslove u Zagrebu te je odslušao predviđena četiri semestra i položio sve ispite u roku, diplomirao je 8. srpnja 1993. godine te je stekao stručnu spremu VI. stupnja i stručni naziv kriminalist. Početkom agresije na Republiku Hrvatsku Branko je s “Alfama” dragovoljno sudjelovao u svim borbenim zadaćama. Tako je već tijekom 1991. godine sudjelovao u akcijama “Topusko” i “Pokupsko”, krajem 1992. u akciji “Poskok I”, a tijekom 1993. godine u operaciji “Maslenica” te u akcijama na državnom nivou “Poskok II”, “Kocka” i “Krug – Dubrovnik”. Tijekom svih akcija dokazao se kao iznimno hrabar, odlučan i smiren

Special Police Unit of Zagreb PD to the post of squad commander. Upon his transfer to the SPU of Zagreb PD Branko is considered one of the founders of the legendary “Alpha” Unit or the Special Police Unit of Zagreb PD. Within the Special Police Forces of Croatian Ministry of the Interior Branko’s competences came particularly to the fore, which is evident in his rapid career advancement. Thus, already in December of 1991, upon the decision of the Minister of the Interior on the basis of Article 62 of the Law on Internal Affairs (“Official Gazette” 29/91), Branko was appointed to the position of platoon commander, and on 1st October 1992 to the post of the instructor for special training. He was appointed as assistant commander of the Special Police Unit of Zagreb PD on 15th June 1993. One of the requirements for being appointed to this duty was a higher education level, and since Branko was enrolled at the College of Home Affairs in Zagreb, where he, at that point, had already attended four required semesters and passed all the exams, he graduated on 8th July 1993 gaining the 6th degree educational level and professional title criminalist. At the beginning of the aggression against Croatia Branko voluntarily participated with the Alphas in all combat missions. Thus, already during 1991 he participated in the Actions “Topusko” and “Pokupsko”, in the late 1992 in the Action “Viper I”, and during 1993 in Operation “Maslenica”, as well in the Actions at the state level – “Viper II”, “Cube” and “Circle – Dubrovnik”. During all these actions he proved himself to be extremely courageous, resolute and calm member of the Special Forces, who instilled confidence and continuously passed his life experience and extensive knowledge to the members of Croatian Special Police Forces while executing the most complex police and combat missions. All that energy and wisdom, gained during his professional engagement in kyokushin karate (martial art), Branko, as an exceptional warrior and leader, very thoughtfully

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