inspiration Grand Rapids Center for Mindfulness
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The Healing Power of Silence by Robert Rabbin
Free Information Sessions: Week of January 5 & 12, 2015
8-Week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Courses Begin: Week of January 19, 2015
of our heart, where it breaks open to reveal another heart that knows how to meet life with open arms. Silence Free Information Sessions: It was more than grace, an epiphany or a knows that thoughts about life are January 6 & 13, 2015 Course Begins: not life itself. If we touch life through mystical union; it was my soul’s homeJanuary 20, 2015 Silence, life touches us back intimately coming, my heart’s overflowing love, my mind’s eternal peace. In Silence, I experi- and we become one with life itself. enced freedom, clarity and joy as my true Then the mystery, wonder, beauty and sanctity becomes our life. Everything self, felt my core identity and essential but wonderment falls nature as a anger, fear and love with all creation, When I return from away; CALL 616-361-3660 violence disappear as and realized it is within silence I am less than if they never existed. this essence that we Knowing Silence learn to embody healwhen I entered: less is knowing our self ing in our world. harried, fearful, anx- and our world for the This Silence time. We only belongs to us all—it ious and egotistical. first have to be still until is who and what we Whatever the gift of that Silence comes are. Selfless silence from within to ilknows only the present silence is, it is one of forth luminate and embrace moment, this incredlessening, purifying, us, serving as the ible instant of pure life teaching and when time stops and softening. The “I” that teacher, path, redeeming and we breathe the high-alComplete Interior Design Services returns is more loving restoring us in love. titude air we call love. that align your physical space In this truth-filled Let us explore Silence than the “I” who left. moment, we enter our as a way of knowing with the personal expression Self fully and deeply. and being, which we ~ Rabbi Rami Shapiro of who you are. We know our own know, which we are. beauty, power and Silence is within. ~ Feng Shui FIND OUT WHAT magnificence. As the It is within our breath, MINDFULNESS CAN DO FOR YOU! ~ Green Design embodiment of Silence, we are perfeclike music between thoughts, the light ~ Holistic Design tion itself, a treasure that the world in our eyes. It is felt in the high arc of ~ Repurposing of your needs now. Right now the Universe birds, the rhythm of waves, the innoneeds each of us to be our true Self, excence of children, the heart’s deepest existing treasures pressing the healing power of our heart, emotions that have no cause. It is seen in Silence. in small kindnesses, the stillness of Shawn Merkel, ASID nights and peaceful early mornings. It is present when beholding a loved one, As a lifelong mystic, Robert Rabbin is an 616-916-1071 innovative self-awareness teacher and joined in spirit. author of The 5 Principles of Authentic In Silence, we open to life and Living. Connect at life opens to us. It touches the center **************************************************
ne day I disappeared into Silence…
Elevate Your Well-Being & Resonate within Your Space
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