The Looking Glass Issue #3

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BRIEF BIOGRAPHY Dr. Alice Egerton is a postdoctoral research fellow and lecturer in the neuropsychiatry of psychosis at the IoP. Her work includes studies into glutaminergic and dopaminergic function in high-risk individuals with psychosis, as well as treatment resistant and first-episode psychosis. She also has a young child and has first hand experience of maternity leave and return to work practices at the IoP.

also link to relevant information about King’s policies on parenting issues, together with the recently introduced buddying schemes and return to work fund for new parents. What advice would you give to women just starting out in a career in academia?

I am still quite early in my academic career but a key thing for me has been gaining confidence. Surveys by bodies such as the European Commission have shown that women have higher levels of self-doubt than men, meaning they are less likely apply for grants or promotions or aim to publish in high impact journals, despite equal chances of success (Narasimhan, 2010). The main advice I would give is to not be “Sometimes it is important to push shy of asking for informal guidance, and to yourself outside of your ‘comfort zone’” actively seek out opportunities, rather than waiting to be asked. Sometimes it is important to push yourself outside of your problem faced by mothers ‘comfort zone,’ whilst in other circumWhat challenges do you think women face returning to work after the birth of their stances quiet persistence often pays off. in the workplace and how can they be child, in the form of a quiet room for It can sometimes be difficult to juggle eveovercome? breast-feeding. Can you tell us a bit more rything, with different work commitabout this, and why you were motivated ments, interests outside work and family Although there have been significant adto do it? life. How do you manage to ensure you vances in gender equality, women are still very under-represented in science, tech- I returned to work last November (2012) have a balance? nology and engineering (SET) subjects. The after taking eight months maternity leave This is a difficult one to answer! Finding the transition from doctoral or postdoctoral after my daughter was born. This was acturight balance will of course be different for researcher to lecturer is a major career ally a fantastic time to come back to the everyone, depending on their family, social bottle-neck for both male and female re- IoP – before I went on maternity leave I and work situation. These things also searchers, but a worrying number of wom- felt that there was not a great deal of supchange, so it is important to re-evaluate en scientists quit academia at this stage. port for staff going on maternity leave or from time-to-time. I find keeping these The reasons for this are complex; childcare for being a working parent. However, I different aspects of my life separate also is often a factor, but short-term contracts returned to work just as the IoP initiated helps, for example I do not have work and a lack of self-confidence are also key processes towards their bid for an Athena email synced to my personal mobile phone issues. The under-representation of wom- SWAN award for gender equality and to - so that during family time I am not tempten in senior academic positions in SET me it felt like suddenly all these issues ed to respond or distracted by work. means that there is often a lack of female were being addressed really positively. role models for more junior staff. KCL are Better support for female staff during preg- Do you think women have a responsibildoing a great deal to better support, en- nancy, maternity leave and on return to ity, as they become more senior in their courage and retain female academics, for work was just one of several action points careers, to mentor and support young example in mentoring schemes, flexible identified as being important for pro- female researchers? working policies, and balanced gender rep- moting gender equality. As I had recently I think it is an absolute responsibility for all resentation on interview and promotions been through this process myself, I felt senior academics to support and encourpanels. that this was something I could help. age young researchers, irrespective of genI am fortunate enough to have been very The mothering facility at Denmark Hill is a der. Having women in senior academic well supported in my career - by both fe- room where female staff can go to rest positions is crucially important in to changmale and male mentors. In instances while they are pregnant, and use for ing the culture of an organisation, for exwhere I have needed extra advice or a breastfeeding or expressing milk on return ample in creating a more nurturing, codifferent point of view, I have actively to work or on keeping-in-touch days. The operative and family-friendly workplace. sought this from senior female academics room already existed but it was not very The presence of these inspirational female often outside my university or network. welcoming or easy to access and few peo- leaders means that early career female This has been incredibly helpful in making ple knew about it. We contacted staff who scientists of high potential can view a sucseveral choices along my career so far. I had recently returned from maternity cessful academic career as an attainable would encourage postgraduates not to be leave by email and also held a small focus goal. shy in asking more senior staff about their group to decide on the improvements we References own experiences, or for advice – most peo- could make. The room will now be better Narasimhan K, 2010. Wanted: women in reple are very happy to be asked and to pro- advertised and is currently being decorat- search. Nature Neuroscience Editorial, 13, 267 vide support. ed, furnished and better equipped. Emails from HR and a noticeboard in the room will You came up with a practical solution to a The Looking Glass 20

Dr Alice Egerton

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