Booklet 2014

Page 14

RESEARCH GROUP Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) BACKGROUNDS  There are still many incidents of degenerative and infectious diseases in Indonesia.  Most of the APIs in Indonesia are still imported, while the abundant renewable sources of the APIs in Indonesia are not fully utilized yet. AIMS Discover and develop APIs from plants, microorganisms, and marine organisms for degenerative and infectious diseases. FUNCTION As a pot for competence and synergy building between LIPI researchers in the field of drug discovery and development. GOALS Discover antibacterial, anticancer, antidiabetics, antidengue, antihypercholesterolemic, and antimalarial APIs. MAIN RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 1) Subgroup Natural APIs for Degenerative Diseases a) Clinical test of sukun extract as phytopharmacy for antidiabetics and hypercholesterolemia b) Discovery of marine antidiabetics c) Development of Macaranga spp. as antihypercholesterolemics. d) Formulation of herbal antidiabetics 2) Subgroup Synthetic APIs for Degenerative Diseases a) Synthesis of derivatives of butyrolactone from Aspergillus terreus for antidiabetics b) Synthesis of dimers of phenol derivative for antidiabetics 3) Subgroup Natural APIs for Infectious Diseases a) Natural antimalarial drug development b) Standardized herbal antidengue drug development c) Development of marine endophytic chemicals as anticancer d) Development of marine antibacterials e) Development of natural anticancer 4) Subgroup Synthetic APIs for Infectious Diseases a) Discovery of andrographolide derivatives as antimalarials b) Discovery of artemisinin derivatives as antimalarials POTENTIAL USERS  Domestic pharmaceutical and herbal industries  Ministry of Health of the RI  Indonesian society


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