1refutation of ilm ma cana va yacun copy1

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Page | 11 The Argumentations and arguments stated by the Author Of -bna Al Mustafaconsists of the following preliminaries. 1]TABYA:N/ TABIAN ,TAFSIL and ADAM TAFRIT are the ATTRIBUTES OF QURAAN. 2] These Attributes are connected and are related to each and every Existing Thing/Existent. 3] The Bestowed Knowledge circumferenceth each one of the stated Attribute Of QURAAN Stated Above‌ 4]This IMPLIETH THAT the Bestowed Knowledge [Of Holy Essence (DHAAT) Of Holy Prophet S.A.V.S] each and every thing to which these Attributes are connected, related and Pertain to.5]This implieth that the Bestowed Knowledge circumferenceth the Heavenly Conserved [MAHFUUZ]Tablet and the informations written on the Tablet[ or recorded in the memory of the Tablet.] Since they are existing things. 5] This Implieth that the Bestowed Knowledge circumferenceth {ENCLOSETH/COMPREHENDETH} all the things which were created in the Past ,Which are created in Present and which shall be created in future from the beginning of the Cosmos to the very end of the Cosmos, each and every event which has occurred in the Past, which is occurring in Present and which Shall occur in future from the very Beginning of the Universe/Multiverse to the very end of the Universe/Multiverse/Cosmos. [A COLLECTION OF TWO OR MORE UNIVERSES MAY BE CALLED AS A MULTIVERSE. NOT NECESSARY THE ONLY DEFFINATION] Since All Of them are written On the Tablet [Recorded on in the memory of the table] 6]This implieth that the created essence which does posses this Bestowed Knowledge does know all these things and events stated above from the very beginning of the universe [Multiverse] to the very end of it This is a bounded omniscience. 7]The author used the following verses to shew all these thing are written on the Tablet. 1] AL- AN AAM: 59 2]AL-QAMAR: 51 3]YA SIIN: 12 8] Using these preliminaries the said author attempted to negate the verses AN NISA 164 and ATTAUBAH [BARA T] 101.

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