33 King’s-Edgehill Lane Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada B0N 2T0
T: 902-798-2278
E: kesalumni@kes.ns.ca
The King’s-Edgehill Highlander is produced once a year for alumni, parents, and friends of the School.
A special thank you to all alumni who provided articles and photos for this publication.
Hello, King's-Edgehill School Alumni and Friends:
What a joy it is to share the vibrant happenings from our beloved King's-Edgehill! As I sit here, reflecting on the latest stories and updates, I cannot help but marvel at the unique spirit that defines our school community.
At King's-Edgehill, our students are not just learners; they are explorers, creators, and dreamers. They fill our halls with laughter, curiosity, and boundless energy, making every day an adventure. It's no wonder that many of our alumni find their way back here after university – drawn by the memories, the camaraderie, and the deep love for the School. Please keep reading to see some of these stories.
It warms my heart to see alumni stepping into roles where their parents once stood, continuing a legacy of dedication and passion. It speaks volumes about the enduring bonds forged within these walls and the profound impact of our community on those who once studied here.
One alumna put it best when she said, "King's-Edgehill isn't just a school; it's a second home where learning feels like play and friendships last a lifetime."
On The Cover: Flag bearers at the Closing Day Ceremonies, June 2024.
Current students: Ray-Ray (Raymond) Gringas '26, Ezra Choo '26, and Royal Akinboro '26.
Pictured on the right: Ezra Sasaki '26
As we reflect and celebrate another wonderful year at KES, I invite you to reconnect with us through these pages, reliving fond memories, and discovering new tales of inspiration. Whether you are near or far, I hope you will always hold a piece of King's-Edgehill in your heart.
Warm regards, Heather
Heather Strickey, CFRE, MFA-P Executive Director of Strategic Growth
By: The Advancement and Alumni Relations Office
In the summer of 2024, we were delighted to have 23 alumni either working at, retiring from, or starting new roles at KES as part of our faculty and staff team. It’s truly remarkable when a place is so special that it draws its alumni back, not only to work but for some, to make it their home as well. To understand what brought them back, we reached out to these alumni and discovered a common theme: KES felt like home—a place they were eager to remain connected. As you read this article, we hope you feel that same sense of connection and warmth with KES.
When I graduated way back in ‘92, did I ever imagine that I would be back at KES as a teacher and houseparent? Absolutely not! But with two kids at the School, it was inevitable that I would be drawn in by the feeling of community the School is famous for. My favourite thing about teaching at KES is seeing many of my former schoolmates' children thriving in the same environment that I loved!
- Magda (Machel) Montgomery
My experience as a student at KES from 2005-2008 inspired me to return as a houseparent. I always admired my houseparents, like Aaron Ahier ’02 and Jason Verryn-Stuart ’96 and thought it would be rewarding to take on that role. After working for many years at my parents' restaurant in PEI, I felt it was time for a change when they sold the business in 2018. I contacted KES about a houseparent position, and fortunately, there was an opening, so I applied and got the job. I really enjoy building positive relationships with the students and seeing them become their best selves. I also found my way back to the ice as the assistant coach of the Highlanders girls hockey team. One of my proudest moments was winning the PPHL last year, which brought back memories of winning provincials in 2007 as a player. Reliving these experiences as an adult has been fulfilling. It's been a fantastic six years working at KES.
Once a Highlander always a Highlander!
- Mark Walker ‘08
This summer I worked at KES as a part of the maintenance crew. I decided to work at KES because I enjoyed going to school here for six years and saw an opportunity for employment somewhere that was already familiar to me. The grounds at KES are very beautiful, and working to keep them up helped me to appreciate them more and also appreciate how hard the staff who are here work. The work environment at KES is very friendly and encouraging, and I was happy to be employed there for the summer before I went to university.
I kind of fell into it to be honest. I realized after eight years that marketing/PR wasn’t my calling and moved home to figure it all out. During that time, I helped out with the cadets, then started subbing after Derek Bouwman (Assistant Head of School Academic 2012-Present) and Taya Shields (Retired Junior School Director 1983-2024) asked me to cover some leaves of absences. I then decided to try my hand at teaching on my own by getting my B.Ed. I was planning to teach French when the job of IB BAM became available and the Assistant Head of School at the time told me to apply. I applied and got the job and the rest, as they say, is history.
- Alyssa (Medina) Murphy ‘06
I’ve always had a passion for teaching, coaching, and continuing my education. However, I wanted to gain substantial experience in my fields of interest first, so I could share these valuable life experiences with my student-athletes. Returning to KES, where I first earned my sleeves as a provincial champion during the first year of the KES amalgamation in 1976-77, felt like a perfect fit. I knew it would be the ideal environment for me to continue learning while coaching and teaching the next generation. It is extremely difficult to name a favourite memory, I have been very fortunate to have very many! Although we have always had at least one individual provincial championship since our second year of offering our varsity wrestling program 29 years ago, we won our first senior boys’ team championship in 2010. We only had one senior boy win an individual provincial championship that year, , along with his championship from Singapore at the FILA Commonwealth Wrestling Championship, plus others. We had a much smaller team, as always, than some of the bigger
schools and our captain (Riley) along with the captain of the largest school in the province (Halifax West) mentioned that they thought we might be within a point of them, for the championship. The tournament was hosted at Horton High School and we went on to win that championship by one point. The context is important, since the great memory came after the win. We were having dinner at the local Boston Pizza and one of our student-athletes (Ollie Charpentier ‘11), who placed fourth, mentioned to me that he was so thankful for Riley winning gold to help everyone win their sleeves. Once we started to enjoy our meal, Riley shared his appreciation to everyone for their contributions to be able to captain his first high school wrestling provincial team championship. It was Riley who mentioned that it was due to athletes like Ollie, who gained three team points that ensured our team win. There is always more than just winning and losing. Another great memory is of one of our most humble, gifted and competitive wrestlers, Charbel Rouhana ‘04. We attended the Atlantic Wrestling Championships in Moncton around 2003/04 and he wrestled up two weight classes, to permit some of our other wrestlers to compete in their respective weight classes. He was fortunate to meet up in the finals with the NB wrestler who had returned from the recent Canada Games where he was the gold medalist. It was a great match with three TV outlets set up around the mats. It went the distance and Charbel ended up defeating his opponent with a double leg takedown, dropping his opponent directly to his back. Charbel was so modest and humble that he finished the match and shook hands with his opponent, coaches, and officials and all who swarmed the mat. It was the drive home that he was riding in the front seat and he commented to me that he had to apologize for his behaviour after the match. I didn’t know what he was talking about, as I didn’t recall anything out of sorts, but he said he gave a bit of a fist pump when he had won. I told him it had gone unnoticed, and I had also done the same.
I have been extremely fortunate to have been associated with some great people and was always proud of the conduct of our wrestlers.
I have some great memories of Tea Racozzi ‘19 placing second at the national championships and Nathan Danquah ‘18, after losing against a wrestler in the finals at the Atlantic Championships and how he was just so respectful and honourable … I was so very proud of him!
Finally, perhaps one of the best reasons for working at KES was being there while my two daughters (Kate (Walsh) Bona ‘12 and Kyla Walsh ‘15) also attended the School! - Kim Walsh ‘77
My first home was KES – I was born into the dorms, grew up around campus as a staff kid, and then attended the School for six years as a lifer. After moving away to complete my degrees and return home to begin a career in pharmaceuticals, I moved back to campus as a houseparent. I absolutely loved being back on campus and later accepted a job to teach chemistry. My favourite memory at the School has been having the opportunity to work alongside my dad in his last few years before his retirement. Simply put – KES has always felt like home to me and I couldn’t be happier to be back! - Kyla Walsh ‘15
After graduating from Acadia in 2001, I decided to spend a year teaching and playing rugby in Tokyo. Not exactly sure what I was going to do or where I was going to go when my year was up, I received an email from then-faculty and former Team Nova Scotia teammate, Rod MacDonald, asking me if I would like to be a houseparent. I jumped at the opportunity to give back to the high school that had done so much for me. After returning to Nova Scotia and moving to Buckle House to supervise 24 Junior School boys, then-Deputy Headmaster Darcy Walsh '76 asked me if I would like to teach English. Again, I jumped at the offer. I grew to love teaching and coaching, and King's-Edgehill School in particular. I met Cynthia Becker (2010-Present) when she came on the German teacher exchange program, and she eventually became my wonderful wife. We've since moved a stone's throw away from campus, on Clifton Avenue, where we are raising our children, and we can't wait to have them follow in my footsteps and enroll them at KES as well.
I was asked to provide a favourite memory for this piece. The obvious choice is meeting Ms. Becker (now Verryn-Stuart). A more strictly school-related memory would be impossible to choose, given the variety and volume of things we do here. Teaching students who have little interest in political science or economics, who work hard and eventually learn to love and succeed at those subjects; coaching student-athletes who step on a rugby pitch or a wrestling mat for the first time and come to acquire a life-long passion for sports; getting much of my educational on-the-job training from people like Kim Walsh '77, and the fantastic relationships I have developed with staff and students alike at this extremely close-knit community rank high on the list.
I remind myself every day how lucky we are to be here, and how lucky I am to have the unique perspective of teaching where I went to school!
- Jason Verryn-Stuart ‘96
Jason Verryn-Stuart ‘96
Alyssa (Medina) Murphy '06
Magda Montgomery '92
Kyla Walsh '15
Coaches Kim Walsh '77 and Jason Verryn-Stuart '96
Magda Montgomery '92.
Mark Walker '08
Highland Reflections
Being given the opportunity to come back to King’sEdgehill to work as a summer student in the Advancement and Alumni Relations Department immediately after I graduated was a pleasure and a privilege. I have always felt a strong pull to the School’s community with so many of my developmental years being spent on campus learning and growing as a person both inside and outside of the classroom. I strongly feel that by working at KES this past summer, I have connected more deeply to this environment I have always loved so much. Being able to walk around what has been my home for the past seven years for just a summer longer and to work alongside the faculty who have been here my whole student life are two massive reasons as to why I am grateful to have worked at the School.
