men + GODS
Waiben (Thursday Island) looking south-east to Ngurupai (Horn Island) and Murulag (Prince of Wales Island)
the gods contemplate their next move ‌ II 2012, featured in men + GODS, differs
Photographer: Kerry Trapnell
theme, and even a title, through several incarnations.
significantly from the 2011 work, but follows Robinson’s tradition of reworking a
men + GODS is a powerful exhibition, challenging perceived notions and aesthetics of Indigenous Australian art. Robinson, with the benefit of both the artistic and curatorial eye, has conceived and developed a cohesive body of work. The artist collaborated with printmakers Dian Darmansjah, Carolyn Craig and, most particularly, Elizabeth Hunter in the development of the fine art prints, and worked in close association with KickArts Curator Kylie Burke to realise the final exhibition. This publication seeks not only to support the exhibition, but also to document Robinson’s career to date, to illustrate the steps the artist has taken to arrive at this extraordinary body of work. As the artist approaches his 40th year this is a timely distillation of a considered and gifted career. men + GODS provides reference points for an audience of all cultural backgrounds to contemplate both our individual place in the cosmos and the position, treatment and contribution of minority cultures, such as that of the Torres Strait Islanders, within the greater universality of globalisation.