Kids on the Coast Magazine - Gold Coast - Issue 83. Nov/Dec 2019

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In the lead up to the new school year, separation anxiety is a common concern. Edge Early Learning takes us inside a child’s day, and shares tips on what you can do to help. Dear Mummy, I know I cry at kindy drop off, and seem really frightened about being separated from you. I’m scared, excited and a hundred other words that I don’t even know yet. I have weird butterflies in my tummy that make me feel strange. But, please don’t be sad! As soon as you are gone, and Miss Ellie gives me a big hug, I feel safe and ready to explore. I start the day with my friends, we chat to each other whilst making the BIGGEST sandcastle. Mummy, you’d be so proud! Sometimes I get frustrated when the other kids take my spade, but Miss Ellie helps us to work it out together so we can all share. After morning tea, it’s time for art activities. We explore the garden for things to make collages. We paint pictures, we get messy. We stick, we colour, we create. I don’t know where the time goes, because all too quickly it’s lunchtime – yum! You’ll be amazed at the foods I try at kindy, we have something different every day! There’s curry, tacos, vegetarian pasta, the yummiest wraps. You’d love it, I know

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N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2019

how much you like going out to places where other people cook food and bring it to you. Rest time comes and I’m exhausted. Though I’m not sleeping in my own bed, the kindy bed feels safe and snuggly, and Miss Ellie is always there to give us a pat or a cuddle. They aren’t as good as your sleepytime hugs, but they still feel nice. The afternoon goes by in a blur, but they are always fun. Miss Ellie has a different activity every day. We play alphabet and number games. The teachers use the words ‘learning intentions’ and ‘learning outcomes’ when talking to each other. I think that is grown-up speak for having LOTS of fun in lots of different ways. So, Mummy… I know you only see me crying, and you worry about me all day. But the butterflies go away and I have the BEST day at kindy – learning, making friends, and beginning to find my place in the world. And, my favourite bit? Your great big hug at the end of the day. Love from, Ollie x

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K I D S O N T H E C O A S T.C O M . A U • K I D S I N T H E C I T Y.C O M . A U

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