Working with the Advancement and Alumni Relations team this summer at King’s-Edgehill has given me the unique chance to develop my interests in the history of the oldest independent school in Canada. A large part of the work I have been doing this summer has been related to organizing our current archives and converting them to an online system. Being able to go back in time through the centuries of the School with this archival work has been a treat that’s led to some great history lessons. Whether it is looking at schoolbooks used in the 1800s by King’s College students, a list of students from the 1920s, or a photo of the School’s drill team in the 1960s, simply having all this vibrant history in one place is priceless.
My favourite aspect of this experience has been seeing how the core traditions of King’s-Edgehill have endured over the years. Despite the many changes over time, the fundamental values and experiences of the School remain consistent. Connecting with students from the past, even those I’ve never met, has been an extraordinary experience that I will never forget. - Fox Sullivan '24
There are ghosts at KES.
Not real ghosts, but the memories of students who were here, who walked these halls, performed on this stage, wore this uniform, sang these hymns, and ran this hill. They are ghosts with names… Carla, Joanna, John, Jose, Righo, Lily, and Sophia. If you shut your eyes and listen hard enough you can hear the swish of Harrison draining a three-point shot in the gym or hear Ella singing Alleluia with Evan in the theatre.
Like photos in a yearbook, names are etched into the chapel pews, or engraved into the stones of Convocation Hall, or written on furniture in dorms. They provide a record for KES alumni. I was once here. I belonged to this place. I mattered. I made a difference.
KES provides witness to where alumni grew up. Teenage years are filled with significant physical, hormonal, emotional, and social changes. Those years represent a time when all of us struggled through the big questions or who we are and what we represent. High school is also a time when we experience the extremes of life, its moments of
anticipation, of elation and, of disappointment. Perhaps because expectations are high in terms of conduct and performance in and out of the classroom, and perhaps because of the School’s many immersive activities and dimensions, life itself is amplified at King’s-Edgehill School. Of course, not all memories of KES are happy ones, but whether those painful moments ended up being periods of growth and transformation or not, the reality is that every moment becomes defining in some way as students navigate their way through adolescence. This campus is a place where generations of young people have forged their identity, discovered who they are, and what they can do.
Interestingly, the School’s own identity is forged alongside that of its students. It is a mirror of our students’ success, and evolves to meet their needs as they navigate their pathway to adulthood. Students do not just take memories away when they are done, they leave a part of themselves here as well.
King’s-Edgehill Board of Governors
Sarah Campbell '91 Chair
John Traves Vice Chair
David Andrews 66
Bob Fraser 73
Taylor Freeman 01
Ben Harris
Trevor Hughes 79
Alex Jurgens
Christopher Killacky
Greg Maddison
Dear King’s-Edgehill School Community:
I am delighted to write this article in my second year as Chair of the Board of Governors. On behalf of the Board, I would like to recognize the myriad of ways in which alumni contribute to the School.
Alumni enrich the School by promoting King’s-Edgehill within their communities, by supporting students (whether their own children, grandchildren, or unrelated), by attending School athletic, artistic, and academic events, by supporting the Inglis Education Foundation (IEF), and by donating to the annual giving campaign and other fundraising initiatives. Many faculty and staff of King’s-Edgehill, past and present, are alumni who serve or served the School on a daily basis. We are grateful for all of these contributions!
generous commitment of time and energy.
Devon McConnell-Gordon 01
Steve Porter ex officio
George Rogers 71
Daniel Roukema 92
Joe Seagram ex officio
Kimberley Short 93
Penny Taylor
Ryan Zheng09
Another way that alumni contribute to the School is by serving on the Board of Governors. The King’s-Edgehill School Board currently stands at sixteen members, eleven of whom are alumni. The King’s-Edgehill School Act mandates that at least fifty percent of the Board must be alumni of the School. The independent governors of the School provide outside insight and perspective, and fresh thinking to the Board. The governors who are alumni provide the connection to the School’s history, roots, and institutional knowledge. Our current Board has alumni from the Class of 1966 to the Class of 2009, who studied under Heads John S. Derrick (1963-1973), Dr. Thomas Menzies (1973-1988), Geoffrey R. Smith (1988-1990), John A. Messenger (1990-1995), David R. Penaluna (1995-2008), Joseph Seagram (2008-Present), and their exceptional faculties. I am indebted to my fellow governors, both alumni and independent, and for their
Recently, the Board participated in a strategic planning process where the School adopted a new mission statement “To embrace our traditions of excellence in learning and leadership where students discover their unique potential to flourish in the global community” and approved a new vision to “To build on our foundation of providing a world class education by nurturing an environment of belonging while challenging students and inspiring resilience”. While attending the Annual Cadet Review (ACR), the Closing Day Ceremonies, and the Alumni social at Benjamin Bridge Vineyards this spring, I reflected on the School’s delivery of this mission and vision. The accomplishments in learning and leadership achieved by the students and the opportunities awaiting them are remarkable. Whether standing at attention at the ACR before Lt. Col. Rhonda Matthews or hugging their fellow students at the Closing Day Ceremonies, the students are the raison d’etre for the School. Inevitably, however, current students become past students and join the alumni ranks. We hope they will continue to support the School as they go on to flourish in the global community.
While this edition of the Highlander celebrates alumni contributions, we are of course grateful for everyone in the School’s community whose dedication makes the School possible, including faculty, staff, parents, grandparents, business partners, and donors. Thank you for everything you do that makes King’s-Edgehill such a special place!
How Planned Gifts are Shaping the Future OF
Penny Taylor Chair
David Cohen ’99 Vice-Chair
Richard DeMont ’82
Trevor Hughes ’79
Alex Jurgens
Thomas Kam ’82
Grace Levy ’10
Carlisle Norwood ’09
Matthew O’Callaghan ’97
Riley Otto ’10
Alfred Poon ’84
Steve Porter
Margie Rock ’63
George Rogers ’79
Joe Seagram
Lisa Smith ’84
Heather Strickey
Chris Strickey
Katrena Thomas ’16 ex officio
The Inglis Education Foundation (IEF) supports King’sEdgehill School (KES) by growing the endowment that funds the KES Financial Aid and Scholarship program. Thanks to generous bequests and life insurance beneficiaries, the IEF endowment has grown significantly this past year. Three remarkable individuals made planned gifts that have profoundly impacted the School.
Guy Payne (Staff 1967-2011), a beloved KES educator and coach, passed on December 1, 2023. He was one of 41 KES staff and former staff who allowed the IEF to take out a policy in their name with the IEF named as the beneficiary. His $187,000 policy created an endowed $7,500 scholarship that will exist in perpetuity, awarding the Guy Payne Memorial Scholarship annually to diligent, compassionate students who love athletics.
Elizabeth (Webber) Zedren (Edgehill 1952-1955), a retired educator passionate about advancing youth education, passed on September 16, 2023, leaving over $335,000 to support the School’s priorities.
Alexander Hood (KCS 1948-1951), a proud KES alumnus, passed on July 6, 2023. He left a gift in his will to establish an endowed $14,000 renewable scholarship for a student born in Nova Scotia who ranks in the top 25% of the
KES entrance exam and demonstrates financial need.
The generous foresight of these loyal KES supporters ensures that students will have the opportunity to attend KES, be challenged, and create lifelong memories.
Please consider leaving a bequest in your will to make a lasting impact on future generations of KES students. Your example will inspire family, friends, and future generations to consider their own philanthropic legacies.
In a divided and uncertain world, your bequest can stand as a beacon of hope. By including KES in your will, you ensure your generosity lives on, leaving a lasting mark on the world and the lives you touch. Your legacy will be one of compassion, kindness, and enduring impact.
If you would like to learn more about how to make a difference at KES, please email alumni@kes.ns.ca, call 902-798-2278, or visit www.kes.ns.ca/donate/planned-giving.
P.S. If you have already made a gift, would you be willing to let us know? The 1788 Fideliter Society acknowledges those who have made a gift and ensures we steward that gift according to the donor’s wishes.
Enriching Education Enriching Education
You can help enrich education at KES today with your gift made to the Annual Giving Campaign.
Education at KES is so much more than what happens in the classroom, studio, or lab.
Education happens everywhere.
Students learn from their peers during Cooking Club, while hiking, taking on the world with classroom field trips, or making cherished memories with friends. You can make all these experiences possible.
1788 Fideliter Society Dinner
West Coast Socials
On the first of December, parents and alumni alike gathered at the Seaport Garrison in downtown Halifax for a night of merriment and good cheer!
Ontario Socials
With spring just about to start, we were off to Ottawa and Toronto for some quick coffee shop catch-ups with our young alumni.
Career Night
On a warm night in April, the Grade 11 class gathered to hear advice from alumni, parents, and members of the KES community on what their future careers could be.
The brain (and particularly the teen brain) is a complex thing, and at this enlightening talk, Peter Welch helped us begin to understand it!
Guest Speaker Series: Peter Welch
Highlander Rugby Social
With teams across the Maritimes coming to campus for a full weekend of rugby, so did the alumni from the past 50 years!
We gathered on the porch of Alexandra Hall for a drink and a chat before returning to the pitch to watch the next exciting match.
Alumni Dinner and Cadet Ball
What a lovely night of formal festivities! Alumni and the Grade 12 class sat down for a formal dinner before swing dancing the night away at the Cadet Ball.
Day of Payne
In honour of the late Guy Payne, this full school track and field day was attended by a number of alumni who came out to show their support and offer some guidance to younger athletes.
KES Winery Social
On a beautiful evening in June, over 100 members of the KES community gathered at Benjamin Bridge Vineyards to reconnect and socialize while also saying goodbye to some of our longstanding retiring faculty members.
