The Burr | Fall 2011 Issue 1

Page 49


Our experts:

Bryan Staul President of College Democrats STREngThS: The stimulus act, the killing of Osama bin Laden, the Lilly Ledbetter Act and the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. WEAknESSES: Jobs

Greg Allison President of College Republicans STREngThS: Strong fundraising WEAknESSES: Jobs

Our experts say: Staul

STREngThS: Good fundraising WEAknESSES: Gaffes

“She’s expressed a lack of knowledge about the most basic things of government and American history.”


STREngThS: Strong base of supporters WEAknESSES: Alienating mainstreamers

“She might not have brought enough support in the party to win the nomination.”

michele BaChmann Most likelY to Be on dAnCing With the stArs

knoWn For: Being sarah palin 2.0, confusing John Wayne with serial killer John Wayne gacy and being subservient to her husband

fall 2011 issue 1 47

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