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Family Ties



A Answer the questions using the information in the reading selection. 1 What are the cornerstones for building a strong family life? .……...................... .……….....………....……….....………....………..............…….................... 2 Why do family problems occur? .…….......................................................... .……….....………....……….....………....………..............…….................... 3 Which family members are not given the respect they deserve? ........................ .……….....………....……….....………....………..............…….................... 4 What are the causes of a good relationship? ................................................. .……….....………....……….....………....………..............…….................... 5 What are the roles of different members of the family? ................................... .……….....………....……….....………....………..............……....................

B Circle the suffix in the bolded words, then guess their meaning.

1 Within a family, each member has responsibilities and duties that are usually assigned according to culture, age and gender. • risks • faxes • masks • tasks

2 Relationship is perhaps the most difficult of the “3Rs.”because it requires time,

energy, personal involvement and above all, lots of love • classfication • preparation • participation • clarification

3 We can conclude that respecting family members, shouldering family

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responsibilities and taking family Relationships seriously result in happy families • putting. • leaving • carrying • telling

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