As the final event of the 2023-2024 school year, the Reunion of the 4s was represented well by the class of 1994 for an intimate weekend of good food and reminiscing!
Wednesday, November 6 Campus Remembrance Day Service
Monday, November 11 Town of Windsor Remembrance Day Service
November 21-23
Senior School Musical
Friday, December 6 Carol Service at Christ Church
Friday, December 6 KES Holiday Social
Sunday, December 15 KES Community Skate Day
February 28- March 1 Junior School Musical
Thursday, April 3 IB Visual Art Fair Reception
2024 - 2025
Wednesday, April 16 Cadet Church Parade
Friday, May 2
Alumni Dinner and Cadet Ball
May 2 - 4 Reunion of the 5's
Friday, May 9 Dance Recital
Thursday, May 15 Spring Fling Concert
Thursday, May 22 Cadet Annual Inspection
Wednesday, May 28 Day of Payne
Saturday, June 14 Graduation & Closing Day Ceremony
*Dates are subject to change, please refer to the School's online calendar (www.kes.ns.ca/ news-and-events/calendar) or call 902 798 2278 to confirm dates and times
We have a small board which consists of alumni, alumni parents, friends, and KES staff who want to see KES thrive well into the future.
Seamus Dubuss '07 Chair
Nathanael Oram '01 Vice Chair
Steve Porter
Heather Strickey
Kenneth Rock
Stacey Walsh
Morgaine Sullivan ’09 ex-officio
Dear KES Community,
As an American and KES alum, I'm honoured to serve as Chair of the Friends of King’s-Edgehill School Foundation (FKESF). The School holds a special place in my memories. The role of the FKESF is to aid our American alumni and friends to support King’s-Edgehill School (KES) by providing US gift receipts.
Thank you to those of you who have supported the FKESF and KES' Financial Aid and Scholarships program and our other special initiatives. Your support means the world to us.
Thanks also to my fellow directors on the FKESF—you make this role a pleasure.
To support KES and receive a US gift receipt, please email kesalumni@kes.ns.ca, call 902-798-2278, or visit www.kes.ns.ca/donate/annual-giving.
To support KES please email kesalumni@kes.ns.ca, call 902-798-2278, or visit www.kes.ns.ca/donate/annual-giving. If you live in California, Florida, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Nevada or Wisconsin, you are eligible to donate in US dollars and receive a US gift receipt.
I hope that you and your loved ones have a wonderful finish to 2024. Seamus
Seamus Dubuss '07 Chair, Friends of King’s-Edgehill School Foundation
Help us in congratulating our alumni below on these special moments!
Alexander Vance ’53 traveled to New Brunswick with four teams of dedicated lawn bowlers to compete in The Olde Boyes Maritime Invitational. The tournament was created by Alex in 2022 and continues to grow each year!
Richard Niedermayer ’87, K.C. TEP, was awarded the Michael Cadesky Volunteer of the Year Award from STEP Canada June 7, 2024.
Jill Payne ’02 is a published author, with the release of her book Be a Dime: Unleash Your Inherent Energy and Live Life More Joyfully"
Eric McKenna ’04 married Arabella Hanesh in Singapore in November of 2023.
Laura Bernie-Melanson ’04 was honoured as a recipient of 2024 Volunteer of the Year.
Drew Mitchell ’05 competed in the SSL Gold Cup Race in Grand Canaria as part of Team Canada. Additional congratulations on his marriage to wife Brittany Schnare in the fall of 2023.
Lesley Taylor ’06 and partner Graham Hart welcomed a baby girl, Leah Marie Hart, just before Christmas of 2023.
Alyssa (Medina) Murphy ’06 and husband Justin, welcomed their second child, Cora Murphy, on August 11, 2024. Pictured with older brother Arthur.
Shana Vidito ’08 announced her engagement to Clovid Lahoud on April 22, 2024.
Erin (Beazley) Hamson ’08 and husband Mike welcomed their second son, Rhys Andrew David Hamson, on October 6, 2024.
Oisin Singh ’08 and wife Jillian welcomed Aelish Anne Singh on January 21, 2024 .
Samantha Langille ’08 welcomed her daughter, Ruby Ann, with partner Michael Dolphin, in December 2023.
Lauren Young ’08 and husband Steven Teslic welcomed Cameron Carson Teslic on February 23, 2024.
Allie (Lannon) Prigione ’08 and husband welcomed baby Lucy Sylvia Rose Prigione on June 7, 2024.
Luke Cameron ’08 announced his engagement to Kristina Eiliers on May 19, 2024.
Colin Boyle ’09 announced his engagement to Karleigh Avery on December 25, 2023.
Laura Davidson ’09 welcomed a baby girl, Georgia Abigail Elizabeth Groleau with Chris Groleau on August 20, 2024.
Morgan (Anderson) Martin ’08 welcomed a baby boy, Spencer Anderson Martin, with husband Brody Martin, on February 17, 2024.
Denise Roy ’08 and Rahim Jaffer announced their engagement in November 2023. Denise and fiancé welcomed a baby, Juliette, in 2023.
Lightfoot & Wolfville Vineyards, owned by Rachel ’09 and Kori Lightfoot ’12 and Family, was award the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Excellence in Nova Scotia Wine. Lightfoot & Wolfville’s Brut was also a staple at the home of the Kirsten Hillman, Canada’s Ambassador to the USA, as she welcomed politicians from across the country into her home during the NATO Summit in Washington, DC.
Taye Landry ’10 and partner Zach Pop announced their engagement October 6th, 2024.
Grace Levy ’10 announced her engagement to Miguel DeMello on December 23, 2023.
Faculty member TK Kim '10 received his Canadian permanent residency!
Marley Bowen ’10 and Kelly Massicotte were engaged in March 2024 while travelling through British Columbia.
Rebecca Mosher ’09 and wife Tash welcomed a second baby, Cole Patrick Mosher, in March 2024.
Ross Porter ’09 and Taylor Gaudette were engaged while vacationing in Italy in May 2024.
Kate (Walsh) Bona ’12 and husband Andre welcomed a baby boy, Marcus Anthony Bona on October 17, 2023.
Kate (Jurgens) Profit ’12 welcomed a baby, Alice Yvonne Profit, with husband James, in March 2024.
Ellis Burry ’12 married Sam Herman in Lisbon, Portugal on May 11, 2024.
Federico Cisneros ’12 married Stephanie Truelove on May 18, surrounded by friends and family.
Maggie Davidson ’13 and partner William Flower welcomed a baby boy, William Theodore Flower, in December of 2023.
Congratulations to Debby Chao ’13 on her wedding in August 2024!
Craig Chan ’11 travelled to Paris for the 2024 Olympic Games to officiate men’s and women’s rugby sevens in July 2024. He also had the privilege of officiating the Bronze Medal game!
Jasmine Smith’12 welcomed baby Malaki with partner Jeff MacDonald in September 2023.
Isabelle (Bouwman) Robb ’12 and husband Jordan welcomed baby Maisie in September 2023.
Congratulations to Ashton
who married Melissa Moore in February 2024. Joining the happy couple at the altar in the groom’s party were alumni Andrew Kenny ’12, Alec Kenny ’10, and Nico Folker ’14. In the bridal party was alumna Eleanor Gallant ’15
Dr. Robyn Diffouo ’14 wed husband Raoul in the Summer of 2024!
Congratulations to Ben Givner ’13 on his engagement in Spring 2024!
Jabes Benedict ’15 and wife Jessica were married on October 14, 2023 in the Hensley Memorial Chapel.
Mackenzie Seagram ’13 married current faculty member Brodi Robinson (2017-Present) on August 10, 2024 in the A. Gordon Cooper Library on campus surrounded by family, friends, and a number of KES alumni and staff. Jordan Hutchinson ’14 married husband Zach Matthews in August 2024!
Cooper Thomas-Clarke ’15 announced his engagement to partner Emmie Nicole in October 2023.
Gallant ’15 married husband Avery in August 2024 at White Point! Karl-Éric Demers’15 and partner Kim announced their engagement in summer of 2024.
Congratulations to Sara Jones ’14 and husband YanBo Guo on their marriage in the fall of 2023.
Maddy Killacky ’14 was awarded the Boarding Research Fellowship Award by the Boarding Schools’ Association November 2023.
Congratulations to Dr. Prathana Nathan ’14 and husband Arun on their wedding in Toronto in Spring 2024!
Kenny ’14
Arianne (MacRitchie) Morrow ’15 and husband Matthew welcomed their first child on December 22, 2023.
Kyla Walsh ’15 was appointed assistant coach for Team NS wrestling and assistant coach for the 2025 Canada Games wrestling teams!
Lucy (Killacky) Skelhorn ’15 and husband welcomed their first child, Hazel, in January 2024.
Congratulations to Dr. Erin Cecchetto ’16 graduating and becoming a Doctor of Chiropractic in June 2024!
Josette Simboro ’16 became engaged to partner Timothy in August 2024!
Julia Schmitt ’17 dropped the puck at a X-Women hockey game in November 2023 as both a former X-Women hockey alumni and Hockey Gives Blood Ambassador, to raise awareness for blood and stem cell donations.
Mae Batherson ’19 was named to the 2023-2024 Women’s All-ECAC First Team in March 2024. Mae was also drafted to the Professional Women’s Hockey League as a member of team Minnesota.
Maddie (Barbour) Rhyno ’19 welcomed a second baby, Adaline Vaille Rhyno in spring 2024.
’15 announced her engagement to Tori Decker in March 2024.
Robinson’15 became a CPA in April 2024!
Layla Green ’15 and Keith Webber announced their engagement in August 2024!
Peggy (Yoston) Khiari ’15 wed husband Yanis in August 2024. Joining Peggy at the alter were alumni Eric Kelly ’14 and Abigail Shearer ’16
Kyle Yearwood ’16 popped the question to Moira Kinney in March 2024.
Hanley Palmer ’16 started a new law firm named Annapolis Valley Standard Legal Services Inc. Congratulations, Hanley!
