Keshav Garg Architecture Portfolio 2019

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Tiny House Tiny-house is a socio-environment movement that advocates living simply in small homes. The project was to design this concept of simple yet resourceful living as an innovation of maximum usable space in minimum footprint, thus redefining sustainability.

2016 Academic Project Urban Design Studio Pod Housing Individual

Home is a domain that is intimate to all of us. Beyond its everyday function as a physical shelter for people and their activities, it connects with its user on a personal and emotional level. The modern day scenario of environmental and financial concerns along with the desire to have more freedom has led people to follow simpler and efficient ways of living. With the rapid growth of technology and smart living there lies an opportunity for efficient spaces with the feeling of homeliness and personal touch points. Home is not a place... it’s a feeling ! It's not about how big the house is. It's how happy the home is!


Tiny house is a living organism that interacts with its environment. The pod adapts to a variety of environments and fades in the social, cultural, technical and economical conditions of its surroundings and most importantly, it offers a strategy to accommodate change and evolution. Tiny house is designed for the man of the future. A man who needs a place to sleep, to work, to communicate and mostly a place where he can mediate, feel comfortable, relaxed and creative. With roof top solar panels and steel structure the Tiny house is an energy-efficient and a self- sufficient pod. Less house more home !

Technology is integrated in the core of the design of Tiny House with smart features that conforms with the millennial lifestyle. Equipped with modern day artificial intelligence, Tiny House is operated via an iPad, just fix it to the flying station and one can fly anywhere, at anytime to anyplace. A futuristic concept that enables to design your interiors in your own way. Log onto the iPad, navigate to a destination, press the eject button and bam you’d be landed down with the central hover board and the pod will then park itself until you log onto your iPad and call it for pickup. It’s that easy and awesome. Living small, yet Living it All.

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