Basic practical microbiology

Page 6

BASIC PRACTICAL MICROBIOLOGY: A MANUAL Good microbiological laboratory practice (GMLP) Training in GMLP is aimed at developing proficiency in containing any uncontrolled spread of microbes in order to protect: o practical investigations from becoming contaminated with microbes from external sources o the operators (students, teachers and technicians) from the very small possibility of infection. It is important to arrange the workplace carefully to ensure safe and effective operations. [Factsheet: Good Laboratory Practice for All]

Spillage management Spills

Spillages of cultures must be reported immediately to the teacher or technician to be dealt with quickly. The keeping of a record of all such incidents is recommended. Spilled cultures and surrounding debris (e.g. glass, cotton wool plugs), if any, must not be touched with unprotected hands. Wearing disposable gloves, disinfect the area by covering the spill with several layers of paper towel/cloth soaked in a suitable disinfectant (see “ Commonly available disinfectants and their uses” page 7) and leave for 15-30 minutes. Spill debris should then be swept into a dustpan using paper towels. All disposable material should then be transferred to a suitable container, e.g. an autoclave/roasting bag, for autoclaving and disposal. The dustpan must be decontaminated either by autoclaving or by soaking (at least 24 hours) in Hypochlorite (sodium chlorate I).

Broken glass

Observe an appropriate disposal procedure for broken glass if present. It should be swept carefully into a suitable container, autoclaved and disposed of in a puncture proof container.

Splashes on clothing and the skin

Contaminated clothing should be soaked in disinfectant. Splashes on the skin should be treated as soon as possible; washing with soap and hot water should be sufficient, but if necessary the skin can be disinfected. HINT It is useful to have a spillage kit always at hand ready for use. Suggested components: beaker for making fresh disinfectant, disposable gloves, dustpan and brush, paper towel/cloth, autoclave/roasting bag


© The Society for General Microbiology 2001

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