Nic Gimenez ’16 and partner Janelle wed in BC in the summer of 2024!
Lea MacLeod ’18 continues her professional hockey career signing with SC Bern for the upcoming year.
Congratulations to Ella Jollymore ’18 who completed the NYC Marathon on November 5, 2023!
Amelia Humphrey ’19 earned her Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award in October 2023. Additional congratulations to Amelia on her graduation from Dalhousie University with a BSc in Neuroscience, and her continuing pursuit of a BSc in Nursing.
Sophie Thomas ’19 won silver in the women’s 4x100m race at the AUS Championship, February 2024.
Maddy Walsh ’19 was named OUA 2nd Team All Star during her first year as a member of the Brock University Badgers.
Mya Snarr ’20 won the Miriam Cozen-McNally (team) Award as a member of the 2023-2024 Bishop's Gaiters women’s rugby team.
Aria MacDonald ’21 broke the record for the Carleton University Ravens women’s 1000m with a time of 3:07.16 in January 2024.
Mackenzie Smith ’21 hit her 1000th career point with the St. Joesph’s University Hawks women’s basketball team. She is the 30th Hawk to reach the milestone!
Abby Wamboldt ’21 became a U SPORTS Academic All Canadian as a member of the Dalhouse Tigers women’s hockey team.
Congratulations to Abby McCarthy ’22 who was named a U SPORTS Academic All Canadian in the annual Huskies Academic All-Canada breakfast ceremony in November 2023.
2023 grad Ella Descoteau won the silver medal at the 2024 Canadian Indoor Championships in triple jump with a jump of 10.80m, a personal best.
Tyra Obadan ’23 attended the National Highschool Model United Nations (NHSMUN) Conference in New York City as the Assistant Director of Administrative Staff. Tyra had previously attended NHSMUN as a participant with the KES Model United Nations club in 2023.
On June 26, Max Stulberger ’24 was sworn into the Canadian Armed Forces as an officer. Admiral Josee Kurtz, the Commander of Maritime Forces Atlantic conducted the swearing in ceremony. Max has been accepted into Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario. He departed to Saint Jean, Quebec on July 13 to begin Basic Officer Training and then at RMC in September. Supporting Max on his big day was his father, mother, brother, and our Commanding Officer Captain James Skafte. Well done Officer Cadet Stulberger!
Congratulations to former staff members Steven Lee and Jamie Gray on their engagement.
Dr. James D. Bowen, parent of alumni Marley and Bryn Bowen ’10 was named Newfoundland Doctor of the Year.
Harlo Young ’27 had full support on closing day with four generations in attendance! From left to right faculty member Kevin Lakes, Harlo Young ’27 her mom Joelle Miller, her grandmother Jackie Miller, and her great-grandmother Ruth Schofield.
Congratulations to parent of alumni Dr. Tina Atkinson, who was named Chief Medical Officer for the Professional Women’s Hockey League in its inaugural season. Dr. Atkinson was also inducted into the Nova Scotia Sports Hall of Fame in June 2024 for her contributions to sports medicine.
Congratulations to current parent Sarah Dunham who launched a new business, Studio Twenty Two Windsor, a wellness club for a generation seeking wonder, balance and connection. On September 18, 2023. Sarah was also nominated as a 2024 Atlantic Visionary of the Year!
Congratulations to Program Coordinator and Head Coach Highlanders Baseball Trevor Wamback (2020-Present) on his induction into the 2024 Dalhousie Tigers Hall of Fame as a member of the 1996 National Championship baseball team. As well as his induction into Sackville Sport Hall of Fame.
Congratulations to Audrey Michaud (2021-Present) and husband Mike, who welcomed baby Faye Yvonne Peters on April 30, 2024!
Congratulations to Jennie Sawler 2018-Present) and husband Jason on the birth of their baby Lawson Eugene Kenneth Sawler on May 19, 2024!
Dwayne Provo parent of alumni Savannah Provo ’19 was inducted into the Nova Scotia Sports Hall of Fame for his career in football. As an All-Conference defensive back for SMU, he was a first round draft pick of the Saskatchewan Roughriders in 1995, before playing eight seasons in the CFL.
In July 2024 Dr. Belinda Seagram, published Summiting Your PTSD Mountain, Lessons from Kilimanjaro " Program Coordinator and Head CoachHighlanders Hockey Zach MacQueen (2023-Present) married Regan, in Baddeck, NS on July 20, 2024.
Faculty member Mr. Philip Hadley (2014-Present) was appointed 2025 Canada Games Head Coach for the Nova Scotia Athletics Team!
Paula James (parent of Chelsea James ’29 was inducted into the Dalhousie Tigers Hall of Fame, for her accomplishments in running on May 8, 2024.
Angela Corkums (Head of Housekeeping 2018-Present) celebrated the wedding of her daughter, Rebecca (Corkum) Smith (former staff), who married fellow staff member Lorraine Allen’s (School Nurse 2011-Present) son Justin Smith.
from OCAD
pictured here celebrating with aluma Yian Wang ’17
Primrose Chareka
Carol Seegraber and husband Richard “Quent” Murray ’68 met up with Margie ’63 and Ken Rock while wintering in Florida.
Also spending March Break in Florida were Chris and Heather Strickey, and a number of current KES students, Leonie Scholz ’26 Sophie Kraemer ’24 and Betty Hoeft ’26.
While in Germany with the Highlanders hockey teams, Mark Walker ’08 had the chance to meet up with fellow alumni Mobolaji Joseph ’07 and Manuel Haack ’07. Pictured with Mobalaji.
Eamonn Sullivan ’11, TK Kim ’10 and Mark Walker ’08 caught up over a meal in the Stanfield Dining Hall while Eamonn was on campus to visit.
Cole Flemming '18 and Ivanna Ennett-Martinez '18 visited campus on September 27, 2023.
Sebastian Feng ’23 dropped by campus on January 4, 2023.
Heather and Chris Strickey had the chance to meet up with proud alumnus Jonathan Goode ’96 while in Toronto in February of 2024.
Sean Hurley ’23 stopped by to catch up with Mrs. Maguire (Faculty 2018-Present) in February 2024.
A group of old boys surprised former coach Chris Strickey at a Halifax Moosehead’s Game. Pictured are Stevie Whynott ’98, John Williston ’99, Peter Casey ’00, John Julien ’98, Nick Brown ’98, Andy Knowles ’00, Chris Strickey, Jim Mullen ’99, David Cohen ’99, Jim Gilbert ’00, Brandon Kyle ’00, Struan Robertson ’98, and Ryan Chisholm ’00
Wolfgang Hausler and Antje Hausler, parents of Niklas Hausler ’06, visited from Germany in September 2023.
Class of 2007 alumni Seamus Dubuss and Martin Mihalik met up at a New Jersey Devils hockey game.
Jon Meyer KCS ’72 and Heather Strickey in Salmon Arm, October 2023.
Mark Walker ’08 pictured with Ben and Sam Ross ’10 at the unveiling of the Highlanders Performance Room in memory of their father, Tim Ross, in January of 2024 .
Patrick Wu ’14 visited campus in November 2023 to talk to students in Mr. Simonar’s (Faculty 2021-Present) music classes.
Lady Ann Day ’55 and Jo Peill ’54 bumped into each other at alumni-owned restaurant Cumin in March 2024.
October 14 was not only the wedding of Jessica and Jabes Benedict ’15, it was also a mini KES reunion with nine alumni attending and being officiated by Rev. Curry. Back row left to right: Cameron (Cam) Wile ’16, Hanley Palmer ’16, Jabes Benedict ’15, Shawn Benedict ’97, Brandon Benedict ’98. Front row left to right: Layla Green ’15, Rev Curry, Eleanor Gallant ’15, Brook Belliveau ’15, Ava Bendict ’20.
Barry Spence ’80 and his wife Judith visited campus in April 2024 to visit their daughter Victoria, who spent the year as a houseparent.
Presentation of photos to The Honourable Anita Anand as thanks for her campus visit in spring 2023. Presented by Joe Seagram, Heather Strickey, and MLA Kody Blois, accompanied by Julia Strickey ’19 and Belinda Seagram
While on a recruiting tour of Mexico, Director of Admissions, Chris Strickey was able to catch up with Alumni Rolo Zapata ’23 and past students Rafaela Blanco '25 Jose Roberto Erosa'25, and Diego Camara '25.
JD Williamson ’07 stopped by in April 2024 to grab a fresh KES sweater!
Jamie Oland ’70 dropped by in March 2024 to share some pictures from his time at KCS.
While acting as referee, Dean Pan ’14 bumped into Heather Strickey at a MSVU basketball game.
MacDonald ’19 and Savannah Provo ’19, both attending the University of Ottawa had the opportunity to meet up with Heather Strickey while she was visiting.
Niren Shetty ’98 and Colette O’Hara ’98 had the opportunity to meet up on campus while Niren visited with his family on Victoria Day weekend.
Madeleine Killacky ’14 and Antonio Ziegler ’19 met at Oxford (Christ Church ‘Tom Quad’) and shared their photo with Revered Curry (Faculty 2000-Present) this past spring. Madeleine is completing her PhD in Old English Studies at Bangor, Wales, and Antonia is pursuing a MA at Oxford, England, after completing an undergraduate degree at York University, England. Both were full IB Diploma students at King’s-Edgehill where Madeleine was also the organ scholar and later a houseparent. Always lovely to hear from former students says Rev. Curry
Current staff Mark Walker ’08 and TK Kim ’10 had the opportunity to catch up with their former teacher Kassi Campbell, Faculty 2006-2010 in June 2024 when she and her partner visited campus.
Alumni and current Friends of King’sEdgehill School Foundation board member Nathaneal Oram’s ’01 son repping Highlanders baseball swag while in Massachusetts.
Kim Walsh ’77 (Director of Athletics 1995-2024) pictured with old boy Brian Martinello ’98 and his daughter Rhya Martinello ’24 at the KES Prom in June 2024.
Dr. Stephen Crocker ’90 visited campus in July 2024 with his family. Pictured with his mother Frances, wife Rosa, and two children Bradley and Dana.
Margie Rock Edgehill ’62 and IEF Director and husband Kenneth, FKESF Board Director pictured with their grandchildren on the fourth of July.
Benjamin Bridge was host to a mini-reunion of the Class of 2001 when Ashley McConnell-Gordon '01 Tamara Mosher-Kuczer '01, Heather Strickey and Devon McConnell-Gordon '01 got together to reminisce.
Marion Riehl Edgehill ’55 alumna and grandparent of current student Maron Hawley ’25 caught up with fellow classmate Lady Ann Day ’55 on a sunny day in July 2024 at Luckett Vineyards.
Faculty member Kyla Walsh ’15 took to Europe this summer connecting with past and current faculty as well as a handful of alumni in every city she visited! In London, she connected with Coco Chou ’23 in Barcelona she connected with Miranda Walsh ’15 Madeline Ahern ’15, Fernanda Ibanez de Pedro ’22, and Isabella Aziz Salloum ’22
In Hamburg she connected with Aurelia Holle ’22 Valentina Hoehne’22, Alexander Pappert ’23, Betty Hoeft ’23, and Linda Prange ’23, in Hannover she saw 2023 German Intern Teacher Emma Oehl, in Düsseldorf she saw 2020 German Intern Teacher Florian Huck, in Frankfurt she saw 2021 German Intern Teacher Simon Spengler, and in Gießen she saw 2023 German Intern Teacher Nils Vosteen
Alumni and current staff member Judy (Redden) DesRoches ’02 caught up with some long-time friends and classmates Jess (Wilson) Macy ’03, Jill Payne ’02 and Adrienne Wood ’02. Not pictured Jess.
A mix of students past and present, Inyoung Hwang ’26, Andy Cho ’24, Junsu Kwak ’23, and HyunSeo Kim ’23 got together this summer while current staff member TK Kim was visiting Korea with his son and future student Kai McMaster-Kim.
The campus played host to the celebration of life of Mr. Guy Payne, late faculty member from 1967-2011. With the entire Payne traveling from across the country to attend. Pictured; Betsy Payne (faculty 1971-1972) with her children; Jason (1984-1991), Melissa (1989-1994) Meg (Payne) Bertrand (1993-1999), Jill (19962002), and numerous grandchildren.
with Guy Payne’s family, many alumni and staff were able to reconnect. Pictured are Peter Cornick
Jamie Oland
and Andy
Jeff Cantwell
Nina (Thompson) Steinhoff ’00 husband Tim, and baby girl Quinn visited campus in August 2024. This was Nina’s first time being back on campus since graduation, the party was accompanied by Nina’s mother (not pictured).
Felix ’91 and wife, Alana Omolayole ’91 met up with Heather and Chris Strickey while in Toronto.
'69, Mike Hosford '71
Currie '70. While in Nashville, Heather, Chris and their oldest daughter Julia Strickey ‘19 had many the opportunity to meet up with Hugo (Hokyun) Son ’21, who is currently attending Vanderbilt University. As well as Jess (Wilson) Macy ’03, who has lived and worked in Nashville for many years.
The Annual Cadet Review was an opportunity to reconnect for alumni Ike Whitehead ’73, Martin Bolland (Faculty 1971-1980) Henri Medina (Faculty 1975-2011) Phillip Bourgeois ’80, and Eric Bolland ’80
David Roddis ’92, Lucy Vandenbrink ’93, and Scott Caldwell ’92 were also able to reconnect.
Alumnus and FKESF Board Chair Seamus Dubuss ’07 wife Lara, and son Aidan pictured on holiday in Turkey this past summer.
Kalyn ’10 and Tara ’00 MacAskill met up with Heather Strickey to catch up over ice cream in July.
John Kernaghan ’70 met up with Heather Strickey for lunch on his annual summer trip from British Columbia to Nova Scotia.
KES students past and present came together to represent their respective home provinces at the Canada Cup in Fort McMurray, Alberta in August 2024. Pictured: Ken Hojo ’27, Kail Brown ’25, Mitch Brown ’23 Will Clark ’25, Tyler JenkinsGaudet ’25 Evan Phillips ’24, Yasu Hojo ’25 Carter Cooling ’25 and Spencer Johnson ’24
Nancy Morash ’79 (Staff 2011- Present), Jabes Benedict ’15, Karen Garvie (Staff 2004-Present), DJ DeCoste (Staff 2017-Present) and Ava Benedict ’20 all connected in August 2024 at the wedding of alumni Shawn Benedict ’97.
Please send your announcements to kesalumni@kes.ns.ca by August 1, 2025.
In my role as a community liaison for King's-Edgehill School (KES), I often say I have the best job in the world. My days are filled with meeting extraordinary peoplealumni, parents, grandparents, and friends of the School. The joy of connecting these diverse members of our KES family is immeasurable.
What's even more fascinating is how our KES community seems to shrink the world. Time and again, I hear heartwarming stories of alumni crossing paths in unexpected places, forging new connections or rekindling old ones. Take Hugo Son '21, for instance. He's actively seeking out and networking with KES alumni in his field of study, exemplifying the enduring bonds our School fosters.
These chance encounters and deliberate connections highlight the global reach and close-knit nature of our KES family. From bustling cityscapes to remote corners of the
Michael ’62 and Gwen Trask Edgehill ’62 got the chance to catch up with fellow alumni Jack Fickes ’61 and Catherine (Van Horne) Ireland ’69 while on a tour excursion bus in Taengaroa, New Zealand.
While travelling with friends in Zermatt, Switzerland, Matthew Wei ’10 bumped into fellow classmate Andre Poticny ’10, who happens to work at the hotel Matthew was visiting.
world, our alumni find each other, creating moments of shared nostalgia and new friendships.
Each time I receive a photo or story of these serendipitous meetings, I'm reminded of the far-reaching impact of our School community. It's a testament to the strong foundations built at KES and the lasting connections that span generations and geography.
So, next time you bump into a fellow KES community member in an unexpected place, snap a photo and share your story. Let's celebrate how our KES world, vast as it may be, can feel wonderfully small.
“You just never know who you might literally bump into in the most unexpected places…we walked down the spiral steps connectting the upper to lower English Bay pedways and there was Kevin (Staff 1992-Present) and wife Penny Lakes. Clearly we were meant to connect. Random and wonderful.”
- Patricia Bishop ’94
Jenna MacInnis ’14, Abigail Shearer ’16, Tina Shearer ’86 (not pictured), and Kaylee Campbell ’15 all connected on a recent trip to Ireland.
Eleanor Gallant ’15 was joined by a number of alumni at her wedding including Layla Green ’15 as part of the bridal party, Booke Belliveau ’15 as her makeup artist, and Jabes Benedict ’15, Madeleine Ahern ’15 and Miranda Walsh ’15 as guests.
Alumnae Abby Wamboldt ’21 and Maddy Walsh ’19 worked side-by-wide with Canadian Olympians this summer at the Turnbull Saulnier Skills Camp in August 2024. Abby and Maddy were also teammates on the Highlander girls hockey team.
From Boarding School to Business Ambitions: How King’s-Edgehill Shaped My Path
When my parents first told me about the opportunity to study at a boarding school, I was filled with excitement. They decided not to send me to the United States, ultimately choosing Canada for my high school education. After researching, they came across King’s-Edgehill School, the oldest independent school in Canada, and felt it was the perfect fit. The idea of living on campus with friends was fascinating, and my experience at KES was one of the best in my life. The boarding school experience has been a transformative experience for me, shaping my character and future in profound ways. The school's motto, "Deo Legi Regi Gregi," which emphasizes the education of the whole person and the importance of contributing to public life and service, has been deeply ingrained in me. My time at KES fostered lifelong friendships, a sense of responsibility, and maturity at a young age, preparing me to navigate the challenges with confidence and resilience. Moreover, it equipped me with a robust professional network that continues to support my personal and career development. To take the advantage of our professional network, I decided to reach out to our alumni for career guidance and to ask questions. Our alumni directory
and LinkedIn were useful to find alumni, and Heather Strickey, who knows many alumni well, also assisted me in connecting with the network. Through these connections, I was able to reach alumni in multiple industries such as finance, tech, and consulting. I reached out to Michael Jachimowicz '14, Tau Matsau '14, and Bob Yu '19 and received valuable career guidance.
After graduating from KES, I chose to study at Vanderbilt University in the United States due to the greater opportunities available there. I am currently majoring in computer science and plan on going into finance or the automotive industry after graduation. Growing up, I was naturally exposed to the automotive sector, as my father spent his entire career in the industry, sparking my interest in it. Additionally, I am interning at the Vanderbilt University Office of Investments, which manages the school’s endowment. This role has provided me with invaluable insights and conversations with hedge fund managers, increasing my passion for finance. Ultimately, my goal is to leverage these experiences and insights to start my own business.
Climbing New Heights: A Highlander’s Adventure in Tanzania
My name is Caitlin Behan, and last March I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit Tanzania with 23 other students. This trip changed my life. Our team started training together logging up to 25km a week on hikes, doing group cardio and strength workouts - there was so much bonding.
After five long months of training, we arrived in Tanzania and started campsite hopping. Starting in Arusha, in a luxury campsite with all the facilities, we then went immediately to the Serengeti Plains to camp in an area simply clear of grass with no facilities whatsoever. We had a group of amazing guides, cooks, and drivers who went to every length to ensure we were comfortable. We always had the option to shower at camp, although it wasn’t the type of showers we
were used to. It was simply a system of falling water, but it got the job done. We always had bathrooms, and cooks to prepare fresh meals every day. To me it still felt like luxury. We slept in the Serengeti with the lions and then set off to our service project in Lake Natron. There we slept in a more established campsite, as it was a village. We woke up early every morning to beat the heat and work on our project, building a classroom for the local school. This project was amazing. I noticed that the team that was selected was a group of students who didn’t know one another, except for the few who were quick friends since the start of school in September, making it even more of a challenge in terms of leaving one’s comfort zone and making friends. Nevertheless, everyone on this team worked together seamlessly, and got the service done in four days. On our last day of work, we had all the students and teachers help carry cinder blocks or mix cement, which they really enjoyed. After saying
Caitlin+Her Dad,Trevor
goodbye to our new friends with a heavy heart, we set off to a hotel in Arusha, to prepare for Kilimanjaro.
I am honestly at a loss of how to explain Kilimanjaro. Simply put, you had to be there. It is like no other hike, no other expedition, no other experience I have ever had in my 17 years. Kilimanjaro has a handful of titles: the Roof of Africa, the world’s highest freestanding mountain, and one of the world’s largest volcanoes. It stands at 5895m, compared to Everest at 8849m. It took our team six days to ascend and descend the mountain, six very long days of hiking five-to- ten kms a day, climbing an average elevation of one km a day. We were so tired every night. Altitude sickness was common, and it varied by person, some just having headaches and mild coughs, others unable to keep food down or sleep. For me, the altitude was the most difficult part of the ascent.
The summit night was incredible. We woke up at 11:00 pm (yes, at night) to eat some breakfast, and then quickly set off from base camp to the summit at 12:00 am. It was like a chain of zombies, the zombies being us, walking straight up this peak, in the dark with the only light being our headlights, running on four hours of sleep. It was intense. At this point, if you didn’t make it to the summit, it was because of a medical emergency. The guides heavily encouraged everyone to push themselves to the very end. It was a strenuous eight hours until we reached the Stella Point, the point before Uhuru Peak, the very summit of the volcano.
My dad was on the trip as a chaperone. It was my idea to invite him along, and I couldn’t have done it without him. I was much more comfortable the whole trip knowing he was there. My dad struggled with the summit night, as did everyone, and if appeared he wouldn’t be able to summit. He was going to stop at the point an hour before the summit, because his lungs
were causing him so much pain. His blood oxygen level was at 70, a critically low level that would be a code blue in a hospital! I wanted to stay with him, because a part of me was scared, but also a part of me believed I couldn’t go on either. But he wouldn’t let me stop there. He wanted me to summit even if he couldn’t. I kept going, and it wasn’t easy. But I knew I couldn’t stop because I wouldn’t be able to live with the guilt of not summiting that night. At 8:33 am, I reached the summit. To my absolute surprise and joy, my father arrived minutes later. I cried so much because I had no words. I just couldn’t believe we had done it. The many hours of training back at home and mental challenges that were overcome were all worth it.
We descended immediately as staying at the summit for too long is dangerous because there is 50% less oxygen than at sea level. We flew home the day after the descent brimming with many memories of our time in Tanzania.
2023 -2024
Reverend E.E. Hill (Faculty 1993-1998) Everett is survived by son, Christopher (Yvonne), Dartmouth and children, Rebecca (Ryan); Isaac (Ashley); daughter, Janice (Jim) Roby, Lower Sackville and children, Matthew (Jessica), Ryan (Tamara); son, Stephen, Windsor and children, Caitlan, Amanda, Brittany; and nine greatgrandchildren. He was predeceased by wives, Irene (Gray); Maxine (Conrad) and Elizabeth Muise (Bishop); brothers, Harry and David; sister, Heather (James) Hershey.
Janet Gray (Edgehill 19541955) Born in Halifax on May 31, 1937, Janet passed away peacefully on Sunday evening of August 28th at May Court Hospice Ottawa South. For those who knew her well, she was a beautiful person in so many ways. She liked to be among people she knew, she liked to tell stories of past events with a sharp mind for details. She is survived by her husband David; daughter Carolyn Boivin (Bill) and son Dylan Gray. Loving grandmother of Kevin Boivin (Jenna), Marie Hill (Graham) and Renee Vokey (Mark); great-grandmother of Landon, Brie, Mackenzie, Finley, Oliver, Blake and Cohen.
Thomas “Tommy” Stephen (KCS 1971-1974) It is with profound sadness that we announce Tommy’s sudden passing on February 20, 2023, due to cardiac arrest. Tommy was a fighter who battled everything from childhood illness to rowdy bikers, record executives to cancer, and never backed down from a fight he believed was justified, and he usually won… eventually. Tommy was best known, by most, for his time in The Jeff Healey Band, as both the band’s drummer and manager. Tom is survived by his mother Rosalie, brother “Little” Wally (1971-1976) (Mary-Alice), nephews Jordan (Chelsea), and Zach, great-nieces Julia and Vida, and great-nephew “Little” Tommy, along with many other close friends and family members.
Gary Gidney (Faculty 1976-1979) age 75, of Darlings Lake, passed away in Yarmouth Regional Hospital on July 16, 2023. He was a son of the late, Don and Martha (Sweeney) Gidney. Gary is survived by his loving partner, of over 30 years, Sue Theriault; stepdaughter, Janine (Jhon Southworth) Theriault; granddaughter, Rita Southworth; sisters, Louise Gavel; and Donna (Bob) Beatty; brother, Doug (Sandy) Gidney, all of Weymouth, and many nieces and nephews.
Karmen Brison (KCS 19751977) was born on February 22, 1961, his parents, Ruth & Wesley Brison, and his older sister Karen Redden celebrated Karmen Wesley Brison’s birth. Karmen is survived by his children Caitlin (Stacy Lamrock) and Tyler (2005-2006) Brison, his wife of 11 years, stepson David (Terri-Lynn Seaboyer), and grandchildren Abigail, Sophia and Gwendolyn.
Alan G. Deveau (KCS 19761977) Born January 10, 1959 to Cliff and Anita Deveau of Hebron. Younger brother to Gail and David. Alan was entertaining, funny, and witty! You couldn’t sit with Alan at the beach without laughter erupting. Trips with him would have you stopping at antique stores and down back roads with him orchestrating every adventure off the cuff. Alan was the kind of person who you never wanted to say no to. His antics and character were movie material. He passed away July 26, 2023.
Harry James “Kim” Stainsby (KCS 1957-1959) Mourning his loss are wife Esther, daughters Nadina (Damien Sutherland) Stainsby; Treena (Todd) Huxley (nee Stainsby); grandchildren Oskar and Armathea Huxley; brothers Ken (Theresa) Stainsby; Brian (Arden) Stainsby; Hugh (Gail) Stainsby; sisters Susan Shantz and Dorothy Onischuk; sisters-in-law Louise (David) Amlund, Diana (Roy) Woolliams and Myrna Clark. He is also survived by numerous nieces and nephews and many friends.
Elizabeth “Betty” Zedren (Edgehill 19521955) of Sarasota, Florida passed away Saturday Sept 16 2023. She was predeceased by her husband Gerry Zedren in March 2017.
Guy Arthur Edouard deBurgh Payne (KES Faculty 1967-2011) Born on February 17, 1943, he passed away peacefully on Friday, December 1, 2023, in Dykeland Lodge, Windsor, after surviving 15 years with Parkinson’s disease. Guy was born in Montreal to the late John and Jean (Surveyer) Payne and spent much of his childhood between Winnipeg and Montreal. He played both hockey and football growing up and was the captain of the Bishop’s University hockey team and quarterback for their football team. He gained a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and a Master’s in Education and spent his working career as a teacher and coach at King’s Edgehill School. He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Elizabeth “Betsy” Payne; children, Jason Payne (1984-1991) (Danette Kunkel-Payne), Melissa Payne (19931999) (Richard Brown), Meg (Ted) Bertrand (1993-1999) and Jill Payne (1996-2002); grandchildren, Nick Payne, Kaleigh Payne, Lena Payne, Luke Brown, Eric Bertrand, Evan Bertrand and Loë Payne; sister, Barbara Minorgan; nieces, Tiffany Minorgan and Kristin Minorgan-Pinto and their families.
Mary Elizabeth Harvey (Edgehill 1951-1955) Of Windsor Forks, passed away November 25, 2023, at home. Born June 4, 1936 in Windsor, she was a daughter of the late James and Evelyn (Eldridge) O’Brien. Mary was a graduate of Edgehill School for Girls and furthered her studies at Kay Anslow Business School. Mary was employed at Payzant Memorial Hospital and Hants Community Hospital in Medical Records, Admissions and performed secretarial duties for several doctors. She proudly operated Elmhurst Stock Farm all her life, first with her father, then with her husband, and last with her daughter, sonin-law and grandchildren. She is survived by her daughter, Sarah (Garry) Hart and grandchildren, Raymond and Rachael all of Windsor Forks; sister, Patricia (Robert Murray),
Truro; brothers-in-law, Howard (Beverley) Harvey, Newport and Rod (Linda) Harvey, Newport; sister-in-law, Irene Harvey, Newport; special nephews and nieces, Jim (Mary Ellen) Stewart, Halifax; Tim (Anne) Stewart, Toronto; John (Iryna) Murray, Masstown; Will (Cathy) Mounce, Newport; Nancy Reid, Pugwash; Genevieve (Tim) Rissesco, Dartmouth; Carolyn (Ron) Crawford, Newport; Leslie (Richie) Hamilton, Halifax; Melissa Harvey, Halifax.
Marjorie "Mardy" Graham (Stairs) MacNeil (Edgehill 1942-1943) - age 98. With much sadness, we announce the passing of Mardy MacNeil on November 29, 2023, a compassionate, caring and loving mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and true friend. Mardy is survived by her sons: David, Graham (Carolyn) and beloved grandchildren, Nicole (Bruce) Collings, and Steven (Maggie) as well as nieces and nephews across Canada and in the United States. On November 15th, 2023 her great-grandchild, Lake William Collings, celebrated his first birthday one day before Mardy happily celebrated her 98th birthday.
Peter Hardress Lavallin Puxley (KCS 19551959) was born August 25, 1942, and died December 7, 2023, in Sherwood Park, AB. He was born in India to the late Mary R. Puxley and Canon H.L. Puxley. Peter is survived by his soulmate, Lois Sweet, and their three wonderful children, Chinta Puxley (Matt Gibbs), Luke Puxley (Alison Myers) and Kate Puxley (Davide Bazzali) and their five amazing grandchildren. He is mourned by an extended family including his sister, Molly Titus; brother, David Puxley (KCS 1959-1962), brother-inlaw, Frederick Sweet and sister-in-law, Jane Oakley Sweet, as well as nephews, nieces and cousins. Peter studied economics and geography at Dalhousie University, Clark University, Worchester MA, and, as a Rhodes scholar, at Oxford. Graduate studies in Town Planning took him to the U of T where he met Lois, the love of his life. From there, they embarked on a peripatetic 55 years together, living in the NWT, Edmonton, Toronto, Ottawa, Almonte and Nova Scotia.
Noah Francis Dubuss (KES 1999-2005) 36, of Bayonne, passed away on December 26, 2023. Noah was born in Summit, New Jersey to Robert F. Dubuss and Ingrid Jahn. He was a graduate of King’s-Edgehill School, a boarding school in Windsor, Nova Scotia and went on
to earn his BS in Economics from Monmouth University. Noah was predeceased by his father. He is survived by his mother, his stepmother Minerva Dubuss of Howell, and siblings Mary Kate Kim (1997-2000) and husband Minki of West Orange, Fiona Stauffer (19972001) and husband Don of Penfield NY, and Seamus (2000-2007) and wife Lara of Jersey City. In addition, he is survived by five nieces and nephews and half-siblings Robert F. Jr, Norma Walling, Catherine Bondick, and Cindy Joyce; uncle and aunt Frank and Bernadette and aunt Christine Jahn.
Mary Roddis (Nee Primrose) (Former KES School Doctor 1991-1996) Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Mary trained as a medical doctor at Aberdeen University and then worked in Dumfries Hospital. (Well loved by her patients, she was known as “Dr Mary” throughout her career). Always decisive, she met Hugh Roddis in 1971, got engaged in two days, and married in two months. She is mourned by her four children, Kathryn (1985-1988) Hull (Michael), David (1988-1992), Fiona (1992-1996), Ian (1992-1997) (Emily), and by her grandchildren, Benjamin (2017-2023), Adam, Ryan, Grace (2020-Present) and Lauren. In Scotland, she is mourned by her older brother and lifelong friend, John Primrose (Sandra) and her nieces & nephews and their families. She was predeceased by her parents, Sinclair & Marjorie Primrose, and her older sister, Shirley Sutherland. In New Zealand, she is mourned by her nieces and their families. In Victoria, BC, she is mourned by Dr Linda Thomson, née Roddis (Alan), their children and families. Linda was not only Mary’s sister-in-law, but she was also her medical school classmate, roommate, and lifelong friend. Mary was predeceased by her older brother Alfred Primrose and her nephew.
Pauline Elizabeth How (nee Hart) (Former Staff 19581963) was born in Welling, Kent, England in 1933. She was the eldest daughter of Jessie (Jeeves) and Bertram Hart and the wife of Jim How. After having studied at Dartford College, she then taught in Shoeburyness before arriving in Nova Scotia in 1959 to teach Physical Education at Edgehill School for Girls (now Kings-Edgehill) in Windsor. It was there she met her husband, Jim of 59 years. Survived by her sister, Jean Rosemary Hart, Oxfordshire, England; son, Alyn How (Cathy-
Lynn) Belleisle; daughters, Susan Beattie (Dwayne), Ottawa; and Amy How, England; four grandchildren, Lauren Lewis (Chris), Diana Lewis, Emma Beattie (Julianna), Alexander Beattie and great-granddaughter, Alina.
Kerry Edmund Bourke (KCS 1951-1954) Age 86, of Halifax, died peacefully on February 20, 2024 at Parkstone Enhanced Care. Kerry was the third of four children of Robert G. and Charlotte A. Bourke of Dublin, Ireland. He attended King’s College School at the latter, serving as Head Boy and Cadet C.O. of #254 Cadet Corps in his final year there. He graduated from Dalhousie and served in the Canadian Officer’s Training Corps, becoming an Officer in the R.C.A. Chaplain Corps. Kerry graduated from the University of King's College where he was the Senior Student in 1959, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1961. Kerry was predeceased by his parents and his wife, Natalie. He is survived by children, Kevin (Pam Sanford), Stephen (KES 1978-81), Sarah (Ronnie) Holesworth and Andrew (Carolyn); grandchildren; Tierney Hayward, Kristen Jain, Connor, Charlotte, Declan and Kieran Bourke; and great-grandchildren, Ria and Aiden Jain. Kerry is also survived by brothers, Brian of Burnaby BC, Desmond of Calgary AB and younger sister, Moira of Ottawa, ON.
Paul David Holland (KCS 1959-1960) Age 79, of Garlands Crossing, passed away Saturday, February 24, 2024 in Hants Community Hospital, Windsor. Born on November 25, 1944 in Halifax, he was the son of the late Melvin and M. “Evelyn” (Grandy) Holland. He is survived by his wife of 55 years, F. Mildred (Pye); daughters, Naomi Fraser and Sara (Ryan) van Beers; special grandchildren, Cailin, Keith and Carys Fraser. He is also survived by special relatives, Vera and John Rozee, Charles Pye, Susan Pye and Jerry Radziuk.
Olive Hansen (nee Cleveland) (Edgehill 19511954) A proud Nova Scotian and nurse. She was born in Western Shore, Nova Scotia on May 31, 1936, Olive passed away in Ottawa, Ontario on January 21, 2024. She was predeceased by the father of her children, Herman Hansen, her daughter Kirsten Sarah Hansen and her long-time partner Ralph Smith. She will be remembered
by her daughter Maren, son Edwin (Lindsey Best) and grandchildren Cedric, Catherine, Laurel and Benjamin.
Barbara Crowell (former staff) age 60, passed away peacefully, surrounded by family on February 18, 2024. She is survived by her mother Audrey Crowell (Mosher), of Bishopville; brothers Mike (Allsion) Crowell, of Rothesay, NB, and Steve Crowell, of Bishopville; son Christopher (Rachel) Sherman, of Edmonton, and daughter Jennifer (Gary) Croney, of Ellershouse, NS; and 11 loving grandchildren and 1 great grandchild.
Joan (Cunningham) Gillis (Edgehill 19511952), 89, passed away peacefully on March 8, 2024 in Halifax. Daughter of the late Reverend Victor Ward and Selena (Read) Cunningham, Joan was born in Ship Harbour, on February 27, 1935. The family moved around the province, living in Petit Rivière, West LaHave, Blue Rocks, and Hubbards, where Joan had especially fond memories as a young girl. Joan is survived by four children: Tim (Sara) Gillis, of Halifax; Anne Gillis, of Sydney, Australia; Margot (Jim) Hossley, of Coos Bay, Oregon; and Jennifer (Mark) Wazny, of Ontario; and grandchildren Kristina, Alessandra, Nick, Marek and Noah. Joan was predeceased by her husband Gordon in 2011; first-born son Paul in 1971; and brothers Harold, Jack, Bernard, and Conrad.
William “Terry” Terrance Doherty (KCS 1949-1952) passed away in the early morning hours of March 6, 2024 in his 87th year. Terry was a loving father to Cindy (Steve Heeds) and Sean, grandfather to Christopher (Terri Lowe) and great-grandfather to Piper. Terry’s mantra was “It’s nice to be important but more important to be nice.”
John Geoffrey Cooper (KCS 1957-1960) 1943-2024 It is with deep sadness that we announce the unexpected passing of our beloved husband, father, and grandfather, John Geoffrey Cooper, on March 22, 2024, following complications from a stroke. He will be missed for his warmth and kindness, and his great ability to put people at ease. Born in Ottawa on August 15, 1943, John spent most of his life in Halifax where he attended Le Marchant Street Elementary and Cornwallis Junior High Schools. John’s high school years were spent at King’s-Edgehill School. He loved
his time at KES and continued his affiliation with the School for many years, serving as Chairman of the Board from 1997 to 2003.
John is survived by his loving wife of 55 years, Marjorie (née Baxter); his daughters, Stephanie Blucher (Jeff), Halifax; Allison Lones (Ben), Ottawa; Janet Kramschuster (Luke), California; and his adored grandchildren, Jack and Sophie Blucher, Matthew and John Lones, and Maggie and Henry Kramschuster. He is also survived by his brothers, Dr. George Cooper (KCS 1955-1958), (Tia); Stephen Cooper (Karen); and several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents, Justice A. Gordon Cooper (KCS 1923-1925) and Helen (Hendery) Cooper. For his family, he was the rudder that kept the ship on an even keel with his calm demeanour, his humour, and his genuine kindness.
Cameron John Richardson (KES 1999-2001) Cameron was born on September 11, 1981 in St. John’s, Newfoundland. He is survived by his wife Natasha, two children Zoie (age 10) and Henry (age 7), his parents Frank and Wendy Richardson, sister Devon Richardson as well as aunts, uncles and cousins. Cameron’s greatest joys in life were his children and his time spent with family at the Cottage. His world revolved around the wants and needs of his children. He devoted his entire life to them, managing their sports, schooling, and other activities. At the time of his death, Cameron was a valued employee at Quality Concrete in Halifax. It was his dream come true to be driving a truck every day.
Annabelle Taylor (Edgehill 1951-1953) The youngest of 5 children born to the late Colin and Florence (King) Taylor between 1928 and 1935. After achieving senior matriculation at Edgehill School and Windsor Academy, Annabelle attended Acadia University (grad 1957, both Science and Secretarial Science) and the University of Toronto (1964, Library Science). She had a long career as a research librarian with the National Research Council in London, Ottawa, and Halifax. In addition to her parents, Annabelle was predeceased by her brothers, Ronald, Conrad (KCS 1939-1944) (Lois) and Richard “Dick” (KCS 1951-1952); nephew, Gerald Erskine and niece, Susan Taylor. Of her generation she is survived only by her sister, Florence Erskine (Edgehill 1951-1952) and sister-in-law, Ruth (Creighton) Taylor (Edgehill
1951-1953). Missing her enormously are nieces, Janet (Taylor) Gagnier, Nancy (Taylor) Delahunt and Jane Erskine; nephews, Colin (KES 19711978), Stephen (KES 1972-1978) and Blair Taylor (KES 1975-1979), Neil and Joe Erskine. She is also survived by 19 great nieces and nephews who were lucky enough to know her; younger ones will learn from them.
F. Thomas “Tom” Stanfield (KCS Alumni & Former Board Member) Age 81, passed away peacefully surrounded by his loving family on July 23, 2024, in Truro. Tom was born on July 16, 1943, in Truro, to the late Frank T. Stanfield and Emma Elizabeth (Matheson) Stanfield. Tom is survived by his loving wife of 60 years, Beth (Fleming) Stanfield; as well as children, Jennifer Stanfield, Jill (Andrew) Sears, Jon (Sue) Stanfield; grandchildren, Emma Stanfield, Rachel and Rowan Sears, Gabrielle and Jaxon Stanfield. He is also survived by special in-laws, Barb and Frank Chisholm; nieces and nephews, Suzanne Zohorsky, Allison, Amy and Andrew Chisholm, and Meghan, Ian, and Brian Covert. Besides his parents, he was predeceased by his sisters, Francis Robertson and Patricia Covert; brother, Paul Stanfield; nephew, Paul Robertson. Tom attended King's Collegiate School in Windsor. He received his undergraduate degree in 1964 from Dalhousie University in Halifax. His education journey then led him to Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, where he received his MBA in 1966. Tom is the namesake and generous benefactor of the Stanfield Dining Hall on the KES campus.
Irene Dorothy Nelson (Edgehill 1945-1949) 93, died peacefully on August 3, 2024 at Harbourview Continuing Care Home, Sheet Harbour, NS. Born in Tangier on December 21, 1930, she was the second child and only daughter of Marjorie Olive Nelson (Mason) and the Rev. Ernest Nelson, rector of Holy Trinity Parish. She had a happy disposition and was always ready to share a funny story. Irene was predeceased by her parents, her brothers, Gerald E. Nelson and Sherman C. Mason and her stepfather, Clyde Mason. She is survived by five nieces, Dawn Skene (Dave), Elizabeth Court (Steve), Anne McLeod (Dave), Anne-Marie Lace-Barnes (Byron), Laura Dole, two nephews, Dwayne Mason and Ian (Tara) Mason, sister-in-law, Ethel Nelson, and cousins
Sue Dyer (Jim), Peter Nelson (Theresa), Joy Fix, and Joan Creed.
Barbara Jean (Dill) McKay (School Nurse 1965-1967) of Windsor, on Wednesday, July 31, 2024 in Windsor Elms Village, Falmouth. Born October 30, 1928, she was the last surviving daughter of the late Joe and Annie (Hayes) Dill. She is survived by children, Debi McKay, Lynda (Grant) Veinot (Edgehill 1966-1967), Pam McKay (John Edgecombe) and Grant (Holly) McKay; as well as 17 grandchildren and 24 greatgrandchildren. Besides her parents, she was predeceased by husband, James McKay; son, Jimmy McKay and daughter, Wendy McKayWhite.
Mark Joylon Blanchard (KES 1982-1986)
Mark died suddenly of a heart attack in his sleep at home in Wolfville, NS. Born in Cambridge, UK, Mark (or Jol, as he was known as a child) immigrated to Sept Iles, QC at four months of age. Naomi, Mark and Fleur lived in Montreal, St. John’s, Ottawa, and Halifax, before finally settling down in Windsor, NS. Mark attended King’s-Edgehill School, participating in youth parliament. He studied political science at Acadia University where he loved to debate and write for The Athenaeum. His inherent curiosity, ingenuity, drive and sense of adventure coupled with a knack for storytelling and desire for truth led him to a varied, successful, and award-winning career in print and broadcast news. Husband of Carrie Forrester and dad to Alex and Emma, Wolfville; son of Naomi Blanchard, Granville Ferry/Grand Pre; brother to Fleur Blanchard (1985-1990) (Dean Tsaltas), Halifax; stepbrother to Eric Newbould (Angele LeLievre) and Andrew Newbould (Carrie Hildebrand), Halifax/Dartmouth; son-in-law to Jim Forrester (Janet Hood), Toronto; brother-in-law to Robert Bristol, Georgetown ON; and uncle to Forrester Bristol, Sophie and Lia Tsaltas, Luke and Liam Fisher, and Cooper Newbould; and nephew to Chris Weedon, UK. Mark was predeceased by step-father Peter Newbould, aunt Rosie (Ken Lefebvre), sister-in-law Suzanne Bristol, and mother-in-law Lynda Forrester.
We extend our sympathies to:
Samuel DOCKRILL (2010-2011) on the death of his father Michael Dockrill on July 19, 2023.
Chris ORMSTON (2010-2013) on the death of his father Richard Ormston on August 16, 2023.
Brian Babb (KCS 1966-1969) on the passing of his ex-wife Susan Babb September 3, 2023.
Dianne M. SOBEY (Edgehill 53-54) Tanya CURLEY (85-90), Marsha (Barker) SOBEY (76-77) Ann T. SOBEY (76-78), Kaitlyn SOBEY (96-99) Liam SOBEY (00-03), Lindsay SOBEY (94-00), Jana SOBEY (91-94), Christopher R. SOBEY (90-91) on the death of their family members David Frank Sobey who passed away September 18, 2023 and Faye Barbara Sobey who passed away on October 28, 2023.
Zach KLASSEN (2011-2017) on the death of his father John “Jack” Whitman Klassen on September 19, 2023.
Isaac (KES 2020-Present) & Abby (KES 2021-Present) WOODWORTH on the passing of their Grandmother Mary “Mona” Woodworth on October 31, 2023, and their aunt Mary Pauletta Jean (Paulie) Woodworth on June 4, 2024.
John TRAVES (KES 1977-79) on the death of his mother-in-law, as well as Ross (KES 2012-2015) and Katherine TRAVES (KES 2014-2017) on the death of their grandmother Katherine Campbell on December 31, 2023 .
Harlo YOUNG (KES class of 28) on the death of her great grandfather Roscoe Albert Schofield who passed away on January 2, 2024 .
Joanne GREENSLADE (Staff 2015-Present) on the death of beloved husband Terrence Roy Montague on January 28, 2024.
Alex WESTPHAL (2007-2010) on the death of his mother Susan Westphal in February 2022.
Jared (KES 2007-2011), Nathaniel (KES 20102014) and Tristan (KES 2013-2017) KIMBALL on the passing of their grandmother Mary “Alice” Kimball on February 2, 2024 at the age of 95.
Nathalie HARDY (Faculty 2019-Present) on the passing of her mother, and her daughters Sarah (KES 2018-2022) and Elizabeth (KES 2019-2024) on the passing of their grandmother Denyse Drouin on February 29, 2024.
Malcolm FRASER (KES 1984-1986) on the passing of his father, J. Gregor Fraser at the age of 90, on March 3, 2024.
Sean COUTINHO (KES 2006-2009) on the passing of his grandmother, and Louis COUTINHO
(KES Board 2019-2023) on the passing of his mother, Ezilda Maria Coutinho on March 30, 2024.
Mary Kate Dubuss (KES 1997-2000) on the passing of her husband of 17 years, Minki Kim As well as Fiona Stauffer (KES 1997-2001) and Seamus Dubuss (KES 2000-2007) on the passing of their brother-in-law on April 3, 2024.
June SAUNDERS (1980-1982), Heather EISENHAUER (1964-1967) and John SAUNDERS Jr. (1966-1969) on the passing of their mother Esther Frances “Joy” Saunders at the age of 105 on April 15, 2024.
Marshall DAVIDSON (Staff 1999-2023) on the passing of his wife, and Tyler (KES 2000-2003) and Chelsea DAVIDSON (KES 2005-2008) on the passing of their mother, Nancy “Dolly” Darlene Norton-Davidson on April 18, 2024.
Carlisle NORWOOD (KES 2003-2009) on the passing of his Grandfather Richard Joesph “Joe” Stackhouse on April 24, 2024.
Sarah BERRIGAN (KES 1996-1999) on the passing of her mother-in-law, Shirley E. Berrigan on May 15, 2024.
Laura (KES 2018-2020) & Kelly (KES 2021-2022) MACKINNON on the passing of their father David MacKinnon on June 13, 2024.
James P. “Jim” DAVIS (KCS 1962-1965) on the passing of his brother, Alexander STEPANIAK (KES 2020-2023) on the passing of his grandfather, Victoria MURRAY (KES 1991-2001) Catherine RENOUF (KES 1992-1995) Natalie ROSS (KES 2000-2002), Laura MACKAY (KES 1993-1996), and Craig DAVIS (KES 2007-2011) on the passing of their uncle, as well as Sarah (KES 2013-2019) and Liam (KES 2009-2015) LYNCH on the passing of their uncle Frank Roy Davis who passed away on June 19, 2024.
Aria MACDONALD (KES 2019-2021) on the passing of her grandfather Michael MacDonald on July 2, 2024.
Cameron MACLEAN (KES 2001-2003) and Lawson MACLEAN (KES 2012-2015) on the passing of their mother Julie Ann Fulton on July 17, 2024.
Michael MOSHER (KCS 1956-1960) on the death of his wife, and Bronwen MOSHER (KES 19951996) on the death of her mother Pat Mosher on July 19, 2024